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Everything posted by drfumblez

  1. This thread seems to have really devolved since the premise of "Marr and Satele; Imposters?" To some yadda on the Force. I get that it's interesting, but wouldn't be better to stay on topic? On topic, I certainly felt weirded out by them.
  2. As long as it's acknowledged he's an awful person, I guess I can't really deny the wish that he be made an LI. No matter my opinion, others are allowed to voice theirs as well. It's unlikely he'll be one, but that's your disappointment to live with. Have fun!
  3. Look, I don't care much for the Revan fanboys, because Revan is as nearly genocidal as Vitiate. But the centuries of being SITH, acting as a glorified executioner for the Emperor, having a noted knack for interrogation and torture, actively used a woman's feelings for her partner in order to kill her partner, and his first reaction to Revan as a prisoner? Bleed him for information. In the Hero of Tython's time as prisoner, Scourge offered no aid until it was time to escape. When prompted as to why he would help, Scourge remains as selfishly inclined as he had been 300 years prior. Even during the assault on Dromund Kaas, he's too much of a coward to face the Emperor directly, leaving the Knight to bring T7. So overall, he's an awful person, who's more then willing to maliciously manipulate others to further his own goals. Did he help the galaxy to live another year? Yes, but saving the world doesn't suddenly wipe you clean of crimes. I guess there's the foolish belief of, "But my love can -change- him!", yet for the life of me, I cannot see why anyone would bother.
  4. Besides the aforementioned lack of emotions, Scourge is also a really, really bad person. He's probably one of the most despicable, morally repugnant characters to be a companion. If you like him as a person, then he's done a -really- good job at deceiving you. And he even admits he's not even trying that hard.
  5. Well, yes, but considering all the droids out there? I only have two sabers. Just a little gameplay/story segregation to me. Beside, we just did, like, a lot of work. Breaktime.
  6. Well, yes, you can certainly cheer for Bioware (and you should ), it's not really all that great, considering But yes, it is rather impressive.
  7. I think that's just a glitch on the character info screen, assuming you're inspecting them. If not, I have no clue.
  8. As just guesses to contribute to the discussions: Legacy: Likely untouched. Crafting: Besides recruiting new comps and old ones? Likely a 50-point increase to 550 in all categories. new stuff pertinent to the ex-pac added. Comps: Earned: Describe? Acquired: I assume you mean the standard 5+ship droid? Likely, you will need to meet them to recruit them again. Quested: As for HK? He might have upgraded himself to the new HK-55 unit teased in the info pack. Bought: Treek is likely to be one of the ones you'll just have, if not one that's just very easy to reacquire. Old characters: They shall be left in the pre-Expansion until such a time that you give them Outlander status (aka doing the ex-pac). Strongholds: Again, I suspect they'll be untouched. Your other questions are likely to be answered in the months to come. There is a community cantina event in July and Gamescon in August. I hope my little brainstorming may have soothed a few of your worries.
  9. Man's got a point. I don't see anywhere how Lana is any more responsible then the PCs were.
  10. 50/50. It's not as if Bioware won't make another Same Sex NPC for both sides in a future ex-pac. I wouldn't really dwell on the matter. Focus on having fun.
  11. Its more so "let the player interpret the actions" then lazy writing, in my opinion. But we can agree to disagree. Again: He had NO INTENT of letting them know he was. Rishi's plan would have gone off without a hitch had we not interfered. I assume you haven't done Ziost, or played the JK storyline, where it is emphasized that, yes, The Emperor does feed off the deaths of those who die. It's not a logical leap to assume that this is almost always the case. AGAIN: He needed the fleets wiped out so that they couldn't stop him if they discovered what he was doing, and to use the deatsh there to fuel the awakening ritual. Preemptively striking and eliminating the both was deemed the best option by Revan. Stop assuming Revan operates on the smartest of logic. Revan has had followers for decades. How do you know that they haven't been converting for years and years and years? Because it didn't have the same build-up as the Star Cabal? He got the datafiles before you went to Torch. and then had them on decryption the whole time he had been captured, and Lana herself mentioned that she had tried slicing. That whole time-frame could have been WEEKS. Becuase the PCs wiped it all out. It wasn't a threat anymore. It never could even become one. Because Marr and Satele aren't idiots, and know how big of a threat the Emperor is. Alliances can and do happen that fast. Again, how do you know how much time has passed? How do we know he didn't discover this shortly after Makeb? See SaveTheMonkeys and his stuff. He puts out some good answers.
  12. Most likely be wiped out, and those that manage to escape will hide or seek asylum. Certainly some have valuable skills to sell. As for the dreadguards, you can argue that yeah, they pretty much all died or are still wandering aimlessly on Oricon's surface.
  13. The key word here is Zealots. The Revanites are nigh-religious with their adherence to Revan's will. I'm certain the top echelons knew his exact plans, but the lower ranks were given most likely a "Big Picture": aka Revan kills Vitiate. Re: Mask- This one is answered by the Legacy of the Rakata FP. He notes that he did not want the loyalty of the Revanites before, but accepted it after his "disappearance". He likely retrieved his mask from them, and when he returned, they came to his call. It would be unlikely that ALL the Jedi and Republic troops at the Foundry were Revanites, however. As to his final bunch of questions? Yes, indeed, people can blindly serve and obey, even when horrible outcomes are the likely outcome. See re: National Socialist Party and many of the 19th century Communist regimes. or This is much speculation, but 1) Yes, the isotope bombs were used by the Imperials on the Jedi. 2) "Decades-old plan"? You mean converting people to Revan's side and bringing to him an awesome army for him to lead on his return? That sounds like decades to me. 3a) Irrelevant to Revan. 3b) As if Marr could not possibly have looked into the Hero of Tython's records of fighting the Imperials and Imperial Guard, and learned that, indeed, Vitiate is insane? I think its more then plausible he has enough information. By Paragraph: 1) Think the Imperial Agent's enemies of Act 3. Everyone has their own opinion of what the Galaxy should be. Doesn't mean they're correct. 2) Revan was going to destroy his enemies above Rishi in order to make sure that wouldn't be able to stop him... which because he failed, they stopped his plan (fortunately). 3) By destroying the major fleets of the Republic and Imperials, he would have grounded both war efforts to a slow crawl. With little conflict, the Emperor cannot supposedly grow stronger, thus giving Revan his chance to overpower and kill him (or so Revan supposed). 4) They were deliberately attempting to make traditional trade routes and attack plans fruitless, while guiding and goading both major fleets above one singular place. Plus, the pirates? Controlled a planet. Not exactly a small time crew. 5) As explained above, to halt the conflict momentarily and kill Vitiate. 6) I'm certain the Revanite ships were actually ships of each respective side, and when the cannons targeted the Revanites, they aimed for those ships with Revanite IFF tags- like some of the dailies and quests before had had demonstrated. Different models, certainly, but remember there also saboteurs and traitors EVERYWHERE in the ships. 7) Likely pulled from other fleets, but Theron only needed the fleets that were in orbit at the time. And yes, any decent organization keeps a list of all its members to make certain of who's involved, so they aren't easily duped. 8) Suicidal followers are not exactly uncommon among Zealots. 9) The cyborg army was meant to help decimate the Pub and Imp Fleets, as well as defend the ground installation. Everything else, explained above. I hope I was able to offer a little closure and answer some plot points for you. Please don't hesitate to offer your own educated opinion or PM me with questions.
  14. Well, I'd still like specifics. Could you point to certain threads I could look via PM, or at least give me a general idea? I'm certain I could attempt to explain some of the plot points.
  15. Could you elaborate on the plot-holes? Questions are fine, and you should question them, but plotholes are another thing altogether.
  16. No, all hooks are emptied and everything is returned.
  17. Jade Empire actually had a way kinda like that. And Mass Effect 2's Suicide mission. And (ugh) Mass Effect 3 with low war powers or the Refusal ending. Dragon Age 2 can also be seen as a "You Fail" game ( which would explain some of the polarizing reception if we're honest). Even Baldur's Gate had that, I believe. Don't quote me on this one, though. The "Hero Loses, Villian Wins" Is rare because it's astoundingly depressing.
  18. This seems more "Story and Lore" then "General Discussion"... but ignoring my prior words, you'll find most everyone has their own preferred likes and dislikes for companions, as well as grumbling about using certain companions for roles. Be honest, how many Sith Warriors honest WANT to be running around with Quinn?
  19. Thanks but no. We have enough abilities to juggle as is. Besides, what lore reason would Gunslingers have to get stealth?
  20. Didn't know focus healing a single target wasn't part of strategy and communication.
  21. Because we want your feeble Empire to fall, dude! Jedi Knighting, tho.
  22. Stick to Juggernaut for 1 saber.
  23. drfumblez

    Force Barrier

    I don't even PvP, and I KNOW that's wrong. Pretty sure Snipers have PLENTY of defensive measures.
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