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Everything posted by LenrocNewDawn

  1. The debuff should consist in the inability to join another match until the left match finishes. There should be a debuff because some players are abusing the quit war-zone button. The PvE group finder has a leaving penalty. I don't understand why the PvP one shouldn't. We are talking about PUGs in both cases.
  2. For those too lazy to follow the link in the post above me, here it is: The most recent comment regarding roots and their relationship with resolve was in our most recent Q&A. Here's the text, just so everyone has the most recent from us about this topic. As always, your feedback is very helpful, so keep it coming! Quote: "Taitsuo: Would you guys consider adding root effects to the Resolve bar? At the moment, 3 well-coordinated Gunslingers could permaroot someone (5secs duration, 15 secs cooldown). With ranked warzones, that could mean a lot… Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer): Resolve is meant to put a lid on effects that take control away from you, the player. It's meant to limit the effectiveness of chain stuns, sleeps, and knockbacks. However, it is not meant to impact the ranged and melee (kiting and anti-kiting) balance of the game. This was a very deliberate measure taken to separate these two different aspects of control. I won't say that we won't limit the "chainability" of roots in the future, but given the amount of skills and abilities that break and cleanse roots and snares at the moment, it's not something we're very concerned about. Of course, we will be keeping an eye on how ranked warzone teams use the tools they have." On a side note . If you kept the ball for a full minute w/o throwing a pass despite being focused then you are doing it wrong.
  3. Level an alt through PvP. When you ding fifty just burn through the class quests. I think you can do that in 2 days of PvEing.One to ding 10 and gain access to PvP. Other to burst through the PvE class quest until you complete chapter 2. If that's too much for you then I'm out of suggestions. Edited : There is no balance issue here, everyone can acquire the buffs. While most of the high level adrenals required a biochem lvl in order to be used. Or a very rich pocket to buy consumable surrogates. Plus it was the issue of unchecked burst that made the TTK a joke (not that know is much better )
  4. Recruit is better then Centurion was. You get recruit for free while you had to earn centurion. Recruit is often better then the gear you dinged with, both PvP and PvE wise. There is a fairly big gap between recruit and augmented WH gear but BM is also fairly easy to acquire. When you are are equipped in mostly recruit gear you don't go Rambo style and then come here and complain you are squishy. What you do is playing wing-man for a better geared player, help him with CC and damage while counting on him to protect you if you get jumped. Sometimes you'll just draw the short stick and get pitted against a much better team, just suck it in and get back in there. You'll be fine, the med-center will pick you up . TL;DR Adapt and overcome!
  5. Stacking the buffs do have some benefits. But, you should remember that this is a MMORPG, what you do in game is supposed to shape and affect your avatar. Dividing time across several character types will give the benefit of buffs but means less time spent for gearing a single one. Both paths have their pluses and minuses and you trying to iron out the minuses for your chosen path is understandable but not necessarily the correct approach. I do admit that I have 3 of the buffs available for my chars and I'd hate to lose them (although I'm sure I'll be just fine if that will happen) since I spent time acquiring them. You can unlock them too and while doing that you'll get a better understanding of the other classes strengths and weaknesses, besides your main I mean. I also tend to rebuff often when in a war zone and not only in the spawn. Stay positive and enjoy the game o/.
  6. Since the resolve system is build around smart use of the CC breaker ability I find that an exception in that case could be made when it comes around to reset by death. TTK is still pretty short so coming out of spawn just to be stunned and killed w/o no chance in reacting it's a bit iffy. I don't think that a "reset by death" in that particular case can become a viable tactic since the ability is used mainly to avoid death. Nevertheless I find that such a change is only about the quality of the PvP experience, and the system is working as it is now. P.S. @OP Your chain stun example is not possible so suggestions from somebody that doesn't know how resolve works are not going to be well received. Sorry !!!!
  7. Have you tried asking him? You know, something like " Hey m8, you have awesome HP. How did you manage to min/max you health that high? Do share with a fellow shadow." And if that doesn't work just add him to your friends list and invite him for a Operation or LI HM. Doing that beats the hell out of wearing a tinfoil hat in the middle of the summer .
  8. Nobody is talking about locking you inside the warzone while throwing away the key. You'll still be able to do w/e you please but since you are altering your decision affecting other gamers then you should suffer some consequences. Locking you out until the WZ you left ends it seems just about right.
  9. "Melee and Ranged attacks are Defensible and Shieldable, whereas Force and Tech attacks are not. This is consistent with other games such as WoW and RIFT, where “spell” attacks are not dodgeable / parryable and not blockable." Quoted from that link, so..... . I'm sure that can find a better way to make Voidstar playable other then making tanks squishy against Force/Tech attacks.
  10. From everything I've read and know so far Force/Tech attacks can't be shielded. If you can direct me to an reliable material that says otherwise I'll be grateful. And yes I was thinking about a parry/dodge rate against force/tech attacks but to be honest the real issues is that tanks have little to no way to increase mitigation against that type of attacks. So if you think that parrying/dodge is too much some form of increased resistance against those would be nice.
  11. ..parry force attack with their sabers like Master Windu does in his fight against Darth Sidious/Palpatine. Lore aside, as it stands now tanks are being melted like ice cubes in Sahara by force/tech attacks and a defense bonus in the tank tree sounds like a good idea. Don't know what, a parry chance based on the defense rate maybe? What do you guys think?
  12. I agree that the match making system could use some improvements. Despite that, it tries, as it is now, to pit pre-made against pre-made and since the "server transfers" I didn't see many pre-mades pitted against my team when I'm PUG-ing. I rarely notice who's the last (most ineffective) player in my team but I often notice bad sportsmanship behavior. More often then not those two coincide .
  13. It may seem that quitters have some good reasons to behave the way they do but if you look closer you'll see that those arguments are sophistical or they are not "quid pro quo". Let's look at them for a bit. First: "I'm paying my 15 bucks I'm entitled to have fun, so I'll leave if I don't like the team". You do realize that this is a MMO game which means that your fun factor involves other human players? Stretching your argument a bit you'll get that every players that thinks is better then you have the right to abandon you in a WZ. Unless you consider yourself "Gods gift to the SWTOR PvP player base" you must acknowledge that. But I advise you to seek professional RL help in case you believe that. Second : "When I'm matched against a pre-made I quit cause I consider it unfair". It is unfair I'll give you that but you knew that might happen when you pressed the queue button so your quitting is just as unfair towards your peers. If you know how the system works and you still queued then you committed yourself to that system and a gentleman always respects his commitments. Thirdly: "I had to leave my team of headless chickens". The main stream here is that nobody wants to be a headless chicken so punishing them for not knowing better is plain wrong and it only deepens the problem. Except "Gods gifts ..." we all had to learn the ropes of SWTOR PvP at some point. Some are going to learn faster some slower some will never do but again welcome to the MMOs world. I urge you to be a gentleman and stick to your commitments and not make matters worse. Bottom line is that nothing good will ever come from the "quitting" attitude. Man up and lose that attitude. Yes, sometimes you'll get stomped by the other team just stay there and share the beating it will build community and character. If you PvP just for the dailies and gear then you are just wasting your time. P.S. I do, sometime, get the "rage quit" urge but I never act on it. I take 15-20 seconds to recompose myself then I get back in the fray and after the game ends I just go do some PvE or close the computer for a healthy portion of RL.
  14. It's exactly against good players you'll notice the difference. You don't have to be good to see that commando sitting in plain sight with his hand up to his helmet and figure he's a healer. But you need to be good to figure someone is receiving heals and go find the healer. More so if you spend 10-15 seconds to figure that out is time I gain. Well, except if I'm using my GRoKMN in which case you just need to follow it to find me. I wasn't implying you are inexperienced I was just saying to have patience to see how other experienced players use that Hammer Shot animation against you. Well that's all I had to say about the matter, if that is not enough then.... good luck to you all and enjoy the game. I know I will, GRoKMN or not .
  15. Yes toon i meant, my bad! You might not believe it but I do enjoy huttball as it is now and i think it's a good concept for a WZ. I also believe that encouraging team work and lots of passing it will make it even better. I really think that the changes would make it better and more enjoyable regardless of class. I also play several toons and my latest is a guardian tank which is kinda awesome for huttball.
  16. You assume you see me and after that you are correct. But as you know assumption is the mother of all the screw-ups . And give it a bit of time, you'll hit the big league, then you'll notice the difference yourself. When your team is light on healers you can't afford to use Hammer Shot against competent players. Even if they don't see you your GBoKMN (green beam of kill me now) will hint your enemies about your position.
  17. You know you would still be able to pass. You would also be able to leap or sprint to position yourself for a pass. Only thing you won't be able to do is show your finger to the whole defending team while bypassing, with the ball, all the defenses with a few skills. Nothing will really be taken out of the game. If that doesn't make sense to you, I rest my case, and let's agree to disagree. P.S. I've actually seen a 10 seconds score. A guardian leaped/pushed/leaped/ zealous leaped again and scored. I was like "Frikkin hacker .... oh no, it's just a focus guardian, move along, nothing to see." Granted it was a lucky set-up but still .....
  18. Well I guess that clarifies why you are called Mrunlimited !!! Kudos to you , you should share your char name and server cause they will murder to have you in a team for ranked WZs.
  19. WoW where did that come from? And how, removing leaps and force speed for BALL CARRIER,will ruin the map or the game? Ah, your tune can leap or speed away, say no more, I get it !!!
  20. No. Simply just NO. If I position myself near a pillar you will not see me or the mark above me. Same thing behind the stairs on central Alderan or behind the side of the bunker in NC. And that tactic is very effective against range DPS in particular. Some melee will spot me but if they decide to come for me they will lose LOS with their healer and could easily be picked by my teams range DPS. As I stated previously it's not a big deal but big enough to make a difference when you encounter competent PvPers.
  21. Guys, you are missing the point here! It's not about the fact that you know how to spot a commando healer. I have no doubt that 99% of the players will recognize it in a heart beat. It's about that the green beam will reveal my position even if I'm going to lengths to stay out of your LOS. Sometimes if you don't see me you won't see the mark above me either. And the GBoKMN (green beam of kill me now) will reveal the healer at first use w/o you having to do any effort besides looking at your monitor. That is the problem!!! FYI there are places where a healer can hide from the most enemy eyes and still be effective. The visual information is predominant in this game and such a flashy animation that pinpoints the healer's position is a debuff IMHO. I'm not using it in PvP (yes I lose heal power and ammo management is a *****) in order to get some free cast time which is better then being ganked in a hurry.
  22. So you do agree that some classes have a god mode while the rest just whine in order to get one too ... . I see.... Controlling the mid is important but it can be done by any good DPS class, scoring in 10 seconds from mid can only be done by some classes . Remove all self speed buffs and gap closers for BALL CARRIER and you'll get a more balanced and team oriented game-play.
  23. Nice movie and some awesome moves especially in HuttBall. Gratz o7!
  24. The statement that prior to 1.2 fresh 50 were more competitive against geared players is false. Back in those days (when gear was way harder to get) there were fewer geared players and having centurion/champion fits was the regular. These days you have a lot more people in BM and WH with augments gear so it's a hard life for a fresh 50 in recruit gear. But if the said 50 keeps his pants on for 1-2 weeks he'll move from bottom to mid range of effectiveness. And with the introduction of ranked zones we get a direct source for ranked WZC which in turn will make WH gear more accessible. On a side note, I've posted these ideas a while back http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=347154. As you can see by the number of replies, they didn't appeal to many players, so we have to assume that they are not good ideas, as far as the majority of the players are concerned. Like it or not, gear progression is here to stay, so you better get used to it. On the bright side you can gear up with a minimum of effort and you get to do that by winning or losing alike (granted that it'll take longer if you lose a lot ).
  25. http://vplay.ro/watch/7p4b4wsf Guess he's mad that the game is so skill intensive .
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