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Posts posted by Tatermitts

  1. Dear troll,


    Please keep considering me a weak class. I'll collect my solo kill medal while you do that, thank you very much.


    Yeah that guy is way off. I have been playing a gunslinger since launch and haven't felt underpowered once. In PvP I feel more comfortable with the gunslinger than my shadow sage or grav spamming trooper. The damage seems to be on the same level and the gunslinger has so many more cc options.

  2. Why dont you just **** of this thread?

    You are contributing absolutely zero.


    Just because you cant wring the best from the shadow doesn't mean it cant be done.

    You cant polish a turd so you will always be a bad and have to troll forums for your epeen fix, because you cant do it in a WZ.


    Actually, I do "wring" the best from shadow. If I didn't I would be on the forums asking when my tank specced toon would generate more damage.


    P.S. Here is a video of how to polish a turd. Cheers.


  3. I have taken a Concealment OP to lvl50 and full champ (shelved)

    A Sentinel to 50 and starting to gear up (new main)

    Sage to lvl30 (deleted)

    PT BH to lvl30 (deleted)

    Commando (deleted)


    Out of all of the above i only PvP'ed, no PvE at all apart from class quests.

    With every one of them i was always in the top 2-3 (i know everyone says this but this is 100% true) for damage done.


    I started a shadow yesterday and started PvP'ing as soon as i reached lvl10 (lvl14 atm) And can honestly say i have never been in the top 3 damage done in a single WZ, i get plent of medals for Guarding but my damage is pretty terrible.... the lowest of any class i have leveld so far by a country mile.


    When does it start getting better?

    My points are all in Kinetic atm.


    Here you go! Quoted the whole thing, but still don't see anything other than you complaining that your level 14 kinetic shadow isn't doing as much damage as the other classes you leveled.


    I added something: telling you it doesn't get better is an answer to the question that you posed.


    Just stop trying and play a grav-spam commando or something that will get you the precious damage rankings you require to be gratified.

  4. With every one of them i was always in the top 2-3 (i know everyone says this but this is 100% true) for damage done.


    I r no read good.


    Doing damage and being at the top of the charts shouldn't be the only goal for playing a toon. Your shadow can sneak over to an objective and turn the tides of a warzone for your team... without doing a single point of damage. Guarding is another great example of how your contribution can help win a warzone without doing damage to another player.


    DPS tunnel vision is the idea that you can't stop to think about anything other than doing damage to the enemy. DPS tunnel vision almost never converts into team victories, just personal victories where your e-peen can grow because your video game character's name is at the top of a damage list.


    The answer is that it may never get better, and your other classes may always do more dps. If you are that interested in being 2-3 on the damage lists then maybe a shadow tank isn't the way to go.

  5. Is your video in Coruscant? If so, you know those mobs aren't supposed to be hard, right?


    Mortar volley is a really good AoE that's on a 1 minute cool-down. At that level I was killing things as quickly on a gunslinger and a shadow, although I have to admit mortar volley is very useful against weak or average mobs.


    Around level 25 you stop out-right killing groups of mobs with mortar volley. At 30-35 it starts doing a little more than half damage and stays like that up till mid 40's from what I've seen.

  6. My problem is even in PVP i found Aimed Shot , and Pulse Detonator do not knock back a target at all? These are the only abilities i have to push a target away , and thus i found it very annoying.


    I haven't experienced these problems, but sometimes these abilities don't work. These times are when the enemy has a full resolve bar. Aimed shot gives 75% of resolve bar if it knocks them back and a player with a full resolve bar cannot be knocked back or stunned.


    Don't know if this is the issue you're having or not, hope that helps.

  7. OMG you QQ'ers will ruin this game even more than you have already. Nerf smash? Oo, add this to the other winning threads, nerf sorcs, nerf healers, nerf marauders. Please go back to WoW or hello kitty.


    My hello kitty toon is in all Tier 5 raid gear. I'd go back but I don't like my new outfit.

  8. I stopped voting awhile ago after topping dmg/kills and getting 0 votes everytime.


    Just chalk it up to people being unable to play their own toon let alone pay attention to how amazing I am.




    I don't think I want to play SWTOR any more. I'm not ever sure that I want to live on this planet anymore.

  9. But what if they had to in order to receive theirs?


    I can definitely see the benefits behind this system, and it's easy to tell who the MVP from the other team is because he's beating you into a pulp or you're always targeting them to stop them from healing.

    It would be a good thing even if that change wasn't made to stop people from getting the benefit of MVP votes without having placed a vote themselves.

  10. What if the other team voted for your MvP? So then they could vote bassed on who gave them the most trouble?


    If there was still a valor or commendation bonus for mvp then the opposing team would never mess with it.

  11. OK


    So yesterday we were losing an Alderan match and my team did a great job and got the 2nd turret. As soon as the battle turned our way I left the battle for the 2nd turret and went to get the three cap. I saw that it would be guarded by only 1 guy and I took the opportunity. That is how I roll. When I single-handedly captured it I made sure to let everyone in /ops know what I had done.


    Then we had all three and were able to hold them and win. We needed all three to win. (If you don't know the math go back to 3rd grade) So the match ends and I can not vote for myself for MVP??? Are you kidding me?


    I realize all the noobs will vote for themselves all the time but come on. Talk about MVP, you serious Bioware.



  12. Getting same reward for losing or winning means there is no point to try hard when you done daily.


    Do you only play this game because Bio-ware has placed a carrot on a stick or do you enjoy it?


    Do you PVP to get gear or because you enjoy it?


    Do you enjoy grinding?


    If you aren't trying hard, you aren't having fun. If you aren't having fun, you are grinding.



    You may not have a reason to try hard after doing the daily quest but I (and many others) play to win every time.

  13. OP: So you got pwned by a commando/bounty hunter, and it left such a deep emotional scar that you had to roll one in order to feel entitled to rage about it?



    No, not quite. If you had a reading comprehension above a 3rd grade level you would have read in the OP that I wanted to see what all the fuss was about on the forum. This post was made to create discussion; it's not my fault that people want to whine about the same stuff that's in 100 other threads. Don't put that on me.


    As a gunslinger I tend to get "pwned" most by sages and vanguards, or whatever they are called for imperials.

  14. GM: You flawlessly interrupt the tracer missile cast, the mercenary stands in front of you, utterly shocked. As you move to end his life you hear the crackle of force lightning an instant before the attack hits, searing pain surges through you as your nervous system is instantly overloaded, flooding your brain with discordant signals.


    Your move speed is now 50% of standard while the merc regains his wits and knocks you away, you are now focused by two players that can keep you snared until you die. GG


    I like the RP aspect of your post. Really gets me in the action.

  15. Because I don't like people that make baseless claims, especially about balance.


    And I'm sorry, 25 matches with a -class- and no where near the full spec itself is baseless. It seems honestly like you opinion is based purely on forum posts and you just got minimal experience to try to add some credibility.


    If the main reason to want the spec changed is because its a.one trick pony, not OP or UP. Then its not worth even talking about because it doesn't matter if you like it or not. It doesn't matter that I don't like it, it is balanced and so there is no call to mess with that balance.


    If you have some balanced related problem that isn't countered by what's been said time after time then let's hear it.


    You know that if you don't agree with me or don't think I have an argument, or whatever you aren't required to add in your opinion. I simply don't care to defend myself to someone I don't know, especially someone who isn't making a valid counterpoint.



    Also, just so you know, I never claimed to know everything or that my experience is what people should be looking at as a point to change the class. Just what happened when I played.


    Calm down; take some blood pressure medication or grab a drink. It's just a video game.

  16. And you also specifically stated what you called facts, which were based on limited experience at low level with all skills.


    So what were those facts based on... Hell what were the opinions based on?


    The facts are based on playing the class. Lower level? yes, but it's still worth looking at.


    The opinions are based on my opinions. I clearly stated where my opinion was placed.



    I don't quite get you. Sometimes you post and it looks like a valid conversation and sometimes you post and it looks like accusatory tom-foolery. Please pick one so I can choose whether to like you or not.

  17. It saddens me to see the lack on intelligence on this thread, however I will add in my thoughts:)


    To compensate for the misunderstanding of the commando/merc haters on this thread I will speak very plainly.


    Use interrupts and line of sight us.


    We do very nice damage that is true, but for crying out loud WE ARE STATIONARY TO DO DECENT DPS


    that means *gasp* you can easily kill us if you're a decent pvp'er; sadly after reading some of the posts, I have to come to realize that you simply can't think far enough to try to interrupt us or line of sight us, therefore you make this pointless thread asking for us to be nerfed because you're too poor a player to figure out how to kill us.


    so please, learn to pvp or don't complain that we kill you because you don't know what to do.



    Just to be clear- I made this thread to outline my experience with playing a grav-spammer and share my thoughts based on that experience. I said, before I wrote anything else, that part of my post was opinion and I was just interested in having a conversation about the class and how it compares to other DPS classes.


    I personally don't have a problem killing any one certain class. I am, however, very interested in pvping against a team that isn't 1/2 powertechs/commandos and 1/2 sages/sorc.

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