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Everything posted by NeoIshamael

  1. I think they would rather a player transfer servers. "God" knows that I have dropped at least $150.00 trying to find that good server with a great semi-casual guild.
  2. I can only speak for myself but this game is rather easy. There is no challenge outside of maybe HM operations (even then the challenge is more about gear not about mechanics per se). I find that when I have logged in I que for a flashpoint and instantly regret it. The challenge just is not there. I am not looking to beat my head against a wall but I want something to feel a sense of accomplishment when defeating a "boss". I think that this is the games biggest problem. Bioware can get away with having new content (flashpoints/operations) once every year if it was consistently challenging. The difficulty of content can increase its shelf life. So, does anyone else feel bored with the PvE content? What do you do to keep the game fresh and prevent it from becoming boring? I am referring to small group content. OPS for the most part do have some interesting mechanics.
  3. Bioware will never dedicate the resources to cross-server ques. Although I believe that PvP would benefit, I do not necessarily believe it is needed for PvE at this point in time. PvE is already boring. As a primary PvE player, it is disappointing that Bioware does not implement challenging content. That is not to say everything needs to be gated behind difficulty. I also understand the argument that everyone wants to experience the story but aren't hard-mode flashpoints supposed to be hard? I look to FFXIV ARR and their "elder game" content is challenging. Everyone can complete it but even well-geared players may wipe a few times on bosses. I think in DF/DP there has been a shift to mechanics but flash-points desperately need something challenging. I do not see this happening though. The reality is Bioware/EA will not dedicate resources for cross-server ques and challenging content. It is sad but true.
  4. I know if anything will retain players its slot machines. Soon to come to SWTOR.....the slot machine app for only 400 cartels coins you can play a slot machine to win more re-skinned armor. Going to sub for life right now.
  5. I would recommend Wildstar or FFXIV ARR. They are not StarWars ;however, they have a lot of content and a lot of transparency. Unlike SWTOR, they also have challenging content. Although, FFXIV ARR is much more friendly to the "casual" player.
  6. All I was saying is that it does not make sense from a capital budgeting standpoint to make any more significant cash outlays into the game.
  7. I got duped by the promise of 2.8. So I am giving a warning for anyone who reads "STAY AWAY SWTOR HAS RABBIES". They got my 14.99 for the last time. This sinking ship is just a money grab with no return on investment.
  8. No. I had this on another post but I think it applies here as well. TL;DR EA/Bioware know that SWTOR was a bad investment. It makes more sense to make a console game rather than put resources into SWTOR. Once it makes financial sense, they will shut down the game (probably after year 7 or 8). I said something last week about how 2.8 on the PTS was a joke. Tait told me that more was coming but he did not want to steal Bruce's "thunder". Well Bruce finally graced us with a "roadmap". It (consistent with the "summer of SWTOR" 12 & 13) had no content . Remember the Chevin event in 12 or the Cartel Market update in 13? It did little to encourage players to login and subscribe or spend money. If you take Torstatus.net as any indication of the player base, SWTOR is bleeding. Since Makeb, servers have consistently lost "players". Judging by the forums, many players are upset about the direction of the game. I can only speak for myself but this game has relatively little to do except sit around on the fleet. This is not to say that players playing "catch up" cannot find enjoyment. It simply means that for SWTOR veterans the game has become stale. SWTOR has a lot of people leaving or not logging in and not enough "new players". I think Bioware and its producer, Bruce, are primarily responsible. Bioware has been a "day late and a dollar short" with a majority of game features. Group finder, barber shop, UI customization, inventory sorting, and so on are all examples. It takes them months to do what should be done in weeks. However, here is the real reason why SWTOR failed and will continue to be in maintenance mode. SWTOR: NPV $120,238,250.36 EAA $22,537,940.71 MASS EFFECT 3: NPV $43,238,347.11 EAA $24,913,523.81 NET PRESENT VALUE and EQUIVALENT ANNUAL ANNUITY. Using sales figures for Mass Effect 3 and SWTOR factoring in depreciation, royalities, operating expenses and so on SWTOR was a bad investment. EA/Bioware cannot abandon the game until during its 5th year due to the cost (thats assuming $250,000,000). Even if SWTOR lasts 8 years and revenues only decline 10% per year, Mass Effect 3 was still a better investment. So the choice for EA/Bioware is simple. They pull resources from SWTOR to use on "box" games. They can milk players for as long as they can to get to the point where they can shut down the game.
  9. Tait (sp?) did just say that there is more coming. However, why not release it all at once? Who else besides Dulfy and a select few are going to waste time testing NIM? Class changes?
  10. If this game was not StarWars, I would look away and never come back. FFXIV ARR has a better game and team all around. I appreciate the transparency and communication with WildStar. Heck even bland Rift has more content with less players. The most frustrating part is I want this game to be great. I have played next to a lot of great people and had some really fun days/nights playing. It is the dark reality that it seems with the mini-expansion being pushed back that it will be about 2 years between 2.0 and 3.0. 3.0 will contain enough content for a month and another 2 year cycle begins.
  11. I laughed after reading this again.
  12. I can understand that maybe SWTOR saw ESO and Wildstar coming and said lets push everything back so we can maximize our profit. In the interim they are giving us the "hope" that there is something exciting to come in 2 weeks with this "Producer's roadmap". Unfortunately, BW got my 14.99. It looks like now that this "patch" is a sign of things to come over the next 5 months. BW hopes that by giving away CC and vanity pets they can stop the bleeding. It is a little bit queer of them to release this 2.8 PTS patch. It is a joke. Just tell us what is coming. If BW really cared about thier players, they would have timed this so called patch with a new producer's roadmap.
  13. Reveal more now. They "pushed" content back. I guess I am sick and tired of logging into the game and there is nothing to do besides the fleet. Is it that hard to buff up difficulty on a few level 50 hardmode flashpoints? Lets get a few challenging flashpoints that are akin to Lost Island.
  14. LOL. So by your logic a NIM and housing is content? Different strokes for different folks. Standing around on the Fleet, doing dailies, and running the same ridiculously easy FPs must be your cup o' tea.
  15. Wow. Please tell me I am reading something wrong or is there 0 content (new) in this "major patch". Looks like no content from April to August! I really regret re-subbing yesterday.
  16. I really like Pax Gaming. The application process was unique. There is always an event happening. The guild leader for the pub side (I do not play imps......yet) is great. Everyone is very friendly. An added benefit is that the guild spans across multiple games. If you get tired of SWTOR and want to play FFXIV, WOW, RIFT, etc., you do not need to look for another guild.
  17. Give Pax Imperius a try. The application process is unique. I play on the Pub side of the house but there is always events. Another benefit of Pax is that the guild spans across multiple games. http://www.paxgaming.com/index.php?threads/how-to-join-pax-gaming.5128/#post-47222
  18. No offense is meant by this comment. I think you need to learn to balance your "checkbook". This happens with debit/credit cards all the time. Some vendors do not capture the funds right away and the hold on the money expires after X business days. It happens especially with gas purchases. I know it stinks but just consider it an opportunity to become aware of your finances.
  19. I would like to see the class stories. It would be profitable for Bioware but they would need to price the product at $60 to make it cost effective (assuming I am figuring the correct numbers). If SWTOR has 300,000 f2p/subs who are willing to buy an expansion with class stories, it would generate about $18.5 million in revenue. I am going to assume that the development cycle would be 2 years. I am going to guess that they would need 50 employees making an average of $57,000 to create this expansion of class stories. That would leave a starting figure for the variable cost of production at $5.7 million. I would wager the fixed costs may be in the neighborhood of $2-3 million. They could clear about $8-10 million off of this expansion. However, there is a lot of risk associated with developing an expansion like this. The population could decline to a point where BW/EA takes a loss. Production problems could increase the development cycle and the variable costs. Besides risk, what is BW/EA required return on a project of this magnitude? I do not know if $10 million justifies the investment (even if a good portion of those customers will sub for three months). At the end of the day, BW/EA could do more class stories and not take a loss. However, I think BW/EA realizes that they could invest their money into the cartel market and smaller patches with less risk and more reward.
  20. I would like to see the class stories. It would be profitable for Bioware but they would need to price the product at $60 to make it cost effective (assuming I am figuring the correct numbers). If SWTOR has 300,000 f2p/subs who are willing to buy an expansion with class stories, it would generate about $18.5 million in revenue. I am going to assume that the development cycle would be 2 years. I am going to guess that they would need 50 employees making an average of $57,000 to create this expansion of class stories. That would leave a starting figure for the variable cost of production at $5.7 million. I would wager the fixed costs may be in the neighborhood of $2-3 million. They could clear about $8-10 million off of this expansion. However, there is a lot of risk associated with developing an expansion like this. The population could decline to a point where BW/EA takes a loss. Production problems could increase the development cycle and the variable costs. Besides risk, what is BW/EA required return on a project of this magnitude? I do not know if $10 million justifies the investment (even if a good portion of those customers will sub for three months). At the end of the day, BW/EA could do more class stories and not take a loss. However, I think BW/EA realizes that they could invest their money into the cartel market and smaller patches with less risk and more reward.
  21. Sorry it was closed maybe it was off-topic but I could only see one page. I guess I got a little over-zealous myself.
  22. Gotcha. I checked it out via the Dev Tracker and I could not for the life of me see what was wrong with it. After all the venom that takes place on these forums, that post was pale in comparison. I just thought the OP (I do not want to name him b/c a MOD might think I am calling that person out) deserved to have is idea out there. I know it has been floated before but I cannot recall hearing any response from the Devs if this is possible.
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