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Posts posted by SiEDeN

  1. Went to best buy to see about getting a new pc but I only have 950 to spend. The total came to 1060. Mind you I'm running this game on a 6 year old iMac because it's all I have. Love te game but it runs like crap. Still manage to have fun most of the time when I'm not slowed down to a frame a second. Guess I'm just writing this because I'm sad and frustrated.


    Best Buy lol.... http://www.newegg.com build your own for 600 that will be just as good if not better than the one from best buy. If you don't know how, find someone to do it for you, craigslist FTW.

  2. The plan is simple.


    Users could record their own voice parts and upload them to this very website (being rewarded if we upload a good amount?)


    This would primarily be for those non-talking characters, those that developers didn't have time to complete or for our own characters!


    Obviously there would be one major issue in terms of expletives, sexual references. This would be the biggest hurdle. Maybe the solution would be a blog like interface that would have to be approved by an approx number of other users first.


    Please vote if you agree!!



  3. I am really enjoying this game, however, I believe Bioware should implement more reasons to login once you hit 50. I'm not bashing the available content but seeing as how you can get Columni directly from Normal Mode ops quite fast, it makes running Hard Mode FPs beyond one time to see the content pointless, there should really be a Rakata progression built into HM FPs as well, even if its limited to only a couple slots and takes awhile to get. Perhaps another incentive to re-run HM FPs besides gear? I'm down for that too.


    Everyone in my guild says the same thing and that is, they really love the game so far but for the non-PvP'ers, they don't want to login aside from raiding nights because there is just nothing else to do in game once you hit 50 and aren't quite ready to dive into leveling an alt.


    I'm sure the devs are hard at work churning out new content, especially considering sales are already better than expected, but please think outside of the conventional MMO box a little when you guys start pushing out new content. I love FPs, OPs, and Warzones don't get me wrong, but there is only so much time you can spend doing those activities per week.


    Lastly, and I know this gets brought up a lot, traveling between planets needs some SERIOUS streamlining. Instead of the galaxy feeling large, it feels disjointed and confined, this needs to change.

  4. By the time I hit the mid 30's the world quests became very dull in context. There are just too many quests that really don't deserve voice overs, and actually gets in the way of gameplay. The idea of incorporating story into an MMO is a fantastic idea, but I feel that future content should maintain the same level of "tasks" but have fewer, more epic quests.


    If you are designing 10 quests with voice over sequences that involve my character standing in front of each NPC and exchanging some well voiced dialogue, throw them all away and focus on making one quest that has multiple tasks to complete.

  5. There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample. In this case, we're using Metacritic's user rating of 5.9: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic/user-reviews


    Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


    Swtor's real score (I think its a bit high):







    Yea... LOLOLOL, I didn't think people actually took reviews from biased QQing players seriously. People who let their personal opinions get in the way of determining a PRODUCTS QUALITY do not understand what it is to "review" a game, or anything for that matter

  6. So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


    I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


    Perhaps if you had a life outside of games, even the slightest bit of time AFK. You might not have already burned through all the content there is to offer. Too much of ANY LEISURELY activity is not good for you, balance your life out a little and you may find that you'll enjoy things more if you do not allow one specific activity to consume your life.



  7. Having more animations is going to be resource intensive and this game is already a monster to download. Single player games have the exact same conversations where its essentially recycled animations (IE, Mass Effect, Deus Ex, etc) for all speakers in the scene.


    Missed my point, consolidate resources you would spend on 10 quests and create 1 unique quest that will resonate with players beyond having great dialogue for trivial tasks.

  8. I leveled through the game and did not press the space bar one time for any of the quests. That being said I experienced a significant portion of what the story side of the game has to offer, and for what it is, I can honestly say that it was very enjoyable and provided a sense of purpose to my actions in game. But that horse has been beaten to death, so here is what my problem is with Bioware's take on story within SWTOR.


    Almost ALL of the quests follow an identical visual format, excellent dialogue aside, hit the mute button and talk to multiple quest givers on any given planet and you will see what I mean. The NPC stands there and talks, your character stands there and responds, mix in some varying body language and there you have it. That is how bland and dry all of the quests are and sadly it really hinders the great voice acting that can be found in the game.


    Having 10 quests available in an outpost causes some confusion as to what you are doing for who and why. By the time you finish your tenth quest and are returning to complete them odds are you've mostly forgotten why you killed those pesky gangsters to begin with. Each quest followed the exact same visual formula, they were not distinct from one another, thus the story illusion is hindered


    I feel that in future content Bioware should scrap this formula and create less but more epic quest lines, cut the mundane tasks as standalone quests and inject them straight into over arching quests as bonus tasks.

  9. Yea, I planned on being the Main Tank for my guild, we all came from WoW and we had myself and another guildee that were going to tank, I took about 2 weeks longer to hit 50 and he was already gearing up as a tank, then we realize that you only need 1 tank, now im stuck DPSing as Juggernaut Vengence spec, I'm still having fun as DPS but I want to tank!
  10. Well yea my question in reality was basically whether or not my video card and pc would be powerful enough to run a game like SwtoR on a 1080p Tv. It is hdmi supported and it is related to the game in the lines that the main reason i want to know is solely to play this game on the TV.


    the size of the TV does not matter...

  11. Wow really? I have done it MULTIPLE times with no issue whatsoever, you just need the proper ship upgraded and the shield regen that you can toggle on and off. I will post a video on this thread when I get home from work of me doing these space missions, and completing with at least 50% health left and full shields.


    It is easy if you use the tools provided and point and click

  12. "... the entire SWTOR universe is, in fact, in liquid space..."



    Hopefully this feedback will help Bioware improve SWTOR. *BECAUSE I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO RETURNING WHEN BELOW IS FIXED.*


    Here's why I've unsubbed. (You can do these with me as they're easy to do).


    - Log in. Select your main on the character list. Now...simply rotate your character to take a look around him/her. Tell me, when doing that, do you feel like you have "control" orbiting your character?


    This Squishy, Laggy, Soft, Underwater, non-control (Driving a heavy/full massive School Bus instead of a regular responsive car) feeling translates THROUGHOUT the game.

    - Log in. Now, I'm convinced the entire SWTOR universe is, in fact, in liquid space. Because when looking around when holding down right click, the camera doesn't respond to what my hand is doing, there is a DISCONNECT, a HINDRANCE to the connection between my human body and my avatar's universe. There is full half second delay from moving my mouse to when the actual camera moves.


    Be it...


    -no option to remove mouse smoothing

    -possible connection to the ability delay problem

    -game performance so terrible it's effecting mouse control


    ...whatever the cause, I'm unsubbed until it's fixed.


    From the heart. I love Bioware. I love Star Wars. I want to drive a car, not a school bus. Please fix. XO.



    (PS. The fact that there is no option to remove mouse smoothing at present gets me so angry, I visualize myself in a fantasy world, with an army of muppets and creatures from the Jim Henson universe running at me. All of them armed, all of them angry, holding signs "We like Lag!" and "You'll never have full control in SWTOR!"


    I'm holding a gatling gun, and decide to open fire, even though I'm reluctant. I scream "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!" while thousands of high velocity armor piercing rounds tear through the Muppet army. After all the creatures and muppets lay mangled at my feet, I realize my bullets have shattered a great Dam and a tidal wave of Sluggish Heavy Laggy Juicy Sloppy water races at me and engulfs me again into the liquid universe of SWTOR...


    I feel like Luke walking through the cave on Dagobah.)



    I know exactly what the OP is talking about, I noticed it from day one. There is definately some delay when controlling the camera.


    However, unlike the OP I still love this game and its a minor issue that doesn't hinder my L337 skills, 6 months from now this game will be rock solid and I'm sticking with it until then and onward.

  13. To all of you ragequiting-unsubbing-self-centered-glass-half-empty-little-crybabies who have no patience or faith in the process, goodbye and good riddance, the community is better off without you.


    To all of you enjoying the game, patiently working through the bugs and rough moments, and actually seeing all of the amazing things this game has to offer, I tip my hat to you.





  14. I like how you think your customers are stupid. Instead of taking responsibility for improper software design, testing, and debugging you call every bug an exploit and try to punish us for your poor designs.


    90% of the stuff that is coming to light now was reported in the forums during the beta. You just got lazy and locked and deleted most of the threads.


    "This game screams rushed and sloppy to any experienced gamer."


    Sure, your servers were rock solid but what good is a rock solid server if the software it's serving is a turd.


    Go away

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