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Posts posted by SiEDeN

  1. WoW was around for 6 years before they implemented the LFD tool, now all of a sudden every game should have it? Sorry but IMO it ruins communities and makes the game boring, you say your sick of sitting on the fleet spamming general chat? At least your engaged in what your doing, if you had your LFD tool you would be running around the fleet in circles doing nothing waiting for the queue to pop and then bam your ported directly to the flashpoint, run it, then ported right back where you left.


    I played WoW for a long time, so when WoW got LFD it was great, everyone had already explored all there is to explore and had their fill of the "ooooh new and shiny" feeling and just wanted to get online, run some dungeons and log off. SWTOR has been out for one week, do you really want a tool that removes so much player engagement this early into launch? I mean there is already instant transportation to all available flashpoints via drop ship hangers located in a nice convenient area on the fleets, but no, demand that the game also automatically groups you and places you inside the flashpoint.


    Join an active guild. Problem solved

  2. The low user reviews on meta critic are absolutely straight from strongly opinionated and biased people, it is absurd that these short trolling posts are referred to as reviews at all. Personal preferences should be thrown completely out of the window when any product is being reviewed. A review is a determination of the quality of a product or service.


    The movie "King's Speech" was given best movie of 2010, did I like it? No, I hated it. Does that mean it didn't deserve best movie? Not at all. My opinion does NOT reflect its quality!



    The admins of Metacritic should really not have the user "reviews" side by side with unbiased quality reviews that actually take the time to determine the value of a given title, leaving personal opinion out of the equation.

  3. So I decided to get all my slicing done while sitting at work, aw yea.

    Well the computer at work is, well, garbage. Intel integrated graphics FTW


    When selecting "Low" from the "Graphic Quality Preset" settings drop down menu the Shadow setting is set to "Low" not "Off". This resulted in terrible performance to the point where standing in an isolated area staring at a wall with a 800x600 resolution was still incredibly laggy, movement was not an option.


    Changing the Shadow Dropdown from "Low" to "Off" resulted in a MASSIVE performance increase, the game is now completely playable even on the hardware I am currently on.


    I recommend the developers change the "Low" "Graphic Quality Preset" setting to have Shadows set to "Off" by default within that preset to avoid customer service tickets/calls, and prevent people from not subscribing to this game by prematurely quitting because they think that their hardware can't run the game, I sure thought that.

  4. So I decided to get all my slicing done while sitting at work, aw yea.

    Well the computer at work is, well, garbage. Intel integrated graphics FTW


    When selecting "Low" from the "Graphic Quality Preset" settings drop down menu the Shadow setting is set to "Low" not "Off". This resulted in terrible performance to the point where standing in an isolated area staring at a wall with a 800x600 resolution was still incredibly laggy, movement was not an option.


    Changing the Shadow Dropdown from "Low" to "Off" resulted in a MASSIVE performance increase, the game is now completely playable even on the hardware I am currently on.


    I recommend the developers change the "Low" "Graphic Quality Preset" setting to have Shadows set to "Off" by default within that preset to avoid customer service tickets/calls, and prevent people from not subscribing to this game by prematurely quitting because they think that their hardware can't run the game, I sure thought that.

  5. Lol, I think ts funny that since I mentioned WoW in my origonal post so many focus just on that and defend the poorly manored by justifying it that it also happened in WoW. I have had it happen to me in WoW but no where near the amount of times it happened yesterday in SWTOR. I was in the Arms factory and everyone was running around cut throat on nodes and everything else. And then the stupid landing becons that took like five minutes to respawn and everyone needed to tag four of them. It was like a feeding frenzy and I disliked it greatly. No honor by game mechanics. One could say that they were pushed into being dishonorable because they just wanted to get it done.


    I really do not understand what you are going to accomplish sitting on the forums talking about it, you think the devs are actually concerned with your complaints on such a trivial matter?

  6. Here you go, perfect example of the modern MMORPG player. Someone you hope isn't on your server but there's an army of clones just like em.


    Seriously someone ran up and grabbed a node on you, who cares? the time it took you to give your attention to this post you could have completed the quest that you are here on the forums complaining about, you RPers are out there... really out there.

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