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Everything posted by _Adisa_

  1. You got one of these!!!???!!! How awesome! How bout letting a buddy pal borrow it for a minute, after all we did bond over Scarlet Blade right? Or was that Nalc? Either way, I'm so jelly!!!!
  2. Oh my, those are some large.....sabers You go from buff to skinny to chunky to buff, question is, is he still tan and rich? Axva; http://i.imgur.com/9tAf7CB.jpg"]http://i.imgur.com/9tAf7CB.jpg[/url] It's the mean looking ones that are always the nicest though http://i.imgur.com/pDmjLoJ.jpg"]http://i.imgur.com/pDmjLoJ.jpg[/url]
  3. This is the first time you've seen this? It's been around in swtor for about, ahhhh.......18 months. As another posted said, turn off general chat, it works wonders. ....Revenge of the Jawas ....Last jawa in Paris ....Saving Private jawa....
  4. I mean...are they? All I have is a blank server screen. Did a system repair and still blank. No way to play they game if I can't log into my server. /sigh
  5. Looking forward to seeing you in a wz...and bring Nalc with you while your at it!
  6. Kellar's Void representing!!! Pros and cons to moving to Pot5, if you read the server forums it's all there in B&W. I have a mid lowbie I'm leveling on JC, so can't really speak for the true state of 55 pvp or ranked pvp for that matter. But I do know that there are people who are actively trying to get rateds - even if just kickball style - going. If anything, JC has always had a pretty vocal pvp community and it seems a good few have remained to rebuild...I hope to see that happen. Good Luck
  7. I'd be down for that, and will try to log in during those hours to see if anyting is happening. I'm repub side on Axxva, hit me up.....and Tw'yl /jedi mind trick....You do not see me!
  8. I know right, I bet that shiz never would of gone down had you been there, all that picking on a little baby sage Speaking of, Axxva will be staying on JC for the time being till she gets herself together. I'm on the fence as far as the records go, I'm inclined to say, keep it as it is. You could always add an addition after a name stating "transferred" or something....
  9. I for one enjoyed the Gree event, coming across a group of LD50, making the call out that the "Dirty Pubs" are controlling center and getting seven (7!) of us to hunt you guys down. Even had two stealthers do recon before we made our move. To no avail, haha.....got facerolled each time and had some good lulz, but the thrill of the hunt!!!!! Good Luck all, you've made me a better player and I hope you not only represent Jedi Covenant well, but kick some ***.
  10. Axxva was the sacrificial lamb in this wz thanks to Odyssius & Yuuzhan #2 Most damage taken by Sorc/Sage 1080243: http://i.imgur.com/4dn9Rno.jpg"]http://i.imgur.com/4dn9Rno.jpg[/url] How I felt; http://i.imgur.com/VYmod5T.jpg
  11. A day late and a dollar short, but I rolled a body type 3 on my female marauder, she's tall, athletic build, lean yet muscular, she's gorgeous. Just got to throw this out there, no wonder woman have such body issues in general, when "we" tend to think that body type 4 is plump and 3 is "mannish", aye!!
  12. "What is thy bidding my master" surely could fit into slot number 4 of the responses, don't you think?
  13. I don't do the flashpoints for the drops alone....... Darth Malgus. So wrong in all the right ways From a female perspective
  14. I can't seem to get past the sterling silver serving tray that he has wrapped around his head. Wish they made him more......ominous.
  15. ....And they give you credits, just choose the commendations for the "reward", get something from the vendor, then sell it. I do all the quests, below my level or not, scoff all you want but I've made some pretty decent coin (at least for me, since I'm not a slicer )
  16. Spent a few hours on a planet 10 levels below helping a friend complete heroics, pulled in about 45,000 credits and 50 xp points. There's a suggestion.
  17. Confirmed, Marauder has a 60 sec droid disable, got in in the mid to upper 20's.
  18. Upon arrival in bugtown, jump down onto the shoreline and start heading east. Shortly you will see a path across the water, cross the water and head up the path. You purchase a key from the vendor to unluck the chest in the tent, there you get your disassembler core, you can also purchase another key there to unlock the chest on the north side of the bridge in Bugtown which contains a datacron. Have fun, I love going off the beaten path! Edit to add......Duh, you asked for Tatooine, sorry my bad. Obviously I told you the location on Balmarra
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