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Everything posted by Cerconus

  1. I just switched to the 3/31/7 build and have run into force sustainability issues. Everything I've read and heard is that this build is the most sustainable, but I've gone oof or damm close to it a couple times. I do spam LS alot, could that be the issue?
  2. I don't know if this was mentioned already. We kicked a player who had to go and tried to get a replacement through LFG and we got 'group configuration invalid'. I assume this is known, but I wanted to be sure and throw it up here for the Devs.
  3. BIOWARE Team, First off, I love this game and I know you guys are working hard to make it great, but it seems we are in trouble here folks. There are many issues and ALOT of 'dissention in the ranks', and I'm afraid this wonderful game is in the midst of a downward spiral. When will you acknowledge server population issues and inform us of a plan of action to fix it? Will you start to be more open and communicative with us? What are you doing to revitalize this game and bring it up to it's full potential? i.e. like it was at launch. Thank you for time BioWare.
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