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Posts posted by Bullwrath



    They're not conflicting, considering they're ALWAYS FROM THE SPAWN. I'll repeat:


    Left and right are relative directions, and anyone who isn't using them as such is wrong, and stupid.




    This. Left/Right is always relative to your spawn. No one on my server is ever confused by this.


    You can use East/West if you really want to. You can use Grass/Snow in Civil War if you really want to.


    But if you can't understand what Left/Right means, you are horribly stupid.

  2. I like the OP's concept.


    My wife also had similar idea for vehicle-based PvP: pod-racing (dirty tricks and all)


    These ideas, if properly implemented could really add some fun to PvP.

  3. I love how Imperial players are the only ones who took part in "stealing" Valor by "exploiting" Ilum. As if kill trading on Ilum could be done without the help of a Republic group willing to sit back are partake in it as well. Maybe you didn't do it yourself, but then again neither did every Imperial player who has Battlemaster gear. Don't assume that just because the other faction has players with better gear than you or most of your faction (since I have no idea what your personal rank or gear situation is like). Instead it could just be that since the majority of players in this game seem the play Imperial (on my server at least) there are more playes with the Battlemaster rank and gear and so you end up fighting more of them in PvP. Bioware also has already stated that the "exploit" on Ilum was not an exploit and that it was working exactly how they intended it to. They were not going to do anything about it. Don't blame the players for the fault of the developers.


    Regardless, don't call out someone who you have never met and assume that he's a cheater and a thief who exploited the game instead of someone who is a good player or who just plays a lot of ToR.


    I wasn't referring to kill trading, although that is vile, and the result of poor design.


    I was referring to the post 1.1 base-camping valor splurge that resulted in some players achieving BW in a matter of a few hours, and yes it was one-sided and universal in favor or the Imperials. it *was not* the way it was intended, which is why they hot-fixed it within a day. But they *didn't* roll back the valor that the Imperial side got from this, and that was an advantage that has not been corrected.


    It means that the playing field is not level. Those are the facts. Sorry that those facts offend you.

  4. Wrong.


    Some of us grinded through the valor to get this gear. It's like spending $20,000 on a new car and the next month the price drops to $5,000.


    If you WZ when you are sub 50 and get 1000/1000 coms you have enough to buy several pieces of gear right off the bat. This will get you near 8% resistance.


    If you are Republic, you almost have a point. Almost. If you are a Rep and sitting in full BM gear, your level of achievement and awesomeness are not diminished by the patch, at all. Good things happening to other people do not hurt you at all, and you can say that you achieved your status and gear back before it became easy to do.


    If you are Imperial, you either did the Ilum exploit to get BM in a matter of a few hours, or you are on the faction that did this thus ensuring that many of your teammates had gear that was way better than their opponents' (and fraudulently achieved). You didn't buy a $20,000 car, you stole one, and the cops didn't take it back, even when they caught you.


    1.2 will fix this problem. It may be too little, too late, but the gear will even out, and the fights will be fair. True PvPers do not fear this. Truly elite players do not fear this. Only those pretenders who know that their gear will no longer protect them from certain thrashing fear this.

  5. How about blade storm? Should I avoid using that unless I have no other ranged abilities to utilize? Or is it still good in a close-quarters rotation?


    There may be some argument among watchman sents on this question.


    Blade storm hits hard, but takes 4 focus.


    The cost is too high, in my opinion, and as a guy who does a lot of PvP, I tend to use crippling throw (3 focus, moderate damage, healing DPS) instead.

  6. MS is situational, but definitely part of the skill set.


    The advantages are 1) it is *free* 2) it hits hard 3) it can be used to apply Overload Saber dots.


    The disadvantages are 1) it can be interrupted 2) you have to stand still and within range of your enemy.


    Any time you are attacking someone who is slowed or immobile is a good time to use it. Especially if they are in a crowd and can't see what is going on too well.




    Edit: My assumption was that we were talking about PvP; in PVE you would use it almost every pull as part of a regular rotation.

  7. It is simply not possible to play a sentinel effectively with 8 keys. I have no experience as a guardian, but what I am seeing in the forums tells me that's a negative as well.


    I use an estimated average of about 12 on every pull, and some situations require more. I am sure I have at least 20 keys bound, but I am not at home to count them at the moment.


    Sure you *could* play with 8, heck, you could play with one, but you would suck and suck hard.

  8. This is a re-post of something I wrote in another thread much like this one. As some one said, without there being a damage meter, hard numbers are hard to come by, but that should not discount the experience of individuals.


    Here is my experience: I started as combat and liked it. It was fast, fluid, and relied on direct damage rather than DoTs (I played DoT classes in WoW so I was thinking DoT=slow damage). In FP groups I was in, I felt like I pulled my own weight, and I noticed that as long as I kept my gear at-level while leveling, I was able to complete all solo missions. In short, I was happy.


    Then I read all the hype about Watchman spec on the forums. I was dubious at first, but as I was questing in Alderaan, I was noticing that things were becoming quite hard to kill with a lot of down time in between pulls. I thought, "hey--I am DPS, so I am trading high DPS for low survivability. seems logical." But I was curious enough to try watchman spec.


    I was *not* expecting it to be any better.


    Boy was I wrong.


    Watchman, sad to say, is head and shoulders above combat spec in both damage *and* survivability. It's not even close. Switching from combat to watchman was an immediate change from feeling like a punching bag to feeling like Rambo. The damage is better. You have healing. You have more frequent interrupts. You force leap more frequently with fewer range restrictions.


    It's faster.


    It's more fluid.


    It hits harder.


    It has less downtime.


    It is night-and-day different.


    To those still doing combat spec out there, I am *not* hating on your spec of choice. I wish to God that all three specs were just like three flavors of awesome ice cream. But in my experience, that is simply not true.


    I know that there are some awesome combat specced sentinels out there. But that doesn't mean watchman isn't better or that you awesome combat sents wouldn't be even *more* awesome as watchman.


    An Analogy: Jackie Chan is fully capable of killing a man with a spoon and making it look awesome. That doesn't mean that we'd be better if we went to war using spoons instead of guns. It means that Jackie Chan is exceptional.


    I see you combat specced guys the same way.

  9. "Force Stutter": The Jedi Knight feigns jumping into the air repeatedly to confuse his foes. Those unfamiliar with this ability will think the Knight is gliching out causing them to perhaps ignore him.

    Channeld ability with a cost of 5 focus.


    OMG I laughed out loud at this. +1 internet for you.

  10. It's like people complaining about Paladins and Druids in WoW...they can play EVERY role in this game, of course there are going to be a lot of them. In that screenshot alone you have all 4 roles being represented by those Inquisitors, get over it.


    Yes, Pallies and Druids can play all roles but not equally well, and an entire team of them a) never happens and b) would get stomped pretty hard if it ever did. Not so with the Sorcerer.


    Your argument is a canard.

  11. We all know how frustrating it is to be in a warzone where you start out with 4 or 5 people against a full squad. Adding to the frustration is when your team falls way behind, but the zone 120 second timer is almost over and people are added to make the WZ run the full length.

    Proposal for developers:

    When a warzone starts off 8v7, 8v6, 8v5 etc, allow the first 5, 6, or 7 people on the full strength side to exit the staging area and hold the rest back. When somebody dies, the people in the "hold area" can exit on a 1 dead person to 1 released person basis. The dead person would then be in the holding pattern. Kind of like the penalty box in Ice Hockey. As more players join the understaffed team, more slots would open for full play on the full staffed team.

    The players on the strong side would still get full valor so that they are not penalized for the weak side not having enough players, and the PvP match would stay evenly matched in player numbers (not trying to even out skill, gear, etc just numbers).


    This is a rough draft of the idea, so feel free to tweak or enhance the idea. Hell even propose other ideas, as long as we come up with some fix.



    (assume the first 3 flames that are to come are people who are so gimp that they only can win a PvP when they have 2 or more extra players over their opposition) hehe


    I love this idea.

  12. If you want to chase gear pve, if you want to fight others pvp.


    This is the way it *should* work, but it doesn't.


    In order to make sure that the PvE crowd doesn't get their shinies and then come into PvP and kick the crap out of people, PvP needs to have increasing gear levels to compensate, and suddenly we have a PvP gear grind, too.


    I'd love to see a different system, but it seems Bioware has opted for the WoW model. :(

  13. You should not even have the option to leave a WZ. If they take that away and you are locked into the WZ, then you can give nothing to the losing team.


    No one would ever PuG if this was the case.


    In two wonderfully horrible posts, you have successfully killed PvP in this game.


    One more such post and you will also become a suspect in JFK's assassination.

  14. For me the reason I'm not resubbing next month is how badly they managed the server pops for each side.


    All the advertising was aimed at Imperial players, all the gear is made to pull in Imperial players. (Really? Brown robes vrs black/red/silver armor with spikes and stuff sticking out all over the place?)


    Surprise! Imps are 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 on most servers! PvP? haha...


    Oh, you mean the Imps farming for better gear? Yah, that's PvP in this game.


    This is by far the largest problem with this game and it is not being addressed in a fast and vigorous manner.


    In WoW when Horde was the smaller faction, they had instant queues for BGs which made them better at PvP because they got more experience and geared faster. Eventually the factions evened out on most servers.


    Bioware has decided to reward the overpopulated faction. It's madness.


    They need to fix this with extreme speed and efficiency if they are to save this game.


    I am not ready to /ragequit over this, but I want to see them acknowledge the problem and not make it worse in the meantime. (More same-faction WZs? Are you guys crazy?)

  15. So your solution to server imbalance is to have the zerg server suffer through long queues until the reroll or quit.


    Sounds like a winner.


    It has worked in the past in other games.


    Rewarding the over-represented faction is lunacy, but that seems to be what Bioware has done/is doing. The fact that they are making more same-faction PvP is an example.


    If they don't give something significant to the Republic or take something significant away from the Imperials, this game is done for in the long run.


    And this is from a guy who really wants this game to succeed, mind you, not a hater.

  16. Close Quarters is a MUST for the incredibly focus intensive Watchman tree. Force Fade is about 17,000,000 better than Inflammation. Force Fade alone lets me stay on XRR-3's 24 missile salvo in HM EV. It's amazing for running through fire in The Pit as well. It has a million uses, really.


    100% truth.

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