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Posts posted by Bullwrath

  1. Five reasons why I’ve been playing SWTOR, instead of the other 7+ MMORPGs I currently have installed…


    1. An innovative fully-voice-acted story-based quest system that gives my character a personality and actually pulls me into the story, instead of me just hitting accept to countless quests and only going back to read them if I can’t figure out where to go, what to collect, or who to kill.

    2. A beautifully rendered Star Wars universe set in the most interesting Star Wars era, as well as beautifully rendered characters with the most epic combat animations.

    3. A brilliant companion system that lets me solo with a cool NPC that has so much more depth than a pet tank or mindless henchman, plus the ability to send them off to sell my crap, gather mats, or craft, so that I can keep questing instead of waiting time on in-game mundane chores.

    4. A fantastically executed space combat rail-shooter – I would have thought that an open space combat sim would have been better, but once I tried it, I realized that I could experience all the fun of an epic space battle in my extremely cool ship/mobile player home, within the time it took me to fly to my next objective in SWG and start trying to destroy one ship by out-turning and out-aiming it.

    5. A slew of seriously kick-butt storylines. I can’t wait for my bounty hunter to catch up to that Taro Blood bastard and burn that smug grin off his pretty-boy face. And I don’t remember ever feeling this involved in a character plot while playing any other MMO.


    Thank you BW, your game ROCKS!


    Totally agree. Thanks for the positive post.

  2. I'm lovin' it.


    The game *does* need some tweaks to it, no doubt, but all MMO's are a work in progress.


    The fact that while I am leveling, I don't even realize that I am leveling is amazing. I am just playing and loving what I am doing and suddenly "poof" I have leveled--not used to that and it's awesome.


    The thing that I really love about this game is it's trajectory. It is going in the right direction. There are issues, but they are known and being addressed.


    This is a far cry from WoW, which I played for 8 years. Yes, it is polished and relatively bug free (and dear Lord, how I miss the Auction House), but it is going in the wrong direction and has been for months if not years. There are issues there that have gone undealt with for *YEARS* over there.


    So in short, I am loving my time here in TOR. I have cancelled my 3 WoW accounts and purchased 3 SWTOR accounts.

  3. Definately staying. Cancelled my 3 WoW accounts; bought three SWTOR accounts.


    I am loving how it is not WoW in such a good way. (Except for the Trade Kiosk--A trade kiosk without a search function? It is the muddy thumbprint in an otherwise beautiful painting. But they said they are fixing it, so I will be patient.)


    Can't wait to see where this game goes!

  4. There have been a million post on this issue and BW has said they are working on improving the interface.


    This is a tremendous relief. I hope they are making it a high priority. It is one of the few issues in the game that is not bug-related that really detracts from the game's awesomeness.

  5. The point you should be taking is that if they closely copied what WoW had then it would be far better than what we have right now. The AH is far superior to the GTN just because of how easy it is to use. Shift-Click an item to insert it to the name field and search for it. Tabbable fields in the interface so you don't have to take your hands off your keyboard while inputting information to make a click on a mouse. Armor can be sorted by slot, not just classification (light, med, heavy).


    My frustration is that the economy of a game can be just as compelling as the community and gameplay, and the GTN seriously hinders SWTOR's economy.


    If another game has a better market interface than WoW then state which game that is so the devs can check out that game's interface. Don't just hate on the people coming over from WoW who see that this is obviously a broken feature in this game. The point is that WoW's market interface worked, and SWTOR needs to catch up in that department.



  6. I agree wholeheartedly with the OP. Coming from WoW, this is the biggest letdown about SWTOR (The game itself is terrific, though.). Please, please, please fix this.


    As someone else said, make it like WoW's and you will have succeeded.

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