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Everything posted by Vindrik

  1. Yes. Yes that is exactly what it is. Where there griefers at work, we will be there. Where there are spawn campers making life difficult, we will be there. Where people are killing npc's or spawnblocking, we will be there. Where there are people committing general douchebaggery, we will be there. We will protect those who cannot protect themselves. We are the shadow in the corner, watching and waiting. We are ...... apparently bored enough to role play on the forums. Those of you who strike against any under our protection beware, because if we're not busy and we're bored enough to be bothered, we will strike back with a vengeance. ... or we might not, kind of depends whether we feel like it or not.
  2. **Updated Congrats TEHEE, doing great!
  3. **Updated Congrats TEHEE!
  4. Good to see Gimp getting back into the PvE content too! I don't understand why PoA is withdrawing participation, but I suppose if you don't want recognition for clearing the current raid content then that's your prerogative.
  5. **Updated NS downed 8 man Golden Fury Hard Mode http://imgur.com/nXPGob9
  6. **Updated And oooookay, it really doesn't matter which of you did it first, this isn't a world rankings thread. Also if it was then it still wouldn't matter.
  7. NS raiders attempting to avoid boss fight mechanics, from my perspective
  8. MY SECRETS! What have you done
  9. Hahaha cheers. We didn't really treat SV as progression since we wanted to experience things as we went instead of bumrushing through it and raiding every day to kill it as quickly as possible. I'm glad we did, because it gave me time to get multiple toons to 55 as well as go to a couple of birthday bashes for some mates. Beats spending hours on end optimising against the last boss trying to down the ridiculous enrage timer in Dread Guard gear! Also Cheat is technically a sirlette, so you are not mistaken there.
  10. Notorious Synergy from Dalborra downed Dread Master Styrak tonight. 04-14-13, 3:54:06PM UTC http://imgur.com/Wyiu5Y4 Unfortunately don't have timestamps for the other kills, since we weren't treating it as progression.
  11. ***Updated NS downs SV HM, Cheat is disappointed there is no title and Sid just wants to go to sleep because he likes to complain. I hear he doesn't even lift.
  12. ***Updated Congrats. Imo you just need more of Cristian yelling at people to motivate them.
  13. ***Updated I've also altered the post setup to retain our old records and continue with the new in a more space-conservative manner.
  14. Vindrik


    No need to act like a tool. No need to stroke your epeen. No need to try and one-up anyone. Ever. No need to be on server forums you don't belong to. Grats Koz.
  15. For starters, Lucasarts had nothing to do with the development of this game. Secondly, Lucasarts hasn't *developed* a financially successful game in a long time, and prior to that the gap was even longer. They're remaining as a publishing house, just not internally developing games any more. And you can't even begin to compare EVE to SWTOR, they're completely different styles of game. Just because they are both "MMO's" doesn't mean they come close to falling into the same category. I understand your frustration, but please if you are going to come to the forums and complain at least give legitimate reasons rather than doing what an unfortunate majority of other people have been doing and spouting a bunch of uninformed, often completely misunderstood twoddle before storming off into the sunset saying that EA will never get your money again.
  16. Notorious Synergy are going back to Harbinger as well.
  17. You are one of the few. I get that the community may be an issue for MDN, but on Dalborra we've got a community that we're all pretty proud to be a part of, with a few notable exceptions. Loss of community may be a boon for you, but for the vast majority of our server it's a reason we're opposed to the whole process.
  18. Or you could realise he was only trying to be welcoming and friendly and not be hostile jerks about it. The reactions on these forums boggles the mind.
  19. Lol yeah I thought that may have been why you redacted it but wasn't sure. Figured I'd best ask Will see you guys on Harbinger I'm sure, will be good to have some more competition to drive people more with progression, and hopefully get some extra raiders for those guilds that struggle with numbers.
  20. Although I don't condone the rather ridiculous response that you've received (sorry about that btw, the vocal minority gets like that), if I'm reading this right you're saying only 7 guilds total (yours included) have the Warstalker title? Feel free to let me know if I'm misreading that, but that number seems out of whack. We've got 4 guilds with Warstalker on Dalborra alone, and we really don't have a thriving PvE scene. Thankyou for the offer by the way, and letting players know there are existing PvE guilds willing to take APAC members. Apologies that it wasn't initially received as well as you may have hoped.
  21. I get the point you're both trying to make, and to certain extents you're both right. It shouldn't happen, but it does. There are plenty of people that have, or at least have had in the past, a pretty distinct hatred for NS based on the actions of a few players and thereby the rest of the guild by association. It sucks, and I wish it didn't happen but we're prone to preconceptions that way. Regardless, thanks again Scorpio for putting in the effort to try and do something about this whole situation. I know a lot of us don't like it, so the least we can do is not take it lying down.
  22. You have the support of Notorious Synergy. Will link you on our guild forums and see if we can't get some people on.
  23. You use Kephess as an example when it really doesn't matter. The only part of the entire Kephess fight that matters ping-wise for healers is interrupts at the start, and you know when they're coming 5 seconds before they hit. Z&T red circles is a much better example, but that fight is early in the instance so naturally it's not as difficult. Acid spitting in TfB is another one, and ping can (and will) easily cause you to take two ticks of damage. Can you imagine that on Nightmare, where that would practically kill you, while trying to keep everyone else in the group alive? I get that you play with high ping. I raided on Harbinger for a long time too, so I know what it's like. I also know that when I came here, fights that were insanely difficult beforehand became almost trivial because you could practically ignore entire mechanics because they never hit you. And don't even get me started on the GCD issues, which are a huge pain in the *** at 200 ping. Sure, it's not impossible. But it's harder. And it's frustrating as balls, because it's hard for all the wrong reasons. I know both you and Carth are all for this move, hell you've wanted to play on American servers for months now, but us being forced to play over there is going to ruffle some feathers. If and when you two ever engage in a legitimate discussion regarding the merits of a problem rather than Carth yelling "Herp derp you suck, nobody will miss you" and you misusing personal anecdote, I would be ecstatic to see how fruitful the conversation could be. Until then, I'm going to continue trying to engage proper discussion and not caring about the crap either of you two post.
  24. Apparently. We can protest and see if we can get the issue rectified, but there is nothing even close to a problem on legal grounds.
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