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Everything posted by DerTaran

  1. It's been a while, since I did the flashpoint, but as far as I remember, as republican player, we did not fight Revan at all (at least we had the choice to do not).
  2. Alle Ausrüstungsgegenstände, die Expertise haben werden nicht gebolstert. Das gilt für das gesammte Item (Waffe, Rüstung usw.) und nicht nur für das Modul selber. D.h, die Kristalle bringen nur dann was, wenn die übrigen Stat-Werte der Waffe gut genug sind auch ohne Bolser auszukommen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob und wann dies überhaupt der Fall ist.
  3. I'm not playing on TOFN but as far as I know, from some JKS emigrants' talk, the republic should be the stronger faction on your server, but I might be wrong.
  4. I don't care if or if not a AC is OP, but to a certain degree, I think people should just accept what happens to their class and try to adapt. And to be honest, sentinels and marauders are not the worst class of all, there are just average now.
  5. You have to be careful, name calling is a reason to be banned.
  6. C'mon guys, you where the FOT(last two)Y, now it is about time for somebody else.
  7. It is. You just need to add wheel up and wheel down to the key binding for next and previous target. Ok, it is not following the lists order, but that's ok for me.
  8. I really like it, it would fit to the announcement of guild-ships and the concept of conquering planets.
  9. What convinced me to drop wasd was a little test. Go to your toon, click on A and have a look how fast it turns. Now take the mouse, right click and spin around your char. After this little test, I changed from wasd to mouse turn and I would bet, everybody else testing it, will do it as well.
  10. What's about metallic looking dye? Like silver and/or gold? If gold and silver is too much, you might consider metallic red and blue? Or other special effect dye?
  11. I would like to see a warzone taking the scify character of SWTOR more in the foreground. What's about a warzone with changing gravity like in the fight at the beginning of episode 3 when Anakin and Obi-Wan are in the crashing battlecruiser (maybe a Voidstar like scenario fleeing a falling down spaceship?). Another option would be to fight in a tube with upside down gravity (this would be a nice Huttball map too).
  12. It is very interesting to watch all this qqing about ranges are now dominating PVP. Melees were dominating for more than two years and it was about time for a change. Saying this, I disagree that range classes are now dominating the battleground, they are just not as bad nowadays as they were three weeks ago. And to everybody thinking that queshball proves that ranges are OP, please stop zerking and start playing!
  13. I totally agree with your arguments, and I hope that the ranked daylies and weeklies will increase the numbers of ranked games to make ELO work as intended. If matchmaking works, there is nothing elite players should be afraid of.
  14. I have to correct myself, gunnery makes a huge difference for PVP. Especially tech-override and the consistent damage increase are helping a lot. To be honest, I'm a little afraid, that a nerf will follow soon.
  15. Tait, did you or Erik ever considered to do a Livestream on an European Server?
  16. To bring the thread back, what is the effect of 2.7? I was changing from gunnery to assault, because of the better mobility in PVP, but I can imagine, that the changes implemented with the patch will bring gunnery back. What is your experience?
  17. Any comments about the changes from 2.7? I only played it yesterday for an hour or so, my first impression might not be final but, for the moment, I think, it has zero influence on PVP, if you are playing assault! So it was not a buff, it was nothing.
  18. In principle, I like to agree with the theory of the TO, that well organized pre-mades are killing the fun for pugs. From time to time, you are facing pre-mades that well organized that you really wonder, why these guys didn't queue for ranked. Especially if you are facing 8 chars from the same guild (1,2,3,queue). But on the opposite site, this isn't happening as often anymore, and in addition many pugs are really competitive to pre-mades nowadays. If there are some experienced players in the pug, if they keep their eyes open, and if they have some practice in the BGs they can easily win (even agains TS premades). I would say, in the past, it was a problem, but it isn't anymore. I still hope, that BW spend a little time and money to increase matchmaking, but not necessary because of the pug vs premades issue.
  19. It would be nice, if you start an Halo thread somewhere else.
  20. Cross Server is to complicated? There is a simple solution to solve the PVP population issue: Just make server transfers free of charge! People would be able to change server whenever they like to play ranked and switch back for the rest of the content.
  21. Es geht mir nicht darum, das ihr nicht recht habt, ich habe mein katastrophales Rating - zumindest bilde ich mir das ein - auch dem matchmaking zu verdanken Mir geht es mehr darum, das man sich aufregt, das keine Rated mehr aufgehen, aber gleichzeitig die Leute beschimpft, die es versuchen (wenn auch mit schlechtem Gear). Ich bin überzeugt, dass viele der Beschimpften aufhören PVP zu spielen, statt sich zu überlegen warum sie beschimpft werden. Insofern finde ich es einfach nicht zielführend potentielle PVP Spieler zu verschrecken, statt ihnen Zeit zu geben sich weiter zu entwickeln. Die schlechten, lernresisten Spieler rutschen dann sowieso in den Keller und diejenigen die den Spass am PVP entdecken werden sich entsprechend ausrüsten sobald sie mehr Verständnis fürs PVP entwickeln und dann den Pool bereichern.
  22. Das ist genau der Grund warum keine Solo Rated mehr aufgehen, Bob, Noob, 28k-Nappels, wer sich sowas Anhöhen muss, der hat bald keine Lust mehr und die die sich für was besseres halten, die müssen halt warten bis ihre 3 Mitspieler On sind. Statt darauf zu hoffen, das bei einem grösseren Pool das ELO greift, wird lieber die Masse die man sucht vergrault. Spieler hat der Server übrigens so viele wie schon lange nicht mehr und Randoms gehen zu den Hauptzeiten im Sekundentakt auf und auch sonst muss man nie lange warten.
  23. I still hope, that they are working on it, even if they said they do not.
  24. I like it, that GSF has dynamic groupings between 8vs8 to 12vs12, especially with a death match type of game, Bioware would be able to offer this for ground battle as well.
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