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Everything posted by AgentAurelius

  1. I'm thinking about buying SWKOTOR and am wondering if it will run on Windows 7.
  2. Jolee Bindo because he's funny, old, self taught, and REAL. He knows the Jedi are just as bad as the Sith and i'd kick it with him maybe herbal enhance with him and a few beers haha.
  3. thats how i play it too or if it will help/aid/advance the Republic by any means without being downright socialist.
  4. this alignment thing is cool for the dialog, but it shouldnt restrict you from gear.
  5. I like Count Dooku if he counts as a Sith Lord.
  6. Hi guys I am unable to play/enjoy the game ever since the patch on December 27th. I am planning on building my own gaming computer by buying parts piece by piece until I have them all which will be in a couple months I hope (but probably longer). I'm just asking for advice/tips/help in where to look for the best deals, and how and where to look for the parts. I am not very experienced in building computers but this will be my first one. I want it to be able to run just above the minimum requirements of SWTOR and am not vying for a hitech top of the line computer, I just want to build a tower that is wifi and can run SWTOR smoothly. Thanks.
  7. When I am able to play this game again, I might make Shaolin/Warrior monk idealist character with either the jedi knight or sith warrior
  8. Isn't Revan more of his own side not necessarily light or dark? ANd i've heard that even Malak wasn't actually killed but that might not be true.
  9. Tales of Jabba's Palace or Tales of Mos Eisley Cantina were good ones.
  10. From what i've experienced in the star wars realm, i've come to the opinion that the Jedi are just as evil as the Sith. When the cult of the Sith came before Revan they were hunted down by the Jedi and they fled to Korriban. The First sith (not the race) were just Jedi utilizing the dark side of the force and the Jedi didn't approve and attacked thus making them the aggressor. I might be totally wrong but I remember reading this a couple times.
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