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10 Good
  1. Looks like there are several pvp models and a PVE model listed here: http://www.chemayla.net/lightsabers.html I know I got my marauder's saber from the +4 heroic on Voss.
  2. Okay, not sure what you are saying here? I've seen several posts saying my dps is low and I will never say I am close to being the best out there but,...what should I be pulling on a Gunnery Mando for this fight? I look to the leaderboards and see 3475 is the highest on the dummy (Pizza'da'hut). I'm averaging 2.3K -2.5K when things are going well and off-healing at times. I wouldn't think that is bad. Especially when we have a combat Sent pulling well over 3K consistently to offset:rak_02:.
  3. Thanks for the replies everyone. @Terro_fett , I agree with your assessment. We have several issues we are working through but we have downed it once now and got under 10% twice. The constant pulling was what was concerning me most, but since I now know that diversion is working, the tank and I will be working on some taunt/threat dump timing to maximize his threat and minimize mine. Thanks again.
  4. Howdy all. Recently my guild started to tackle NIM TFB (yea, I know we are behind the curve ). Unfortunately we have had issues with the 1st boss (enrage). We'll be able to get it but I have discovered an associated issue I wanted to ask the general raid population about. Is anyone having problems with threat dumps on Writhing Horror? Mostly I am concerned with the trooper "Diversion" but other classes may be having the same issue. Checking my logs http://www.torparse.com/l/626573 I see that in the 10 tries we had I hit diversion in each of them but it only worked twice! I pretty much have to use diversion due to the tight enrage timer on this fight because I hit him hard enough in the first 10 seconds (through guard in mostly 78's) to pull every time. It probably wouldn't be an issue if diversion actually worked when I used it.
  5. It is kinda ridiculous how far people will go to get around game mechanics to get something 30 seconds to a minute faster. Especially at 55, this fight and the pylon fight are trivial.
  6. It did bug the puzzle boss. You would get no adds on it if you skipped Gharj.
  7. I'm guessing you drop the alacrity but what are the other 2, Field Training?
  8. While noxxic has it's problems, this build is a good one. There's a couple of points you can move around to suit playstyles but otherwise this is it. http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/pve/trooper/commando/gunnery/talent-build
  9. With a large barreled Assault cannon it looks ok. With one of the short and stubby blaster rifles,.....not so much
  10. We actually had something like this happen in a 16 man SM S&V about a week ago. Several rounds in half the group dropped dead 1-shotted. We weren't real sure what did it and it didn't happen again so we didn't really look into it. Looking back it seems it was the tanks, melee, and a couple ranged that got hit. No logs or any evidence though as we thought it was a 1 off glitch.
  11. Don't see any threads on this newer than 2012.... I see most builds showing 1 point in each of these skills post patch 2.0. Is there a reason to split the points instead of taking one or the other. I'm not good enough with the math to work out the difference.
  12. Nevermind, Edit-- No I read it wrong and said something that didn't make sense. Your post is fine.
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