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10 Good
  1. Some Armors have hoods covering character heads and faces. I'd like to be able to have the option of having the hood of the armor placed on the back, or removed at the very least.
  2. I'd like to see this game have Character Personal Journals, where players can type down the created Characters Personal History.
  3. The symbols which represent the Buffs, De-Buffs, and Bleed Damage Effects are blocking the HP Meter. It's making it rather difficult to stay alive, if you can't stay focused on both your enemies, and your life at the same time. It's forcing me to resort to drastic measures, and use Healing items / Powers more often than needed.
  4. You know what i'd like to see...? Visions of the future, which involve Darth Vader. THAT would be cool.
  5. If that's the case, then oh well. I'll just have to remake my toons on another sever.
  6. I'm still kinda new to this game. Is there any way to rename Your Legacy on your Server? Because the name that was put on their wasn't the name that I wanted.
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