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Everything posted by LosMartonos

  1. you cant plant in stealth nab
  2. Let me tell you a few things, facts: Players are bad. MMO players are even worse. MMO players of a game which has sw in it's name are even worse. Therefore, they believe other's opinion and shout it around without even understanding it. For example, "sorc healing is nerfed to the ground." An other thing: Sorc healing, as everything else, has it's ups and downs. I'm a sorc healer myself leveling throw the game on my 7th character, it IS strong and good, but it can be outplayed. And there is a much higher chance of that happening in the 50 bracket than in the low bracket, so he was right about that. Sorc healer has the highest skillcap of all healers in this game, you can assume how many of the 11year old spoiled scrubs whom have just bought the game because it has SW in it's name have managed to match the standards required to play a sorc on a high level. Probably, when you will solo queue in full recruit gear and 1 BM item at 50 for your first time, you'll feel different for a week or two. Than you'll see like this again. Don't give up, sorc is still amazing if you know how to kite, line of sight, switch targets quickly, know how to manage your force, dispel...
  3. I'm leveling my new Sorcerer as pure healer (lvl35 now) and I've played all other classes (Sage included, played it as Balance), and I find Sorcerer Healer to be really entertaining, and it fits my play style. Leveling as healer is fast, Force Storm takes care of trash mobs, and a good companion (revel, ashara) will deal with bosses, you just have to keep healing him/her, you can of course throw in some dots. Also, being a healer in warzones is great, I top 300k in voidstar if I get decent DPS in my team. IF you like healing go for it, if you don't than don't. At first it may seem bad because you're healing the asses of scrubs who can't play properly but being the healer of a good team is nice, I just enjoy the kiting playstyle of a Sorc healer, throwing bubbles on everyone, healing is fine too, if they rupt me I just use an other skill, sometimes only bubble + that HealOverTime is enough to keep them alive lol...
  4. what a retarded interface you have oh my god its not that "i dont like it" but that its idiotic pointless and ruins your already horrible playstyle OMG worst interface I've ever seen youre better off rolling back to basic, seriously
  5. It's only YOUR fault, I mean, if you play a MULTIPLAYER game as single player than you're the problem.
  6. Simple question, I'm a sorc healer, and I'll stay a sorc healer. I intend to solo stuff at lvl50 and get a companion nicely geared, and I want to know which deals more damage, ashara or revel? (khem sucks, don't need a healer, that assa comp would be useful coz he wears light too but I assume hes too tanky to do good dps) So I'm asking for lvl50 pve, if geared, NOT for leveling.
  7. Everybody has equal rights to play each class, no one should be ashamed of playing a class just because the CURRENT opinion is that their class is OP. Where are all the kids who QQ'd about sorcs 2 months ago? Oh right they shut the **** up after rolling one and getting steamrolled just like on their previous character. People think "FOTM" is the class which is currently the strongest. In reality, "FOTM" is the currently complained class. A good player owns on all classes, their trick is not falling for hype and they keep playing what they started. That's why they are in full BM/WH when your new toon gets to 50. You QQ about marauders? Roll one, or l2p your current class. Unless you have a lvl50 of THAT class, you are not entitled to your opinion.
  8. if you want to save this game... ...don't let nablets create threads.
  9. I think I match your description of a PvP hero so I'll tell you something. I've played with good PvP-ers in other games, and the quality of players here is low. This is hard to say but right now, most of my sense of achievement comes from gaming. I also play sc2 so I'm not completely screwed. The thing is, in random vs random / premade, other's lack of common sense / gaming skills has an effect on you and it effects you back. I don't have the patience to tolerate that, I'm sorry, I wish I did, but I don't. So when I see someone standing in the goal line WAITING for the ballcarrier to jump on him than I'll immediately whisper something rude to him to take off some of the pressure. Yes he is worse than me. Yes I am way better than he is, even if I was playing a lvl10 gunslinger I'd add more to the team's victory than him. The outcome of the a warzone - as long as I don't get a permanent group to play with - is NOT based on me, regardless if I do my 100% we can still lose because of others. If you are just a hippy and your life is so perfect, of course as the result of your hard work not because you are foolish and don't think about world problems, and not because your parents are rich as hell and you don't have to worry about anything, than I really am sorry, but you'll have to tolerate people like me, who has problems and will try to take pressure off on you if you give me a reason. solution? l2p. this game doesn't require utter concentration and team communication, knowledge of the game and you don't have to memorize all skills, it simply needs you to turn your brain on. Please do it!
  10. The real counter to marauders/sentinel AND assassin/shadow is different for each class when it comes to 1 vs. 1, unfortunately that'd require everyone to know how to play their classes, that of course is impossible, so they QQ of the forums. Here is something that's usually true: The mara/sent will dictate the fight, not you. Against a sage/sorc ofc you're dictating the fight, he's reacting. Now, against a sent/mara, he dictates the fight, you react. Read your skills again, read all of his skills, turn your brain on, and win.
  11. Everybody who feels happy about the new change from 3 to 1 minimum medals should look into his heart and think again about how good he really is. I know a healthy ego will always assume that you are at least decent, but let me tell you, no. Also, I liked the reward decrease for losers. This motivated people SO MUCH to focus on the game, I could feel my teams playing better. Of course it's not bad now either, the new medal system is still awesome, so I'm not complaining, just want to let you know that if you like these changes, like specifically feeling happy about them, than you are bad.
  12. That's untrue, and I would also offend you if I wouldn't get banned from the forums for it. The game has already attracted the simple minded, casual players with the 3 HD Trailers and with the whole Star Wars name. They want to quit the game because they don't get any sense of achievement in PvP? Fine. Nobody cares. They have already payed enough for the game. PvP is for better players. Usually (again, usually) PvE is easier than PvP, hence the arrogance of PvP players towards simple PvE players. They should NOT, and will NOT make PvP "more fun" for casuals. I'm a solo queuer for the moment as I have just rerolled on the active PvP server on EU and I have yet to find a PvP group for myself. I PvP alone the whole time, and thank you, I'm fine. Steamrolling the whole republic side regardless if they bring a premade or not, because I don't lose my cool if I die. If I die I die purposely, as a decision. Make, or at least bring an other game as example and than start asking questions like this.
  13. Thank you for your reply. I will rush to 50 on my new funky PT instead of leveling by Warzones.
  14. rewards are for 3+ medals. It's there. Learn to read. If you have failed to get 3 medals against a team which loses 0-6 than you really are bad. Your opinion means nothing.
  15. this. You lose because your DNA lacks common sense, the underskillness is not the matter of Gamer Skillz anymore but the basic usage of your brain.
  16. I don't know. I admit it. I've played 4 classes above lvl40 and I consider myself a really good PvP-er but as I have never played sent/mara I can't tell, I watch some on youtube, they seem to be balanced. I think in reality they are easier to play than other classes. The reason why so much people are playing them now is because of the hype, not because of their own opinion. I mean if you are going to waste your cooldowns into their 99% dmg reduction shield, and stand there for Ravage, and let them kite your defensive buffs, you lose because you are bad not because of them being OP. Of course it's easier to blame it on them. I have never had any problem 1v1-ing them or taking them out in group vs. group, but I guess not everybody is as good as me.
  17. I never said I don't agree with premade vs premade, I simply felt like I had to correct the OP's statement.
  18. I'm sorry to step on your pride but you are obviously a butt hurt, angry child, who has NEVER EVER been part of a professional gaming community. A premade which has been a premade for quite a while, wants to play against other premades, which put up a good fight, not some pug of 11year old players with their Hurr Durr Emperor-wannabee sorcerers whom against they 0-6 hutball in 2 minutes.
  19. I agree. Without your 99% damage reduction buff, and vanish ( I don't know the name, sorry) marauder/sentinel is really squishy. The most complained spec can be countered by learning how to dispell and play your own class. I just simply CAN'T believe it that all the marauders/sentinels out there are so good, that they will kill you even if you know how to play the class, the area, and how to dispel. Plus if they want to be useful in Hutball, they are forced to give up DPS-ing, the thing they are made to do. 90% of the time people on forums are unable to manage their anger and see clearly, they fail to understand the big picture and they'd rather create a new post full of tears than read a few tips, watch one or two gameplay videos and try to improve their playstyle. Of course they are all children, we can't blame them, we all were children once. With the difference that not everyone of us had such big mouth and such arrogance to believe our opinions worth just as much as everyone else's.
  20. agreed, it takes a certain calmness and patience to enjoy the consular storyline (played it till the beginning of chapter 3) and I liked it. And I'm arrogant enough to state that sith storylines are far easier to enjoy if you're a tiny kid.
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