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Everything posted by eavn

  1. end it? Heck I'm having,too much fun trolling fatedd , in effect providing entertainment for the server, btw people I take donations for this
  2. you don't seem to understand I never talked to that mirror guy, I simply did an easy google search, regardless you could "come after me" all you want, you don't imtimdate anybody, not in swtor, not in eve, not irl, only people you might scare are those running for first place of people dumber then honey boo boo. so come at me bro, gl ganking me in a station in jita
  3. you'll have to forgive me, I'm at work on a crappy phone so chances are I might miss a post, andno asking mirror whatever his name is won't work to find my characters names. I told you, I got his and the other names via an easy google search, chances are you beat me easily in eve, I'll be the first to admit suck at that game, so stop challenging me on it, I haven't spent over ten years playing thatgamelike you have, as far as you starting thebob corp/guild, chances were I was going to think you were referring to the evecorp due to thefact that when you said it, allyou weretalkingabout was how good you sayto be on eve,regardless, the main reason I mentioned it earlier was simply toshowthat you act like child wherever you are, you don have to worry about "defending" yourself, I'm not trying to attack you, simply stating you have your head shoved so far your rear end you can't see how silly you look
  4. Keep trying Eavn. Your intel so far has been flawed. I like how sad you are in trying to find out about my EVE past which is quite frankly epic. Mirrorgod,lol, a goth if there ever was one. If only you really knew the truth, and not take someone like Mirrorgods word literally. Red Army and Red Alliance both in fact I played a massive part in developing and these were the days when Mirrorgod was still sucking on his mummas **** pal, whether you like that or not . As for BoB, your wires are really badly crossed there. I was never in BoB and never said I had been within BoB, so I really do not have any idea where you get your intel from but it is severely flawed, just like the American government, all ******** mate . Keep trying Eavn, I see through you mate and what you are trying to do. But you can not do anything about it,lol. By the way, tell me who your Character is in EVE, of course one could prove it to you in game if you desire?. Afterall you apparently know so much about all my characters and who they are?, maybe I can surprise you and crush you with one of them . Upto you Eavn, but may I suggest first of all that you gather real intelligence before making such claims, it really has backfired on you,lol. FatEdd - 55 Mercenary - Shadowlands Ronson - 55 Operative - Shadowlands FarrtEdd - 55 Powertech - Shadowlands FlipperEdd - 55 Sorcerer - Shadowlands lovely mail from ya dearest fatedd,didi mention your constant lying was funny, no I won't give you my eve took names, dealing with your immaturity on one game is enough, how about you give me all of yours
  5. Lol fatedd, makes me laugh how much you rant over names I get from a google search, also fatedd you did claim to have started bob, the fact that you now lie and say you didnt really proves how full of crap you are, honestly, I don't think anybody believes any of the crap you say now.
  6. regardless, at equal skill levels, a assassin should almost always win
  7. ermagerd, our server should become cyber detectives!
  8. Hey Fatedd, i did some digging. MirrorGod, Pagey and Yendaj all say hi, apparently you've been acting childish for longer then we all thought. edit: i did more digging fatedd, many people i have talked to have said you were never part of BOB (which you claimed to have started) or the red alliance. more research shall be done.
  9. just to clarify, i have nothing against you guys, its simply fatedd that I, and many others find offensive.
  10. wait wait wait, thats our dearest fatedd? oh my. maybe hes playing swtor because even eve players cant stand him.
  11. only because of fatedd. and that's not a good thing.
  12. So as you said to frequencyz prove it.
  13. hope none from me, id hate to have kyarra never heal me again =D
  14. racist comments? you mean "genocide is appropriate for Americans" is not racist? (and yes, you did say that to me) also I am pretty sure the above comment could be taken as offensive and sexist by many people, i could be wrong of course, but i doubt it. im sorry to say fatedd, but you are no longer worth wasting any time discussing with, you don't deserve any respect in the way you talk and act, your opinions, which you are entitled too, simply are not worth wasting my time over. I honestly hope you would never act in such a way to people in real life, because the world has enough fools in it.
  15. you still don't get the point, none of us care how much you have done in EVE or irl. the current issue at hand is this: You suck at pvp in swtor, yet can't admit it (THIS is where the dunning kruger effect is relevant) so either 1) stop claiming to be a pvp god in swtor and stop trash talking us when you lose. or 2) go back to eve and stop bringing your racist, sexist and childish remarks to this game. i honestly don't know what else to say to you, you claim to have such a stronger mind then us, yet you can't understand anything we say.
  16. first off, im not trying to "apply pressure", rather i an simply having a good laugh at your expense, and second did you just pull the sexist card? please tell me you didnt just use "you're like a woman" to insult me, we have no use for racist, sexist morons in the world.
  17. before fatedd went on his crybaby routine, i guess freq didnt share the results, but once fatedd started acting like a child again he said w/e and posted the results. at least that's what i'm getting out of his post.
  18. he wouldnt leave anyway, seems to be a epeen thing for him where he thinks the more people who find him childish that the better he is
  19. A guildy had a half hour conversation with the guy earlier, to sum it up -he thinks his brain operates at a speed much faster then us -he thinks having a large corp in eve online makes him an amazing leader and pvper in swtor -he thinks the average pvper on the server is 13-14 -he wants all the yanks (north americans) to die and thinks genocide is a good option -he doesn't understrand he has the Dunning-kruger effect -he doesn't care what any of us thinks and thinks everybody viewing him as an annoyance is somehow a good thing i could go on but i think you get the point.
  20. Beware mighty dragons! Dragon slayers have joined forces in this most noble cause to slay ye. Burneth thee youtube videos of how to slay ye if ye wish to perish naught.
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centers_in_the_United_States
  22. delete the whole thread and just have "Heal to full"
  23. dragon slayers serious dragon slaying dragons must die die dragon die soa was glitched pve is srs bsns youtube the fight my parse is higher epeen battles my ideas so far, will add more later.
  24. no offence, posting a 1m smash voidstar is like passing grade one, its something everybody can do easily.
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