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Everything posted by jsdcaedus

  1. you mean that book... set before episode 1... y'know where sidious specifially calls maul his apprentice? you don't think maul could've become his apprentice between the events of said book and said movie? darth sidious kinda had the whole galaxy on lockdown, i think he knows who his own apprentices are better than you do, lol.
  2. well, he beat her in certain forms. abeloth is still an uncomprehendable force at this moment until the last couple of books come out. given her insane powers i ranked her #1.
  3. probably a deleted scene for a reason. shaak ti was not killed by grievous, she was killed by the starkiller clone in force unleashed 2 (which is canon and linear, so it's not open to the interpretation of what ending you like better, like KOTOR)
  4. that is soooo debateable. it always seemed to me like sidious let himself fall into that position to force anakin to make a split decision. i also like the person who pointed out mace's flirtations with the dark side. the lightsaber form he invented is actually quite steeped in the dark side. vapaad i believe it is.
  5. you do not fight bane in kotor, nor is he even mentioned. bane existed after the events of kotor. i'm pretty sure you're talking about darth bandon.
  6. yeah maul would be on the list for coolness factor, but let's be serious... he was only ever an apprentice and while he was lucky enough to kill a skilled near-master level knight, he was felled by a lowly padawan.
  7. EDIT : after reading many excellent points on this very interesting thread, i would revise my list to put sidious @ #2, but not by leaps and bound above kun/qel droma. has this game even been confirmed to be canon? i don't think throwing in characters from swtor would be appropriate (esp when they don't even have real names, lol), but to each his/her own. here's my take... top jedi 1. luke skywalker 2. jacen solo (post yuuzhan-vong war, pre-caedus) 3. yoda 4. jaina solo 5. obi-wan kenobi 6. mace windu 7. anakin skywalker 8. kyp durron 9. corran horn 10. kyle katarn top sith / dark side force user (not mutually exclusive) 1. abeloth (this could easily change depending on the outcome of next two books, but for right now, i'm scared for luke and ben's sake, lol. 2. freedon nadd 3. exar kun /ulic-qel-droma (call it a tie) 5. sidious 6. revan (this was a hard place for light or dark, way more influential dark sider though) 7. vader 8. caedus 9. onimi 10. lumiya jacen / caedus and anakin / vader are listed on both sides because they both in essence became something entirely different. anakin was forever changed after mustafar, and redeemed to his former self. same thing with jacen, he was never the same after coming back from his pilgramage after the yuuzhan vong war. revan is a whole 'nuther story. the canonness (is that a word?) of revan can be debated either way, but in either instance, he was another of thousands of jedi with malak and only really became relevant after embracing the dark side in the fight against the mandalorians, what he did after the mando wars is entirely up to the player of KOTOR to decide. the 8 to ten range for light and dark is a bit murky, but i feel all three of those last DSers belong on the list with possibly the exception of lumiya.
  8. i made a post in the wrong window and now apparently i have to still say something to edit it out. whoops.
  9. your desire to troll just makes you look like you can't glean context. i was pointing out the futility of complaining about being shot at by 7-10 guys. other than in ops, there is not one group in the game that consists of 7-10 guys shooting you. if for some reason you have that many guys shooting at you it's because you have aggro'd multiple groups, which means that you're probably gonna die, as you should. of course there shouldn't be a penalty for stacking defense, and i agree with the op for the most part regarding most of what he said. i was just taken aback by his terrible example.
  10. there is absolutely nothing wrong about my post. everything i said is exactly like i said it is. if there are better schematics out there from stuff i haven't gotten to do yet, then that is awesome. you could constructively say "hey man, it's all good. better craftable gear is on the way". i was complaining about the specific pieces of rakatan gear being BoP. why any crafted gear would be BoP is stupid and that was the point of my entire post. thank you though, for coming in to the swtor forums with your unoriginal WoW inspired name and flaming me and saying that i am wrong when i am in fact just simply telling it like it is. i will admit to getting carried away with the hobby thing as someone pointed out in a civilized (go figure) manner.
  11. <Your Companion> was kinda funny at first given the confusion it causes right off the bat, but not a name i'd want long term, lol.
  12. well you either weren't reading the post or you're just stupid. thanks for showing me a pattern that isn't even synthweaving.
  13. well i know i've run into republic players of lower than that level on ilum. but..... they're all gold farming bots that have been there for weeks, lol.
  14. if you're pulling 7-10 mobs at a time don't you think it makes sense to get your face rolled? what you're asking for doesn't even make sense. why should you be able to vanish when you've got 10 guys with blaster bolts already flying thru the air at you? my main is an assassin and it's always just seemed like common sense to me to try to get away from the action a bit before trying to disappear. also, don't pull so many mobs at once and you won't have to worry about 10 guys shooting you, lol. and doesnt it also stand to reason that if you're deflecting a blaster bolt with your lightsaber that it might be tough to do anything else with your saber? go figure...
  15. dark side points received from hard mode flashpoints - i've done BT three days in a row since i hit 50, and three days in a row i haven't gotten my allocated dark side points at the time of the action, OR after turning in the quest. is this something wrong with just the BT hard mode, hard mode FP's in general, or maybe a glitch specific to my class (inquis)? either way, it'd be nice if my evil deeds were recognized. i've been sitting at 9850 for two weeks and all the while holding on to these dark 5 relics. please fix this. xalek - no matter how many shield and absorption armor modifiers i equip to him, his shield chance stays at 25% and shield absorption stays at 20%. the only time it ever changes is when i switch him out of his force barrier stance, which - considering his is intended to be a tank, makes him completely unupgradable and as a result 100% useless. this one really sucks because i looked forward to xalek the entire game, and now i can't even use him unless i happen to be running around with a healer.
  16. yeah if you wanna make 1k a pop from level 20 players, other than that it sucks. you can't even trade/sell/even give away the top tier gear as it is stupidly bound on pickup, or bound on crafting as it were. just made a long post about how freaking stupid this is....
  17. so i can buy all rakata recipes for synthweaving, whose stats are basically a nice stopgap between slotted gear equipped with daily reward mods, and the columni and above gear acquired through collecting tokens through hard mode FPs. i get my first biometric alloy and make myself some very nice bracers for my inquisitor assassin. the 2nd alloy i get i decide to be a nice guy and craft a belt for a fellow guild member who is having a hard time keeping up with the rest of us gear-wise. oh wait.... binds on pickup... so the end all be all of my crafting profession is an item I CAN'T EVEN FREAKING SELL???? what is the point???? seriously? sure i'll get 5 more of those alloys and get myself geared, but then what? just drop synthweaving because it is literally useless for anything other than gearing ONLY YOURSELF after you make the highest level gear? why even bother calling it a profession if you're not letting us make money off of it? why don't we just call it a crafting hobby from now on? because a profession would indicate that there was some way to make money off this. it's things like this that are stifling the games economy. on our server the GTN is a JOKE. there is absolutely nothing of any value in it at all, and now i know why. because we apparently aren't allowed to sell the the useful stuff that people actually want to buy. i can deal with the horrendously bad interface of the GTN, and all the bugs and annoyances and times i've raged at my computer screen over glitched loot boxes in FP's, but this pisses me off even more, because it is a conscious decision to make the end game crafting skills absolutely worthless. after i get my columni gear i guess i'll just do what literally everyone else is and go bio. you say you dont want certain hobbies, oops i mean 'professions' (what a joke) to be considered 'gateway' professions so they are considered necessary to play the game. while i dont think biochem is necessary to be sucessful in an endgame situation, why would i pick anything else when all the other options are just unpolished turds? stop worrying about nerfing things and worry about maybe STIMULATING the game by bringing the other hobbies, whoops did it again... i mean 'professions' up to par with the ones that actually ARE useful in an endgame situation. the status quo is just nonsensical.
  18. SERIOUSLY. i get tons and tons of stupid cybertech schems from slicing, a ridiculous amount more than any other type. i was beginning to think that's just something that happens more often in slicing.
  19. you created a ticket just to complain about someone's name? wow. no wonder my tickets complaining about farming bots on ilum are going seemingly ignored. they have to sort through your dreck first.
  20. guildmaster of 'In True Sith Fashion' also speaking for our memebers when we say we love this game, even with it's flaws. it has gotten better already and will continue to get better.
  21. when you get to max level and buy rank 3 speeder training and a rank 3 mount this problem largely goes away. i skipped level two speeders all-together (except for the training of course), and i was amazed at the fact that i could take several thousand HP of damage and still not be knocked off. it's annoying, but it gets better. ride it out! (literally and figuratively)
  22. by far the best suggestion and quite seemingly obvious given the amount of people complaining about it. maybe for once these forums have found something everyone can agree on without people acting like freaking jerks...
  23. never said i that i did fully understand macros. that's why i asked for opinions or an explanation. figured the macro wanting flamers would jump on this first.
  24. this is the sociopaths answer to everything. http://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html
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