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Everything posted by Emned

  1. Don't mind him that much on the ship, during questing when he goes and comes back from missions I just want him to shut the hell up! What he says does not even matches the outcome of the mission. He says he failed and then he comes back with nice loot or vice versa.
  2. The gear customization and better textures mostly.
  3. Really? People speaking in a foreign language adds to your immersion? If anything would be breaking my immersion it's exactly that. Especially if they start to speak my own language... I can understand people wanting to speak in/chat in their own language but yes, please keep it out of the public channels... And even if they would localise this game into my own language I will still be playing on an English speaking server because I have always watched and played Star Wars in English and suddenly having to read Dutch terms for things that sound way more natural in English is just strange...
  4. Do a barrel roll! I didn't like the alien languages in KoTOR and I don't like them here. As they are not really languages. So, I read the lines and spacebar through them. It might be more "realistic" to have them but I can't even here when a sentence is supposed to begin or stop in the way it's handled in this game.
  5. You sir/madam are absolutely right. My apologies
  6. I think a ten minute wait for a medical probe is a very lenient death penalty. Aside from that a med centre is never far away.
  7. If they put the game on hold to only fix bugs you would complain after they fix it there is nothing more to do because no new content was created. Even in the article they mentioned they had different teams working on different things.
  8. Yeah, I was quite disappointed when I got Soresu form it still hold the lightsaber like normal. A visual difference would be nice. (although preferable none of that two lightsabers in reverse grip thing, it looked utterly ridiculous in TFU 2...oh how I wish they went for double bladed in that game...)
  9. Emned


    You do realize that content designers aren't necessarily the same people who fix the bugs right? It's like saying, why are the moderators here reading the forums so much! Fix the darn game instead of moderating what I say!
  10. "Dance my puppets! Dance!"
  11. Game could use some more music, especially because the music is incredibly nice to listen to. Although sometimes I enjoy listening to my own music but more options is always nice.
  12. The only thing I would change about lightsabers is that you shouldn't be forced to use one, two or a double bladed depending on your advanced class. Jedi Sentinel is more my thing than guardian but because I have to wield two lightsabers (which looks stupid imo (not just in this game, in general)) I'm not playing that class. But alas...that can't be changed and I'll learn to live with it.
  13. But if you walk away chances are when you get back the boss is back and is tagged (or however they call it) by someone else so you don't get credit for killing it (unless you team up but sadly not everyone wants to do that).
  14. I might be a minority here but I rather have they patch at the same time. I also might be biased because I work during the day and can't play anyway. Then again, I also play City of Heroes who also have their maintenances planned during the day for EU people and it doesn't bother me there either. It's just not that big of a deal to me... So, you might have your patches 12-14 hours later, I don't.
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