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Posts posted by Bullwrath

  1. Semantics. All these posts are arguing over semantics.


    Call it a server merge. A coordinated transfer. A super server. A mega server. A single shard cluster. A cross realm. A... /fabulous THUPER THERVER!!!!! /endfabulous. Slap a dress on it and call it Sue.


    Call it whatever you like. Players don't care. They simply want an opportunity to play on a robust server without being told to reroll to the Fatman.



  2. You can't be educated, "cause if you where" you would know the difference between; were, where and we're.


    Says the guy who doesn't know the difference between "loose" and "lose".

  3. I agree with the OP that this queue system sucks and needs to be fixed ASAP.


    In 3rd grade kickball we knew how to pick even teams, why is it so hard for the adults at Bioware?


    I disagree with the OP on one point, however. I don't believe the system waits until there are 8 people queueing per side. I think the system actually pops when you have 5. There are a number of times that I have been in WZs with the same 5 people in multiple games.


    I could be wrong, but I believe the current system is even worse than the OP thinks.

  4. As a Republic I have to agree that this is an unfortunate situation for low pop servers...


    but we have nobody but our fellow Republics to blame. There are probably people queuing up but then not being around to accept it when it pops.




    Blame your teammates instead of the fools at Bioware who decided to let games begin when it's 5 on 8.

  5. About time i will be able to farm all those flamers from my faction that dont play objectives, dont do any significant damage, dont heal but still think they are good...


    This is the first real counter to the OP's original argument.


    I think I agree with the OP, philosophically, and I am definitely against more same-faction WZs, because taking away incentive for the factions to balance numbers-wise is foolish.


    But this guy makes a good point--it *is* fun to take out the punks in your own faction once in a while. Oh well, we get plenty of Rep on Rep Huttball on my server to accomplish that.

  6. This is for the OP,



    If according to you, you suck at Huttball, then why are you giving a terribly long list of advice on it?


    Shouldn't you be asking for advice instead?


    And shouldn't you actually read what he wrote before commenting on it?

  7. I don't usually say this, but I think the problem lies between your keyboard and your chair.


    *Any* kind of bounty hunter vs. a correctly played watchman specced sentinel is a free kill 1 on 1 (barring an extreme gear difference). It's not even close.


    Had you made your post about snipers, I might have agreed, as they are our hard-counter, but not bounty hunters.

  8. sniper/slinger is 100 percent hard counter to sent/marauder (noone knows it yet)


    Oh yes we do! As a watchman specced Sentinel, I fear nothing but snipers.


    Other classes can beat me sometimes if they get the jump on me, but nothing compares to snipers.

  9. So maybe the healers will take an advantage from expertise, then what ? If you consider the upcoming nerfs on healer classes, it's just fair.


    I think this is Bioware's response to the imbalance that the OP is talking about.


    It is an issue at the moment, but after 1.2, it hopefully won't be.

  10. On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




    I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



    GG bioware


    A fix for your title: All bad PvPers are ****ed.


    You entitled, whiny, no-talent crybabies who think your gear makes you good are going to feel like you dropped the soap in the prison shower after patch 1.2--especially you players who "achieved" your BM ranking due to the Ilum glitch the day 1.1 hit.


    Those of us who had to grind our BM title by fighting BMs are going to kill you again, and again, and again, and there's nothing you will be able to do to stop it.


    Welcome to the new era of fair fights.


    Welcome to your nightmare.

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