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Everything posted by KendraP

  1. I agree with you here, except I also believe SM ops need scaling. Actual story/solo content, whatever. But endgame group content should be max level. Forgive me if the grammar police was too strong; that was never directed to you, but to the person (ironically enough) trying to say you were vague. I'm worried about this, honestly. I'm concerned that, if the rescaling of the uprisings doesn't get enough people to participate in them, BW will simply dismiss us as malcontents that can't be made happy. (To be fair, this assumption is probably not far off in my case. I'm very dissatisfied with my experience in swtor, and with what BWs priorities seem to be more generally). This could (would) lead BW to choose to not raise FP or ops.
  2. Dipstick said Max level is 75. Ergo its safe to assume he wants operations at 75 and planets left the way they are; which is what I want too, and how the game was from whenever they started scaling old ops (3.0? I don't remember its been so long) to 6.0. FTP players are locked from operations, so they're irrelevant to this point. You want to talk about them, talk about bringing ops passes back. I don't believe dipstick is, nor am I, suggesting removing level sync. I merely want operations at max level (which to clarify is 75). As for the rest I'm back to having no clue what you're trying to say. Seriously, Google translate might be a huge help. What does "wane" mean in this context? Please learn the difference between "of" and "off", and how many "more"s belong in a sentence. Knowing the function of a period and what a run on sentence is would not go amiss either.
  3. Theyve eased up on this front substantially over the years. Now at least you do get something, even if its not the (random and probably useless) set piece. I remember pug raiding when you used master looter for HM KP/EV. Can't say I miss the loot drama that inevitably followed. (I refuse to do the next boss unless you give me those boots! He already got a piece last op we did! Or other such stupid claims) I do miss being able to actually be able to complete a HM EV without enraging the first boss in an all pug group where my friend and I are both playing support roles. Or the days when recruiting 6 random people off fleet would net you at least 2 that did in fact know the puzzle in KP HM. Alas, none of us get what we want.
  4. If I understand dipstik, he wants what I do with the operations all scaled to 75, thus creating a max level endgame. How does that have anything to do with renown? You're a level 75 running what would be level 75 content. What i don't understand is you. Could you perhaps rephrase using fewer run on sentences? Like, your first sentence is giving me a headache trying to scramble it into an intelligible structure. (See what I did there?) Seriously, "more worthless more?" I think you're interpreting dipstik's suggestion as not downscaling players, when he's suggesting upscaling the operations themselves.
  5. Obligatory i like it better without the channel however it looks.
  6. This is all true; however, the flip side to this is that the best way to gear to ilevel 306 is to put on whatever the highest ilevel item you have for that slot, regardless of stat, and only be concerned about optimization when you get to ilevel 306. Myself, I levelled gear via PvE (yay red reaper stealth spamming with a friend), at one point running a tank piece on my healing scoundrel (because it was borrowed from an op i'd run on my guardian, and happened to be the highest ilevel item for that slot i had at the time). OP has a choice, to be sure. Personally, my opinion is that getting to ilevel 306 is easy enough in PvE, and thus, trying to get a set bonus at 270, and keep that same set optimized through to 306, is simply far more inconvenient than stealth spamming reaper (or any class spammer stationing) to ilevel 306, then optimizing. To each his own though, and everything you mentioned is true given what we know about how the bolster works.
  7. If what BW was planning for ranked had absolutely no bearing whatsoever on what they did to regs, why would they wantonly apply exactly the same penalty both places. Trixxie did not, to my memory, suggest a blanket lockout. Their original suggestion, to my understanding, was something along the lines of my suggestion to up the W/L ratio, that I (along with trixxie) was making before they threw the baby out with the bathwater. Instead of listening to reason, they took the easy or lazy path, or they chose to listen to blowhards. But you guys enjoy your wasteland that grows more devoid of semi-decent players every day. And for once, I'm not talking about ranked. Oh and btw, my hypothetical concern about unofficial channels being moderated by some third party is valid. Oh and double btw: if bw didn't want to be accused of such preferential treatment, maybe they should have an official channel that is equally active and considered as some unofficial third party moderated nonsense.
  8. Oh my big dream for this year is to have an easily puggable mac level endgame. But I may as well put that out of mind now. Not happening before the next major expansion at the soonest obviously.
  9. I unfortunately believe its working, and that there are just so few of us that could avoid stabbing ourselves with our own lightsaber that it comes down to who gets stuck with the most of these idiots. But as you mentioned, it won't change because the only group BW cares to listen to participate in a discord full of NiM or ranked running sycophants who consider competent yet casual by choice players beneath them, which is why I assume there has been nothing for the casual endgame player since what, 6.0 launch being generous?
  10. Its like not even about my ego. Its about the frustration it induces. If my monitor hadn't put me back $500 I might put a fist through it sometimes trying to deal with these idiots. Is it really that hard to do something other than basic attack? That huttball in particular, let's just say its going to be a while before I choose to do that again. If I PvP from now on, its with my friends in tow. 4 man objective focuses premades seem rare these days.
  11. I mean I'm a relatively casual (once fairly hardcore) PvPer who went from PvPing in swtor for probably a couple hours a day to PvPing maybe an hour a week. Sure the primary motivation was guild drama, matchmaking changes, and bad players. But the recent changes just make the experience worse in my opinion. See my example of last weeks' huttball. I got stuck with 7 people who probably couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag IRL, the opposing team was roflstomping, but to prolong my agony, they refused to score more than 2 points (they very easily could have won this is about 2 minutes). Sure I've won as much or more than I've lost. That was always true, however. And the bad players are not exclusive to PvP. I had an EV SM I ran where the group enraged the annhilator Droid (so I swapped my tank to dps and vigi tanked), then we had 3 people die in the fire on gharj, no one at the N node would click for the puzzle (I was thr only one clicking at S), no less than 3 people somehow managed to die to their boss in the 1v1 room, and 5 people died falling off platforms on soa (including both our healers at different times). Or a DF sm I did just the other day, I was explaining everything after the entire group minus myself and my friend got punted off the first bridge by the adds you spawn in near (I was on my healer). I say "hey don't stand in fire" sure enough, 2 guys stand in fire. I say "hey don't stand in the middle of lightning fingers in the 2nd phase". 4 guys die to lightning fingers. But dragging these idiots through to the end at least gets me a cq cap. In PvP, I better somehow find a way to 1 man army 8 other players or I get nothing for my troubles. I too hate what guardian dps have become in PvP and that is a factor in my lack of enjoyment as well.
  12. In my case, I have respected things you have said in the past, though we disagree on solo ranked (and no, im not going to get into that can of worms). I am merely pointing out that I keep reading 2 things: 1. Make it back exactly the way it was 2. Its better now! Losers don't deserve a prize And attempting to point out that, in unranked PvP, there are many variables including a matchmaking system that I doubt even BW properly understands, and thus, maybe a middle ground between these two extremes should be given preference. Not directed at you: this is what you get, BW, for only listening to dedicated sycophants in an unofficial discord.
  13. I admit I'm nowhere near the member cap so its not a problem, but personally I get close to 50k and swap toons because 100k doesn't get me anything more. This is why I also think having 200k objectives is sort of silly, personally. Whats the point getting 200k on one character when I have 39 others I could get 50k on and then they all get rewards. Note to BW: that second paragraph does NOT mean I want cq nerfed. I merely question why not add more 50k ish ones rsther than having a half dozen or so 100k ones. Your design decisions are beyond me; nevertheless, cq is in a decent place so please leave it alone.
  14. If he kicks people that capped to keep them from getting the bonus, I agree. If the guild rules are made clear prior to invite and state get 50k points or you're out and the person only gets 30k, I don't see a problem. Again I'm qualifying this with: assuming rules are made clear at time of invite and that they are cleared laid out somewhere. If it's a surprise later, its still a jerk move.
  15. I've tried setting it on many a Saturday. It was too late.
  16. Is there a problem with rewarding participation, which helps keep a healthy player base, while simultaneously discouraging farming via method like my suggested up the ratio from the old 2:1 to 4:1? This is easily adjustable, easy to understand, easy to apply, and has little to no downside. I'm sorry, but the "win or go screw yourself" (and by the way, I hope you didn't want to leave the match where your team was being farmed in huttball while the dominating team refused to score or let you score so the match went on the full length) mentality was not a positive one.
  17. I only play pvp these days when I have 3 or 4 people on and can both bypass the crappy players and basically guarantee a win even though we get matched with literal garbage. No point playing a match if you're going to lose it, the playerbase has gone to... well not a good place, and quitting an artificially prolonged match gets you a lockout. No thanks. I have better things to do with my time. Like literally anything. Even the 500000000th hammer station is better than pvp without my crew in its current state.
  18. Still unhappy that the side effects are getting strewn my way. Oh I also remembered: I still have to log in to set cq tonight even though, after 12 hours at work, I would very much like nothing more than to simply mindlessly sit on my sofa. I do so dearly love changes that should have absolutely nothing to do with me somehow meaning I need to change my entire schedule to fit them. Surely spam inviting and kicking newbies amounts to player harassment and can be dealt with as such under the TOS?
  19. If botting is a problem, and assuming botting is against the TOS, go after the botters for not obeying the TOS. Why must everyone be nerfed because of what a small group of jerks are doing? PS: I have no vested interest in crafting as the last time I levelled a craft was sometime around makeb. I merely feel if someone is disobeying the TOS, you should go after the people being the problem and not make everyone suffer for a few bad eggs; which, coincidentally is my opinion on this change as a whole. Throw out the rotten eggs and leave the rest well enough alone.
  20. oh so we're back to changes motivated by an unofficial discord of sycophants. awesome. i'm so glad these things are discussed with a true sample size of people they impact through official means. Here I thought using twitter was annoying. At least their twitter is an official BW/EA means of discourse. On topic, back when I didn't have or want a guild I simply ignored the players doing the spamming. Or should we ban credit gathering for a week since BW hasn't managed to do terribly much about the credit spammers either?
  21. if this is being caused by literally 2 guilds, that's like... even less reason to make a change that impacts everyone. Again, go after the two guilds if they're the problem.
  22. My at one time 10-15 person guild is down to 2-4 people for various reasons, I don't see us growing, and I'm simply fed up with all the inconveniences being dumped on me and not actually solving anything. Perhaps I'm overreacting to one particular thing, but I have literal years of pent up frustrations that are never addressed even when I was trying to be reasonable. I'm being taken for granted because of my sheer inability to find anything better to play. I've gotten 2 responses, ever. Both of which occurred when I was being snarky to Mr Musco directly. Once on the forum, once to an obnoxious comment I put in chat in a twitch stream in 2018-2019 time frame. Keep it up BW. The minute I find a decent 2-4 player multiplayer game with a good story and actual endgame, I'm gone. Its obvious long term players like me are not a concern to you. Its sad really, that seems like such a low bar to meet and yet there isn't one I can find that is doing better than swtor. (PS BW that isn't a complement. Thats just the simple investment I have in your game.) Can't raise the level cap, can't make new content, but we sure can make your life miserable and hey, you continue paying is to do it! - BW to me 2021 And finally, I have every bit as much a reason to express to frustration as anyone else does to tell BW how amazing their utter incompetence is.
  23. Well, the personal rewards aren't enough to even motivate me to play the game when I forget to log in and set cq on Tuesday. So now, i have yet another inconvenience due to a problem with certain larger guilds. Sure, I can work around it just like I work around the need to set cq on a day I'm generally too tired to play. But how many things must I be expected to work around for the sake of attempting to make the large guilds behave themselves, when they will by practical definition will merely move on to some other method of dominating by sheer numbers. Surely there is a more elegant solution to whatever the large guilds are doing that motivated this change. Perhaps one that would have no impact on me. And while you're at it, find a better solution for the limitation to setting cq early in the week too. Some of us are merely busy and don't have the energy to play every day. Or maybe the 4 of us left in my guild should just join a large cq guild before these changes arrive? Then at least I wouldn't have to worry about setting cq or meeting the guild goal whatsoever. Is that perhaps the true objective here, to encourage small operations like mine to join larger ones out of sheer inconvenience? Its funny how every change that is supposed to make things more fair merely makes them more annoying. Note: I'm using annoying and inconvenient here. My plan is to simply make a crap load of level 1 toons on a variety of classes today and throw them in my guild, and if I ever get around to levelling them great, this particular bit of stupid isn't a problem. And if I don't get around to them, who cares since it's not like I'm remotely close to the member cap. And to the suggestions of a flat 2-3 day grace period compromise, not good enough. My making new toons whenever I want should not be impacted by whatever the big guilds are doing. Deal with them in such a way it doesn't impact me please. I'm not particularly certain what the problem even is, personally. Big guilds are going to dominate cq out of sheer numbers no matter what. 1 person getting 1 million points isn't going to outdo 1000 people doing 50k points. Join a large guild or accept the fact that the planetary competition aspect is for large guilds. The guild rewards are no longer coupled to being top 10, which was actually a beneficial change.
  24. And what is the purpose of doing ops/fp/heroics that are not max level endgame content except to get cq. Sure I PvP occasionally but that basically killed off what was good about it to me a long long time ago. And sure I know people who spend hours SH decorating and playing space barbie, but they also have no purpose outside of the personal make it look pretty factor. I've done every story the game offers multiple times over, im BiS geared on every character I play (minus amplifiers except on my guardians, but I refuse to partake in that bit of stupidity), and ops and FPs are no longer scaled to a level that uses that gear to its fullest extent anyway (and even if it was, what do they drop thats useful to me?). I've done literally everything outside of a couple HM bosses and NiM ops dozens to hundreds of times over. And given that most (and every easily puggable) op is not even level 75 content, why would I bother doing it without cq? I personally don't care about crafting one way or another. If your idea is that every activity counts as something to do, however, why should crafting not count? Killing things counts repeatedly. Doing random FPs counts repeatedly, levelling characters counts repeatedly, why should crafting not count repeatedly? And yes, I have completed the guild cq cap by myself before and do It 2 man most weeks. You know when neither of us forgot about the new rule about setting it early. And by the way BW, on the odd week I do forget to set it early, I just dont play after logging in to get my rewards for the previous week. Sure its my fault for forgetting. Doesn't change the fact that if I forgot on Tuesday, I still have nothing to do come Friday or Saturday. I'm rather tired of the inconveniences being thrusted upon me due to stupid games being played by large guilds. Please find a way to punish them while leaving me alone. I'm a small operation that never makes the leaderboard, much less captures a planet. So please stop punishing me for wanting to play.
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