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Posts posted by Keleset

  1. I have run HM EC and SM EC once each this week. So far, I have seen trash randomly respawn three times and players have been mysteriously locked out twice. When the latter happened, we had to reform and deal with trash respawns. Now we're on SM Vorgath and are having issues with the mine field. The tank working the puzzle keeps getting shot by the turrets. This last time, we only got two big droids out before the turrets enraged because he could not complete the cast to find a big droid. Now that we're all ready for another attempt, trash respawns!


    Has anyone else had these issues recently or have any tips to share? We have done the mine field plenty of times and have never seen this issue with the turrets before. Thanks guys.

  2. That's a good combination for the Inquisitor. I do Cybertech (I'm an assassin) and I really like it. The end game armoring sells for 50k each on my server.


    Knight, warrior, consular, inquisitor: Artifice, Synthweaving, Biotech, Cybertech

    Smuggler, Trooper, Bounty Hunter, Agent: Armormech, Armstech, Biotech, Cybertech


    Cybertech makes item modifications and other items that would suit any class. Same with biotech because they craft consumables. Armormech/Armstech make items that are good for non-force users, and Synthweaving/Artifice do the same for force users.


    Combinations are:


    Armormech, Scavenging, Underworld Trading


    Armstech, Scavenging, Investigation


    Artifice, Archaeology, Treasure Hunting


    Biochem, Bioanalysis, Diplomacy


    Cybertech, Scavenging, Underworld Trading


    Synthweaving, Archaeology, Underworld Trading


    There's also slicing which I think is the money making crew skill. Hope this helps.

  3. All of the stats affected for Qyzen Fess:


    Melee Bonus Damage: both Strength and Aim are there and add an amount of bonus melee damage equal to 20% of their total.


    Melee Critical Chance: both Strength and Aim are there, but Strength will add 1 percentage point every ~68.88 points whereas Aim will add 1 percentage point every ~73.95 points.


    Tech Bonus Damage: only Aim is present here, and it still adds 20% of the total to damage with Tech skills.


    Tech Critical Chance: only Aim is present here, and it still adds 1 percentage point every ~73.95 points.


    SO: although Strength wins out in one category by a hair, it's to such a small degree that it's almost negligible. Aim is present in twice as many stats and you shouldn't joke yourself into thinking he doesn't use Tech skills in battle. He does very, very often. What weapon he uses in the game bears no importance at all. He could be throwing firebolts from Harry Potter's wand or be swinging with Chairy from Pee-wee's Playhouse, it doesn't matter. We're talking about Strength and Aim, and above is a breakdown of how both play into Qyzen's stats.


    Go for Aim.

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