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Posts posted by _Adisa_

  1. The only way to improve the experience for new teams is to get more new teams to queue. A time-tested and proven method for getting MMO players to do something is the prospect of new gear.


    At this point however, no amount of fixing will improve competitive PvP. Too many competitive players have left with no intention of ever returning.


    And for the last time, the difference between Ranked gear and non-Ranked is insignificant. If you have min/max'd tier 1 PvP gear, you are 100% able to compete against people using even min/max'd tier 2 PvP gear.


    A cat has a total of 24 whiskers, 4 rows of whiskers on each side. The upper two rows can move independently of the bottom two rows.

  2. Player attitude has not changed.


    If there is zero reward why stick around?


    For fun? How many people play every game over and over and over and over and over and over just for fun without any hope for reward?


    Zero reward means they will just abandon the game and eventually stop queuing.


    This has already been proved when warzones only rewarded the winners.


    Theres still rewards though. You have your end of season rewards as well as earning ranked commendations. I can't imagine even the worst of players not being able to win a handful of games in a week.

  3. Assassins/shadows are without a question one of the best solo node guards.


    First off is placing your phase walk, this image here is where you should place PW (can also place near health buffs but I prefer near the objective). You're going to be off the node and when I say off the node I mean you're usually going to be outside the area to which you receive objective points. I'm constantly on the move when guarding (habit from pre PW) though some maps (CW HG) offer spots where you can stay put but I find that moving around keeps you occupied and keeps enemy stealth always guessing.


    Always always always have "1 west", "inc east" or a basic "south" (depends on the node you're at) pre typed into the ops chat, you want to inform your team as soon as you get attacked from stealth OR you even think that someone is heading to your node as you can always call it off (you should).


    If you need to make the call never assume they're alone so basically when I'm fighting a lone attacker I play as if a 2nd, 3rd or 4th could show up. When defending unless you're a top 5% player (and even so they will still follow these things) your main objective is to stall. Assassins depending on spec have amazing control via in stealth mezzes, out of stealth mezzes, speced low slash our out of combat spike to your hard stun.



    use pw, call incs and stall

  4. With the advent of instances, finely balanced pve play became possible. Devs consider balance in a pve instance so important to the success of their game that if anything is the least bit unbalanced, it warrants a hotfix.


    PvP players are the red headed step children of mmos. Hardly any thought whatsoever outside of same number of players in similar gear on each team is given to balancing instances in pvp. Of course players voice their desire to have more balance in instances. Not sure why some other players take that as an invitation for adolescent posturing.


    Did you just call me a god damn ginger?

  5. It is possible to chain together multiple transcendence buffs for long extended periods of time. Let's say there are two carnage marauders, both can get a free 30 stack at the start of a match just by rezzing, then they both can pop their instant 30 stack after that. 8 seconds each, that's 32 seconds of haste. In that 32 seconds both should have already reached another 30 stack each the normal way. Should any of them exit combat (by dying or enemy death) they can rez up again for another 30 stack after popping the one they just had.


    So, while it won't be 'the whole match' it can appear that way at times.


    It's possible you're getting slowed regularly as well. I make it a point to slow melee classes and healers that kite. As far as lag and disconnects, we all go through that.


    Such bunk



  6. Hi, Axva here, are you planning on having any sort of fashion show, I'd be down for that, I"m a really stylish Zabrak. I'll be wearing some sort of dancer's outfit and will be club dancing off to the side. Yeah, I'm down for some ERP (in whispers, duh), have to compensate for the fact I look like a dyke.
  7. Pot5's facebook group is mostly about posting pics of lady asses than actually talking about pvp :p

    I remember there being an enjin for EH but I am not sure how active it is. If you would be willing to make a facebook group for EH then be my guest =] I am sure it would spark a lot of interest.


    it's not that bad! :rolleyes: They have their moments of seriousness, lol


    I'm a new kid on the block and don't really feel it's my place to start a FB page, unless there was some massive interest and nobody was stepping up. I don't know, is there even an interest?

  8. My main is on Pot5 imp side, but have a sage on the repub side and to be honest, it's miserable, like two different servers in one. As an imp player on pot5, I'm happy and would not leave. As a repub player....go where you want and have fun, IMO.


    In my limited recent experience with 55 pvp on The Ebon Hawk this is what I've found;


    1) Is there action during all day? Regular wz's, yes, often you have to wait 5 or 10 minutes to get in the cycle, but once you're in it, they pop pretty regularly.


    2) Doest the SoloQ Pops quick? Limited experience, but no. I usually do a search for orbital/square/canyon and see what's going on. If you are looking for fast, consistent solo queue pops this is not the place.

    3) Is the pvp balanced? Republic and Imperial in almost same level or is it unbalenced like pot5? NOT unbalanced as pot5.....it's terribad over there on repub. TEH seems a bit tipped towards Imp, and also depending on what time of day.

    4) Is The Ebon Hawk trully more populate than Pot5? In my opinion, no. Not only does pot5 have fast queue pops just about 24/7, there is more pve (gasp!) opportunities as well, easy to get in a pug group if you like to do that from time to time.

    Both servers have their pros and cons; pot5 is full of smashers, wz quitters and lots of TDM (ain't nobody got time for that "PVE" pvp!), but the amount of quality players on pot5 is also more, less casuals, less room for mistakes, faster paced wz's and arenas. That being said, I think the pvp community on TEH seems pretty decent and I've had the opportunity to heal some pretty damn good players here.


    Tl;dr If you want non stop solo ranked queues roll an imp and play on pot5. If you want to play repub, have fun with ranked queues inbetween TEH is just fine.



  9. Sadly I don't think there's a specific day for ranked since no one actually ques for group ranked anymore. Would be great if we can start something like that tho.


    I have toons on two other servers as well, group ranked is all but dead there as well :(


    Just out of curiosity, does TEH have a pvp facebook page by any chance. Pot5 does, as well as Jedi Covenant, besides crap talking :D it's a good line of communication to get things started ranked wise (solo or grouped). Just a thought.

  10. New here, leveled kinda fast so not in the loop. Any particular time when ranked arenas are being organized for more consistent pops? Mondays? Fridays? Weekends?


    Hit me up in game if you need scoundrel heals for arenas, character's name: Gracelyn

  11. I'm not excited about the prospect of dealing with the large number of immature trolls that inhabit POT5 but it seems like the only option to get regular que pops


    Honestly, this is a fallacy, generated by.....disgruntled JCer's who came back, never even went, I don't know. If anything, I see just the opposite, boredom breeds trolling and petty drama which seems to dominate JC so much to the point I really don't even enjoy playing my sage, and yeah I will be taking her back to pot5.


    So, the welcome mat is out and I hope to see you all come over :)

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