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Everything posted by Poor_Grammar

  1. Bioware should give a free month for those that bought DA2 imo.
  2. This game does have serious input lag issues at times. It's great you aren't having any, but to say it doesn't exist isn't entirely accurate.
  3. Huttball is not enough to contain a demographic. Bioware included pvp, it is a central focus of the game (acknowledged by the contested zones on every single planet and the sheer number of pvp servers). Huttball isn't going to keep subs going; new content is needed and arenas seem the most popular choice.
  4. Because they wouldn't personally participate in it. They want their little game as Bioware released, with no content updates or fixes unless it personally serves their playstyle. We call them the least common denominator, or apologists; you know, the everything is fine go back to WoW type. Probably one of the more annoying types of forum "contributors." Take it as a free bump. 4v4 is the preferred method for arenas, imo. Content and classes are already relatively balanced around 4man interaction. Anything less and you start to develop FOTM combos and would have to start tweaking individual class abilities around each other, and that isn't really viable from a resource prospective.
  5. Hey you're that douchebag the internet hates. I'm reporting you for spam. Have a great day... cheers.
  6. Not really. By the time they got around to implementing changes that make pvp more than just a distraction, other titles like DOTA2 or GW2 will be around. You only get one shot in this biz, no one's paying $60 plus however many $15's a month to wait until this **** gets straightened out.
  7. I vote there still aren't enough brackets! 10-29. 30-49.
  8. I fully support OP's being toned down.
  9. Without expertise matches would be decided by guilds with members that are pushing endgame pve content. The gear disparity would still exist, except a dimension of the pvp aspect would be lost.
  10. There are a few classes that can already dominate you in a matter of seconds if their cooldowns are up. Removing expertise would severely gimp light armor wearing classes at end game pvp.
  11. Yeah, let's make it so dissenting opinions can't be heard! 'Merica! But dude, this is the way all general forums are, everywhere.
  12. All I want to do is dance, dance.
  13. Mine and two others as well. It's funny hearing all these "Go back to WoW" replies. Like any suggestion for improvement personally effects them, but in reality if these aren't taken into account this game will be f2p by next year like Rift. If you really like this game, telling people to "Go back to WoW" is about the worst thing you could do for it.
  14. Except this game isn't only two days old. It was on development for years, they had all the money and time in the world to ensure a quality experience in all aspects. Canceled subs, money, that's the only thing EA understands and the only way to accomplish anything with them.
  15. Durr merica love it or leave it! People like you just annoy me. Your money isn't any better, you don't make the community any better. The only thing you're doing is helping ensure those with legitimate complaints don't come back and this game dies all the sooner with your polarizing, condescending attitude. Commando/BH is crazy OP though and needs toned down.
  16. This game isn't competing against circa 2008 WoW. It's 2012 now; why should one be content with paying $60 plus the $15 a month for a title that isn't up to par with current, or even older titles?
  17. Canceled here too. It's just no fun getting insta gibbed by 50's. If pvp was supposed to be 50 only they shouldn't have included levels 10-49.
  18. Yes, and I think that's one of the things they really nailed and got right here. I've soloed so far as a healer (inq), and haven't really had too many problems.
  19. This is a forum right? Please, tell me what posts are acceptable in the general section. You aren't adding anything more to this section than he or I did.
  20. Because I don't feel the need to murder everyone or jerk them off either. Make neutral relics or eliminate neutral conversations.
  21. Before WoW we had things like Asheron's Call and Everquest which did have open world pvp. If anything open world pvp is the outdated concept, because people like you do nothing but "kill noobs en masse." Battlegrounds was an answer to griefers like you, because killing someone almost defenseless isn't pvp, it's pathetic. This game also has world pvp; stop picking on noobs in Huttball and get to Illum. Anyways, I agree with almost everything OP said, although there needs to be another bracket besides 10-49, needs a 10-29 as well.
  22. If it was in proper brackets to begin with your issue wouldn't even be one. But it isn't so we see another thread and then a bunch of apologists trying to cover for this broken mess, because at level 15 you aren't supposed to enjoy yourself I guess. Having fun is strictly for the higher levels.
  23. Ah you replied after my edit but yeah I get it. It's for having left over points after you invested in one tree. I just wish some of them weren't so utterly useless and lackluster and in such weird (to me anyways) spots.
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