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  1. Actually, what you said was effectively "Endurance decreases how squishy a tank is". It doesn't. It increases how long they can go without a heal. I bought up defense ONLY to say that it's that that increases how effective a tank is, and not the hp pool. The fact is, in your scenario above (Willpower stacking), the DPS can DPS harder, you are also doing more damage. The boss will die well before the endurance stacking, thus less damage is taken throughout the course of the fight because the boss isn't alive as long. Again Endurance stacking has nothing to do with squishyness. You're not remotely defending yourself here. You're just saying you didn't say that, but the quote is right there. I never said you said Endurance was superior to defensive stats. I said you said endurance has a direct effect on how squishy a tank is. It doesn't. If the healer knows how to play, you won't have an issue in a realistic scenario with willpower stacking. However - I may have misunderstood the point you were trying to make. If you expanded on what you said and perhaps added "The tank didn't have enough endurance for that particular encounter" - I would understand. However, once a certain point of Endurance is reached you don't need any more. Extra damage and threat will outweigh the added benefits of maybe 2-3k HP.
  2. ^ The only part of this post that I feel I should reply to. A - Fair enough I suppose... B - Things get interesting here. In the last paragraph of your post, you state that people don't want Damage Meters because 'you are a bad player that wants to be carried and in WoW you were a scrub'. This, coming from someone who doesn't realize that 'Squishy Tanks' are nothing to do with Endurance. Defense, shield and absorb are quite clearly what makes a tank less squishy. If I have 18k health, taking 4k damage every second, will an extra 1k health potentially make me survive longer without healing? Perhaps. But if I increased my Defense, Shield and Absorb increase my survivability far more in the long run than stamina stacking? Yes. Let me guess, you were the kind of person in WoW who played a Warrior tank and stacked Stamina. Guess what, you were doing it wrong. You have no right to call anyone a scrub if you think stacking Endurance really makes a great difference to someone's survivability. In the long run, the healer still has to heal the same amount of damage. Endurance just gives you an extra, perhaps, half a second to get the heal off. Now, I know there isn't a choice between Endurance and the Defensive stats. But even so, if you were going to die with 18k health + a decent level of defense / shield / absorb, you were going to die with 19k health and the same level of defense / shield / absorb. Willpower also increases the tanks DPS, thus threat (Allowing the other DPS to DPS freely without agro issues). This also reduces the time the boss takes to die, meaning the healers don't have to heal for as much as they would if you stacked Endurance over Willpower, and lacked that extra DPS. On the last point, that's the only real reason I would be happy about a damage meter. Well, that and a death log to make sure I'm doing fights correctly. But back to the point I'm trying to make. Calling people names while stating something obviously flawed = A bit hypocritical. It's not nice and it makes yourself look worse. Onto the discussion at hand - The only real difference I see in a PvE point of view is if the mob died as project was heading towards him. You may have got that extra hit in as an Assassin. On the PvP side, more than enough people have written something to help you in that department.
  3. If you're soloing it, I'd go with Qyzen. Set him up with taunt and the tanking form, while you stick with...Whatever technique you feel like that isn't combat. Why? Because it doesn't matter if he dies. Let him. You can get him back later. That's all I do, and it's worked so far. Let him mitigate the damage you could be taking and basically be a punching bag. He will die in those sort of pulls, but more often than not he has done enough for you to get the kill. Other than that, I'd say just use some Stims, health ration things and hope for the best <.<
  4. While I am a lower level than you (Not by much, however), I have been leveling as a Kinetic Shadow, with the ambition to tank endgame operations. While tanking 5 elites and 2 strongs is pretty much suicide, I would like to ask what your personal priorities are. I personally believe the level of opposition you were up against was the main issue. But even so, as someone new to the spec, it wouldn't hurt to make sure you're doing everything you possibly can to keep damage off you while keeping threat. Are you using Kinetic Ward pretty much on cooldown? Believe me, I felt a lot squishier at 20 when I got that skill, and quite often I find myself taking very minimal damage even in Flashpoints and 4 person quests. As well as this, make sure your Force Breach is up. It's a 5%... Something reduction. Can't quite remember, but it's either damage or accuracy. Either way it helps... And use your guard! Biggest tip I really think I can give you. It transfers 50% of the damage the guarded is taking to you. I play with my cousin, a sentinel, and guard him. If I feel I will be putting the healer at risk of being unable to heal me, I let him off-tank a couple of the lower class mobs. I'm still taking damage, yes, but it's lowered and spread. The biggest hitters are still hitting me, but I'm normally not in any real danger that I may have been if I took on the lower mobs as well. Also, you have a 5 second stun. Use it, it's essentially a damage reduction cooldown. Not massive, but it -will- ease the pressure a little. Lastly, I wouldn't worry too much about making sure you're doing as much damage as possible. If you're holding threat, you're fine. I like to be able to force breach and kinetic ward on cooldown, which sometimes may not be possible if, say, you were using Shadow Strike (I think it's called, the backstab ability... Dunno why you'd use it anyway, but you get the point). Now I'm not telling you how to play the game. Everything I've written here is solely from my experience in game. Others may be more reliable and tell you something else, but again - I wasn't sure what you were doing. Thinking my advice might not go amiss, I decided to write this up for you. You were probably doing this anyway. And if you were, I personally don't see why you wouldn't be able to tank anything level appropriate. But honestly, 5 elites and 2 strongs is just not a good idea xD. I hope something I've said has helped you. Have fun. May the force be with you. Jedi Bangard Innit
  5. Allow me to quote a paragraph from the FAQ section of "The Jedi Shadow's Handbook" - Located at the top of the Jedi Shadow page. Now, to follow up: You also replied with: ^Now take it back! *Smirks*
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