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Posts posted by _Adisa_

  1. I have many characters on multiple servers. They each have separate legacies, separate names, separate stories. If any servers get merged, it will combine these legacies that were meant to be separate.


    Few enough characters have a surname, anyways, I'd have to abandon a legacy's surname, a merge may even take me over the maximum character slot limit. What will happen to my hard-worked characters? Will they just get deleted? Will they be forever locked until I can transfer them somewhere else? (Further jumbling the set legacies I've set up.)


    The only way I'd be okay with any server merging is if they also implement an alternate surname system, at least.


    Reading this makes me want to punch a puppy. So you're more concerned about your character's surnames, stories and playing house than quality game-play for hundreds...nay, thousands of players who pvp AND pve? I don't know, perhaps start a blog for your star wars role playing fantasies rather than be an obstacle for something that is sorely & sadly needed. How 'bout put this in your pipe and smoke it: besides the obvious logical reasons for a merge, many of us have LOST multitudes of REAL friends and acquaintances due to the failure of Bioware to address this problem a year ago, they are now spread across literally every North American server and ToFn....now that, is a for real damn shame.


    So yeah, yet another petition, suggestion /signed.

  2. For whatever reason, Shadowlands is never mentioned in these threads. With reddit communities, streamers, drunken tanks, nsfw, phenix and others, Shadowlands stays very active. I've never spent more than 5 minutes waiting for pvp q.

    For me, ebon hawk pvp q's were VERY slow. And flashpoint q's were hours long. My move from EH to shadowlands completely changed my experience with the game.


    I have to agree with you on this, I was thinking the same thing as well. I"m a former "pot5'er", and as far as an Eastern time zone server goes, Shadowlands is a decent option to consider. Imp & republic, consistent queue pops during "normal" hours and a pvp community that continually makes attempts to get ranked happening. That being said, for a long time I resisted the west coast servers due to ping, which I have since found out is not a problem for me, so I also have toons on the Bastion. Tbh, if you were to back me in a corner, I'd say repub shadowlands has given me a "regstar, sometime play ranked player" the best swtor experience nowadays and this is based on the guild I'm in and the quality of games played against imps.

  3. I can put together a pug team just to fill the queue. Might have to scrounge around for a decent healer though.


    Mallorea, not sure who your in-game toon is in Eternal, I sent you a pm here.

  4. First move off of Pot5 was to repub Shadowlands, it was a considerable upgrade, and I was not disappointed. I eventually moved my imp toon there as well. The ranked happens during peak hours and near the end of the season had to get kick started but the server has plenty of quality players and competition and the overall community atmosphere is good. Out of curiosity I leveled an imp toon on Bastion, and the ping which has always held me back from moving has not been an issue -for me-. Bastion has more frequent queue pops than Shadowlands during off hours which I appreciate. Can't vouch for the ranked scene being that I hit 60 two days ago, but I think the answer to that is pretty obvious; it's healthy.


    tl:dr Decent regs both factions on east coast? Shadowlands. Pvp ranked? Bastion.

  5. I never understood that whole "I need to have my name" I would rather have quality game play than a name. I moved, lost my name that not only have I had since launch, but in multiple other games as well. Really could not care less. Oh, and I hardly think merging a pvp server with an rp server is going to help the pvp situation on pot5. Just saying.
  6. Agreed.


    I took my sage off pot5 a couple months ago, and recently my sorc an imp lowbie after I logged on and a guildie said "server is dead"


    It really is unfortunate, pot5 in my opinion was -the- place to pvp two years ago, now it's a wasteland. Please do something bioware.



  7. Tank and healer q is awful , I usually start on my healer , wait 10 -15 min , give up go try my tank for the same then give up and reg star


    I'm so sorry to hear that Luis, I got an instant ranked pop on my sage yesterday on shadowlands. But then again, one of our dps was in complete pve gear and we lost because of that. FML, damned if you do, damned if you don't. :mad:

  8. Rahc!! NIce!! Nah, my sorc is staying over on pot5, but I'm leveling a sorc too for the comms, she's only 35 though. Give me a couple weeks and I should be near lvl 60 with 174 gear waiting on me. HMU on Ahleah (only one 'h' on imp side) next time you are on.
  9. People love easy wins, and globalling is the sweetest way to get them. All medals to the globallers !




    In this forum here, yes.


    I'm always surprised that people insisting on "nobody cares for lowbies". It's as if having been a lowbie yourself is like some bad, ba, very bad memory you and others don't want to be reminded of.


    Having been an Lowbie is treated in this forum like the proverbial dirty little secret.


    Plus, nobvody cares about Lowbies - but everybody cares about Highbies. Because those at the top are the only desirable life form, cynically speaking. Only those at the top deserve the attention of the masses, to be adored and looked at like the real winners.


    In the end, PvP is about nothing but power : Getting to the top, being the best one, and brag about it.


    Thank God in RL there are other options than that, even although that "greed is good" culture is spreading heavily.


    There are a few words dying out.

    One of them is "hubleness", and another one is "respect".


    I can still respect the bad I have been fighting against, respectiome him / her for his / her efforts, even although he / she lost against me.

    But instead of respecting the effoorts of the other one, people rather say : "Nobody cares about lowbies" and "bads remain bads and will never change".


    If this behaviour carries over into RL; then good night.

    Oh, wait, there are already RL Hooligans out there, who behave in a similar way ... Remember that French policeman ? Daniel Nivel ? http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Nivel RL Globalled in a few seconds, left in Koma fopr months, he will never be the same person again. And those who injured him that much maybe even took pride in this act.


    No one really does care about lowbies, I mean they "care" about lowbies but almost everyone (like 99% of the population) understands that lowbies are temporary (which can be avoided, not smart but can be) and end game 55 is permanent (until they raise the level cap).

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