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Posts posted by HeatRacer

  1. Wow demand huh. Im sure they'll get right on it.


    Sorry not to sound like a "fanboy" as you put it and I probably will because I disagree or have a difference of opinion which apparently makes you a "fanboy" but you can "demand" all you want but doesn't mean anything will change.


    In all seriousness of your post I play and main a sorcerer both Madness and Lightning. I don't play heal spec and in the years I've played not once I have ever been denied or told I can't do an OPS or any sort of pre-mades just because I play a sorcerer.


    I've done plenty of both and have never been denied a spot. Also training dummy beyond getting a general idea of your do means squat. When in a live scenario of a battle anything can change in an instant since boss battles for example or even PvP may be random.


    While they may be on the lower end of the spectrum of DPS compared to other classes doesn't mean they need to be 3rd or 2nd or whatever. Even if they were it still depends on the skill of the player, the situation at the time and what your doing. You can have a top DPS class but if you don't know what your doing, are in an unusual situation, or simply make a fat finger mistake on your rotation your DPS can fall quickly.


    Can improvements be made, yeah probably but I've never been nor seen anyone who plays a sorcerer get denied an OPS or PvP spot for DPS. If they are, sounds more of a problem with the ones that denied them and not necessarily the person playing the sorcerer or sage.


    Agreed. I main sorcs/sages, having alts for both Madness and Lightning, and they perform perfectly well in both pvp and ops.

  2. Wait? what? you mean hes permadeathed if I wasnt subscribed? how the hell am I supposed to explain this to my nephew.


    What's there to explain? He saw HK "die", in a heroic death to save you. If anything, it makes the sacrifice less meaningful if he's all better 15 mins later. If your nephew somehow knows that HK can come back, there should be plenty of videos on Youtube to watch it. Otherwise, the best lesson you can teach a child is that sometimes we don't always get what we want, but that it's no reason to throw a hissy fit.

  3. am a newb or met a hacker in game? if there is some wierd thing that can freeze you in place but you can still aim and fire

    ye and preventing me from using any abilities while i dont even have a debuff on me


    Taking 2 hits/debuffs from interdiction mines freezes you in place, but allows (SLOW) turning and firing.

  4. If the guild name was indeed taken, you can search for it by typing it in the same field you'd use to search for other players (clicking in the upper left, above the chat box). It's likely to be a small guild, possibly just one player like how you were trying to do, so it might take awhile to be on at the same time. However, the guild name could just as easily be taken by the someone on the opposite faction. You could always try varying your spelling, like spelling out "Incorporated".
  5. I was in an 8-man group that queued for tonight's group finder op. The window popped up, everyone excepted, and that's when everything bugged out. I couldn't go into the raid, and suddenly I no longer seemed to be part of a guild or have any strongholds! I also was unable to whisper any other members of the group to see if it was happening to them too. I tried closing and re-starting SWTOR, but everything was still acting this way. I even logged over to my opposite faction characters, and they were experiencing the same issues too. Anyone else experience this??


    Update: ok, the issue seems to have resolve itself, but man, that was weird and alarming.

  6. This particular companion just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. A Jedi (Master Ranos), Sith (Darth Hexid), or infiltrator killbot (Z0-0M) all make sense as worthy allies to personally accompany the commander of an alliance to save/conquer the galaxy. But a drunken pirate who hangs out in cantinas seems little different than the drunken smuggler (Nico) who hangs out in cantinas.
  7. If a stronghold's Prestige was based more on the value of the decorations actually placed in the stronghold, rather than the player's total unlocks, the Prestige for each one would be more meaningful, and we could get rid of the Completion measure entirely.


    What exactly do you mean by the "value" of the decorations? There are no set credit values on most decorations. And it's certainly not worthwhile use of dev time to retroactively assign arbitrary values to each of the hundreds of decorations, all to help a few people with incomplete strongholds to appear higher up on the stronghold list that hardly anyone looks at.

  8. I'd vote Nar Shadaa. The larger, more spread out strongholds are better for the likes of Sith lords, who have whole armies to command. Nar has everything the professional hunter could ask for.


    It has Location, being right at the center of the underworld, where the most lucrative contracts can be found, as well as easy access to shopping, entertainment, and gambling.


    Rooms are perfectly set up for everything a hunter might need. A room for an armory. Room for a crew barracks. Room to meet/entertain clients. Room for a repair bay. Room for a loot/trophy area. Room for all your vehicles. And all without having to take elevators and drive half a mile down the way to get anywhere.

  9. I didn't do any wall decorations at all. With the precious few decorations able to be placed, I used the count up on things like cargo/munitions containers, ships/mounts, flight control computers, and repair bays. Imperial/Republic banners could be appropriate if the hangar bay is intended for welcoming VIP ships.
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