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Posts posted by g_land

  1. is it though? at this time, you have to complete an alert from an alert giver, before you could get the next alert from them. so... if, no when the next companion from that alert giver becomes recruit-able? you would have to finish this pvp recruitment if you want that next companion's mission.


    so if you mean optional in a way that playing video games at all is optional? sure. but if you mean optional as in - doesn't gate any other content behind it? not so much at least not right now.


    Yep, still completely optional because even if it gates another companion (which is still pure speculation) that companion is also completely optional.

  2. I tried one on my Tank Juggernaut yesterday. He was level 29 (went to 31) geared at level 26 in pure tanking set, no stim, no adrenals, no augments. I can barely play it (I set up his binds to match the guide & did a BH event before queueing, and BH event was basically my guy jumped, got tossed, and by the time he was back on his feet Vette shot the adds and the boss)


    I had a group of 3 DPS. Level 23 Assassin, level 57 Marauder, Level 64 Sorcerer. We had the KYD (I should have unclicked it, but I had it included, so it popped).


    Either Assassin or Sorc died almost every trash pull. I switched guard from Mara to the Sin to see if I can keep him alive better. Sorc overloaded every mob in a way of an opener, but Mara cc'd every droid he saw, bless him. The ifnal battle took forever, I did not stay on the boss, because we were killing the adds too slow (it was the Droid in the middle final battle); all of use used kolto stations. Died a couple of times there, but we did not wipe, coming back after death, but that was KYD, which was always a tactical.


    Feel like this belongs in a different thread :D


  3. Rather than making people read through forums and hunt for the right 190 gear to try to get a PVP starter set together with good expertise, why not make it easy and have the PVP vendor sell for credits (50K?) a complete set of 190 greens that will bolster well. As it is, I bet a lot of people jump into PVP with zero expertise just because the info (and the gear) isn't easily available.


    They actually did do something like that pre 2.0. Everyone got a mail that sent them on a quest to their classes pvp vendor where they got a free set of "recruit" gear. The result was that people took the free gear and sold it for free credits then went into pvp gear with whatever they had anyways. However back then bolster at max level didn't exist and the recruit gear was horribly inferior to grinder gear. Maybe it would be something to look at again.


    However they kind of already do that as the gear you get from a fresh 60 bolsters perfectly minus the 82 expertise from crystals so you get 1936 rather than 2018.

  4. People are dumb and can usually be found occurring around people who think they are awesome players but in reality everyone carries them. An actual good player probably wouldn't even notice.


    Two friends and I ran a hm tfb last night with two people who only had sm achievements and a third who could have been more than second or third time in because that persons achievements were from earlier in the week. The only "problem" was a first pull wipe on tfb. Each of the newbies took five minutes before each fight to read guide and tfb is really something you need to see first hand to really understand it so at least one wipe with new players should be expected.

  5. seems like you stopped reading at force choke. It dosnt stop anything, so yes it is broken.


    Nope, I bet you just don't realize how quick that 4 seconds is. Unstoppable applies when you activate force charge (1 gcd = 1.5 seconds) then you land and activate another ability (2nd gcd = 3.0 seconds) ability #2 (3rd gcd and 2nd after landing = 4.5 seconds). Basically you only have an uptime on the ability of 2.5 seconds when it is actually useful depending on how far you force charge but the variance in time of animation won't be that drastic so you lose that first gcd. If you are against a good player they know to wait that extra half second after it takes the human reaction time to process the information. If you make it even easier on them and immediately cast ravage, you give them a visible timer that they can look at to tell them exactly when to hit you with whatever ability they are going to use.

  6. 1. Ops already give gear to everyone unless someone gets very unlucky with rng. but no you should not exit a single op with everyone in enough gear to fully equip. Ops are quick and easy in sm at the moment with all the bolster available and removed mechanics.


    1.1 You can go to odessen and buy the new grade 6 gifts or the lockboxes for alliances with your cdcs


    2. If you are still playing the game and didn't understand that this is the direction they were going since early last spring, then you were living under a rock


    3. You can level in this game so fast that its rediculous. Auto loot is already available in your preferences window and you have to be closer than 15 meters or so to loot.


    4. They are getting compensated for their money with what they buy, they aren't paying for any other portion of a game that is geared towards increasing its subs. It would be nice if people could use customer service but as a subscriber I don't want the already poor customer service that I am getting to be reduced even further by people who aren't paying for it. Your companion thing was a bug...


    5. Yes customer service is atrocious and they are even more taxed because so many people returned to the game and like the previous expansion we have been stress testing a beta build basically.


    If you are unsubbing, I hope you find something else you enjoy.

  7. I think the ninja thing that has been happening on shadowlands is that a boss will get to 5% or so in an op and the group leader switches to master looter, takes everything and quits the game. Heard of it several times yesterday and the person(s) were doing it on various bosses in the targeted hm to quickly get 224 gear. Basically, someone sets up an ops group for whatever instance then master loots and leaves after getting to the boss that drops the loot they want.
  8. Why they didn't reverse level sync the way bounty and rakghoul quests do, but my guess would be that it would have required a lot more changing of game code than the level sync instituted it. It would have been better cause then people can choose what mobs they fight/skip on the way to completing their objectives.
  9. I feel like people are forgetting (or don't know) that Styrak was always considered a tight DPS check and a tought fight when it was at level.


    Now it's at level again...and people seemed surprised by this?


    I doubt it's overtuned. Just accept that there's something in progression raiding that may be challenging again. :rolleyes:


    Yeah, it did feel great to have the wake up call of the first wipe, nobody used any class buff or adrenals in that and we wiped and had a huh maybe they actually scaled this pretty accurately! yay!

  10. You think I don't remember your screen name when we were talking about the nerfs. Okay I'll play along your supposedly an innocent bystander in all this right. A majority of players do support the pre nuke nerf. It reflected as much in two separate polls taken. I know that because a majority doesn't have time to sit here all day and night. They have jobs during the day things to do.


    There are far more people out things with things to do with a wife, husband, daughter, sister etc that they have take of then there are people that have 24/7 to play on here. You don't have be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Secondly it was never hard before. It was just time consuming. The game literally is the same as it was expect "we die more often" and "its a longer grind" that's it. There is no harder or challenge. You are playing a video game.


    Those should not try get real life achievements out of a video game. It simply won't work. If you want a real achievement go offline and earn it. For someone that is "indifferent" you sure seem annoyed that the majority were fine with companions. Why is that.




    They literally said in their reply they cited community response they said it was "divided" logically lets look at that. How would they know that. They had to listen somewhat take the response into their choice making. What I find interesting now so many people are trying to wave responsibility. You complained. You own it now.


    So, there is this thing called a post history which you can check by clicking on someone's screen name and then going to statistics which gives two options... you know what they they tell us about the people you are accusing? That you are a ranting, raving lunatic which your own post history supports.

  11. Because the harder content is the group content, it always was, the solo content shouldn't be.


    Eric said that H2+ meant = can be completed by a player and his companion, people are just holding BW to that.


    True! Eric did say that, but it also doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is expected to be able to complete each heroic solo and without any real effort on the players part. What he said is true from a certain point of view but it seems like most people are stretching what he wrote into "every heroic 2+ should be solo-able by everyone." There is a huge difference in those two interpretations and that is where a huge part of the communication issue has occured. Unfortunately bioware will get blamed for it when that's not exactly reasonable.

  12. Did this tuesday night with our group and we hit enrage because of that register bug when he goes below 20%, sometimes if you dont get it fast enough in his rotation it will trigger the channelled manifestations and lightning adds phase which adds about a minute to the cycle and drops you severely behind. On our second try we actually used the class raid buffs because we forgot them the first time lol, but we used them after the second cycle as he stays around for a little bit longer before going into a new cycle. On the second pull he was at 7% when he summoned the dragon. I only have six peoples information but, our raid dps was:

    Tanks 2477, 1793

    heals 1021, 990 (ehps 7.2k)

    two dps 5329, 4631 and i would guess our other two dps combined for about the same.

    so guesstimated total of 26k give or take to get to 7% at dragon summons. Enrage timer is 9 minutes btw.


    Hope it helps

  13. The white knights defending BW latest patch are mostly taking personal shots at people posting their anger at BW over changes done in a patch. downright ugly and personal...


    Actually, the mud slinging has been in both directions...

  14. If you are a completionist how is it a choice? if you always finish something you start but it forces a play style you Chose to avoid by joining a PvE server. How is it a choice? I do understand what you mean and where you come from. But how many people do you think spend the time and get excited about a reward from a quest only to get disappointment when they find out they have to risk pvp to complete it? To those who will no doubt reply "do your research", get off the internet as you are clearly oblivious to how casually people use the net.


    Being a completionist is is a choice.

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