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Everything posted by punktual

  1. Does anyone else get reminded of the robot Thundercleese (from the old Adult Swim Cartoon "The Brak Show") when using M1-4x. http://imgur.com/f7Mzb He not only looks visually like him but his voice is quit similar too. Observe: M1-4x(may contain spoilers) Thundercleese:
  2. yes and no. I find that if you are doing a simple rotation of CS>CS>Project>CS>CS>Project There is a slight delay after the second 2 CS's while waiting for the cooldown of Project, in here I like to slip in a DS so the roation looks like this: CS>CS>Project>CS>CS>DS>Project
  3. I just hit 50 as Shadow Infiltration (Armour peircing build) last night and have almost exclusively used Tharan. The reason I find him great is that as shadow dps you have like 3 or 4 different ways to stun your oponent for a few seconds (aswell as tharans holiday stun). During hard fights you can stun your oponent and that couple of seconds gives Tharan a chance to heal you while you are not taking any damage. If he hasnt been taking damage himself this often means he can heal you back to 3/4 or full health no problem and back to fighting. I always find it amusing when he says "did I ever mention I'm a pacifist?" ... really? because you have literally killed like 1000 guys!
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