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Everything posted by Shadow_-Hawk

  1. Alright, I'll get started on a new site since imo that is the easiest way to track this stuff and make it easy to navigate at the same time and then start a new thread once it's ready and up to date with all current progress.
  2. Thanks! And yeah, I've noticed that.. if nobody else wants to take it over, I'm not too busy and could take over and update it regularly. (Assuming the thread maintainer has indeed quit or just doesn't wanna maintain it anymore.
  3. Yeah, yeah.. my XSplit said everything was working fine and nobody who was watching the stream was like "hey, you're sounds messed up" or anything, so how could I know? Anyways, I'm gonna make sure everything's working for tonight and get a good recording of each kill.
  4. Alor - Sentinel - Combat 5/36/5 - 3137.63 For those who are curious, here is my gear that I did this parse in (my current gear): http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ccf24972-041a-444d-90df-e6ebbee4044f (still mostly 72s with just bracers, 1 relic and an armoring in my headpiece 75s)
  5. Another update on Alor: 3137.63 My current gear: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ccf24972-041a-444d-90df-e6ebbee4044f
  6. This is the first I've heard of you guys but it sounds like a lot of fun, I have a few 55s on both factions and I should be around on the 30th. Republic: Alor - Sentinel DPS Mesh'la - Shadow Tank Bellelune - Gunslinger DPS Mirjahaal - Sage Healer Imperial: Akalenedat - Powertech Tank Dralshy'a - Mercenary DPS I've also got a Scoundrel healer coming up, he's at level 50 (almost 51) atm
  7. Dead Rabbits killed the Dread Guards tonight on NiM at approximately 11:35pm eastern time. This group has had a lack of a permanent second tank for the past few months and a ranged dps went missing for a few weeks. There's definitely room for improvement, but a kill is a kill. We only did 12 pulls with this particular group and now that we've filled all our empty spots again, our group is back to being strong as ever and we expect to be getting back up there on the charts in the coming weeks! Video Screenshot (no proof of it being NiM but it's still a cool screenshot of our group )
  8. gratz on finally joining the 3k club man!
  9. Update for Alor: http://www.torparse.com/a/355560
  10. update - Alor: http://www.torparse.com/a/334254
  11. Updated parse from Alor: http://www.torparse.com/a/284972 Same guild, same class, same spec as my last post
  12. Dead Rabbits http://deadrabbits.swtorhost.com/ Jedi Covenant US East The Writhing Horror screen shot: http://imgur.com/IaTevtA
  13. Dead Rabbits cleared The Writhing Horror at 3:29:36 EST 06/12/2013 here's the screen shot with time stamp: http://imgur.com/IaTevtA We skipped the Dread Guards after a couple of attempts because we were told they were bugged.. we spent quite a few hours on Operator IX which seems to also have a health increase equal to the % increase to the Dread Guard. Although we did not clear it, we made good progress and plan to go at it again tonight.
  14. Character Name <Guild Name>: Alor <Dead Rabbits> Character Class: Sentinel Character Spec: Combat http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcZGG0RRrorMIRZf.3 Torparse Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/270667 second parse is a little better than the first at 2886.17
  15. BoP and crafting should not mix for sure. They could have at least done bind on legacy so that if you have many tonns (like me) with many crafting skills, you should at least be able to make things for your alts like the rakata belt+bracers. For example, i have synthweaving on my shadow and artifice on my sentinel, if i want rakata belt+bracers w/ augments on my sentinel, i would have to get rid of artifice and grind synthweaving again. Bioware, you have the legacy system which is great! So why not use it more and reward your dedicated players with the ability to craft endgame tier gear for alts so they can have a variety of crafting skills throughout their alts. I am dedicated to all my toons (because i have no life outside this game ) and i want to gear them as best i can and that includes crafted gear, but i also want a variety of different crafting skills so that i am not always grinding the same crafting skill. As much as i would love to make these things for guildies as well as alts, i can see why they don't want people abusing their abilities to make these things if they were BoE. I know the game is still relatively new, but maybe these types of things should have been focused on earlier instead of new content, even though it's all so awesome, i would rather have these little things worked out first.
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