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Posts posted by g_land

  1. Don't even know why I am responding to this troll of a thread.


    "Best" unless backed up by hard math and statistical numbers is completely subjective, thus if I say swtor has the "best" story it is subjective to my opinion just like yours. People have different likes and dislikes, accept that and realize that everything in this stupid troll thread that the mods should remove is entirely subjective.

  2. I have a baseline of 500k for all my alts. Each week whatever is above that mark on my alts, I send to my main. There are some characters that are not direct money makers for me (they do not have crafting skills), so those characters start at 500k and go down over time, I usually do not "reset" them until it is absolutely necessary (there are times I have accidentally brought them down to a point where they cannot run missions without an infusion of credits)


    This but baseline is 1 mil for less times replenished. Lazy, 300 mil on banking alt.

  3. SWTOR was my very first MMO. I tank hardmode progression runs. There are 6 tanks in my guild. 4 had never played an mmo before this one with the other 2 coming over from WoW. This is another post of yours that is incorrect. Come on man, rein it in a little bit.


    Do what I do, put his drivel on ignore.:rak_01:


    As to why I don't tank in pugs anymore, I used to play a lot and experienced the broad spectrum of pugging but the rewards that one sees from anything you do in any groupfinder type are just not really worth it. Once you have 140 ultimate comms, there is no reason to get anymore unless by happenstance from running operations with your guild. This also trickles down to your alts because if you have the gree legacy offhands you only need one toon to be able to get offhands for all your alts and most of those can be shared between alts for different roles, heals/dps. Past that offhand barrel/hilt/armoring there is no reward for putting yourself through continuous lottery draws when you can get sufficient gear to trickle to your alts with the abundance of pointless elite comms. Prior to 3.0 the mods in various comms items could be useful because they were unlettered, now that isn't the case aside from a tank who wants to take the endurance stack method of gearing. The potential foibles, arguments, and foolishness just aren't worth the meager rewards.

  4. But instead since the original writing team left the project we have had one dimensional everyone attacks imperial npcs. i.e.


    Malgus broke off from the Empire and everyone ends up killing Imperials

    The Dread Masters use Imperials and everyone kills Imperials

    Revan use Imperials and everyone kills Imperials

    The Emperor uses Imperials and everyone kills Imperials. .


    Malgus was original dev team and writers

    Dread Masters, original dev team plus expanded story line

    Revan also uses pubs and mandalorians

    Emperor uses pubs or are those Sixth Line Jedi Commandos not pubs?

  5. As a side note despite being "only" a single boss encounter there was quite a hype around Nightmare Pilgrim, Dread Tooth, Dreadful and Hateful Entity back in the time.


    One can still see people searching for a guild which is willing and able to sell them Crest of the Dread Master.


    Dread tooth dropped gear equal to minimum for then current hm, important items were masks and item to summon dreadful entity.


    nightmare pilgrim dropped minimum required for then nim EC/hm TFB like dread tooth, important benefit was +50 all stats for one hour to help with that difficult ops boss.


    dreadful entity dropped item to summon hateful and title


    Hateful entity dropped mask and title


    Golden Chicken dropped random tokens on par with then available hms also released at same time as SnV and rebalanced TFB.


    Monolith drops mainhand one gear tier above what is currently available and looks like it has a chance to drop revanite mainhand token. Mainhands are one of the two most valuable upgrades and for some classes are the most valuable. Based on past single bosses it would have been somewhat expected to have a chance to drop the 198 token but not something even better. Dropping the 198 would put you even with rewards but not seriously cheapen the fights.

  6. Attempted to run this in 16 man last night, problem that everyone had was that even if you could see the initial fire it would disappear after a few seconds. Now for most animations and their corresponding effects, when the animation disappears the effect is also gone. Not so with these as the animation disappears after about three seconds but the effect lasts the full duration as previously.


    So, now you are combining a very tiny room with 16 people in it as opposed to 8 and on top of the normal mechanics are asking everyone to keep track of new fire locations every 30 seconds even when the animation disappears. Why would this have been a good change? the least you could do was make the fire animation actually last the duration of the effect! Or do we now all have to have the most awesome of computers to actually see this?

  7. Oh please. Its one thing to try to explore, its another to actively try to get into an area you KNOW you arent supposed to get. People knew what they were doing because they actually did it on the PTS and knew it was a cordoned off area, and before anyone whines "well its not our fault they knew it was broken, they should have fixed it!" Bioware did fix it but the exploiters did everything in their power to find another way in. This wasnt people just trying to explore, and thats a lame *** excuse to cover up what they were doing. But lets say, just for ***** and grins that someone was just playing around and trying to explore, guess what. Bioware has said, and its in the ToS everyone agreed to, that if you discover an exploit to STOP AND REPORT IT. Unless you seriously expect us to believe these people were exploring for datacrons, and just happened across the world boss and the ops entrance, and decided that Bioware must have decided to hide these so only certain people could find them.


    Its a tired excuse because some people wanted to go in and get "World First" before everyone else had access to the content. Well guess what. The precious "World First" got you a 3 day ban, any ill gotten goods taken away, AND your achievement stripped all for a meaningless claim that no one is actually going to recognize as legitimate.


    Stop with all the excuses that these people were just hunting for datacrons though. Its a stupid excuse, especially when everyone knows you are lying. Man up, accept the consequences for getting caught CHEATING, and move on. If it pisses you off that you cant cheat and get access to gear and content before anyone else, then just **** and dont let the door hit ya on the way out.


    Clearly missed the point of my statement

  8. Out of curiosity... why wasn't the instance door just disabled till a set time for release?


    Also, one of the great things about this game is exploring and people getting to previously thought inaccessible places e.g. tops of the cliffs around yavin base, is it so surprising that people did whatever it was to access the "blocked off" area?


    Yes people have "exploited" but if Bioware can't do simple things like the above or understand that there are segments of the community that just like to explore... They made datacrons, what part of the customer base does that cater to in reality... surprise!

  9. Something I have noticed with mechanics, compared to other MMOs, SWTOR has always been known for some interesting, original and intricate mechanics. This was always a good thing and added a learning curve in a very good way. But now it's almost like they have taken a page out of the WoW raid mechanics handbook of - Massive amounts of spam on the ground, kiting ads and some lottery mechanics, where it doesn't matter if you are the best player in the world, if you get hit with X + Y at the same time your dead.


    Maybe they hired staff from Blizzard. :p


    Has anyone else noticed this?


    Tank and spank is not a mechanic.

  10. I couldn't tell you how many times I have wiped to due rocks dropping screwy in the fight because of the randomness or the cross phase not registering people in their positions. I know other people with a bitter taste in their mouth about Underlurker as well. Just the mear mention of ToS makes us all cringe because of ONE boss, and most of us were in progression HM raid groups pre-3.0 doing just fine in them.


    I find this paragraph rather confusing, is it harder because its a one-shot mechanic? Its basically the same as the circles from the Bestia encounter in DP. I had someone tell me they found tanking sword squadron in HM very difficult the other day because they couldn't see the circles underneath each other to get out of them. My response, "why do you need to see circles underneath other circles rather than just getting out of any circle that appears?" Same concept with underlurker, see a circle? get out of it!

  11. If future machines will be as useless that current one is, then we don't need them.


    There was a reason it was called the Contraband slot machine... OMG could it be because it was intended to allow people to get Contraband Reputation for the vendors? Nahw thats not possible. Everything else was clearly broken and for those who couldnt figure that out through 10 seconds of thought... well... I have no pity to give your greedy selves.

  12. No wonder they don't post here because you people really show how vile the community is with your harassment.


    Oh another quote...


    In the meantime I will do my best to keep up a regular physical presence on the boards, but due to the general behind-the-scenes nature of my work (and the sheer quantity of incoming data I’ll be managing) you may see lengthier intervals between my visible forum posts. Nevertheless, I do encourage you to PM me anytime with more direct questions or thoughts.
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