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Posts posted by FourPawnBenoni

  1. WAI. Tthe content you're doing (warzones/walker instances) doesn't allow for companions so the game automatically puts it away when you enter the instance. So once you exit you have to call one if you want one. I know, that's at half second of your life you won't get back.


    More than half a second, when the button isn't even there. Not to mention, when you zone back into an area where a mob is and they attack you before you can re-summon a companion, it becomes a pain.

  2. Just did the first 2 bonus missions (Good Listeners & Supply Demands) for the new Flashpoint: A Traitor among the Chiss; and didn't get a single CXP for it. It took quite a bit of time my first time running around looking for all those crates. I'm just shocked that a year after 5.0 that you guys still really have no idea what a grind the gearing system is and have made minimal attempts to correct it.


    I'm sure in your minds, you think you've done a lot of improvements, but the fact remains it's still a terrible grind and players have abandoned the game in droves because of it. Then you don't even give CXP for bonus missions. Ridiculous (in what was otherwise a nice Flashpoint).

  3. Easiest and fastest way is to get a friend that has a knock back, like a jugg force push. Start a duel. Then stand in front of the datacron, slightly up the hill and start jumping. At the peak of the jump, have your friend force push you onto the ledge.


    If you're dropping from the top of the sandcrawler you just have to jump, then tap forward, jump and tap, jump and tap. Light, light taps at the peak of your jump. If done correctly you'll only move a few inches at a time.

  4. I just resubbed today for a month to see how the server mergers are going to be. I logged in and saw all the NA servers are east coast. From what I understood a few weeks ago when I was thinking about re-subbing for the merger was that there was going to be two servers after the merger. Why would they put both on east coast? If they are going to have two east coast servers why not just combine all NA into one server on East Coast?


    I feel misled and I don't think i'll renew next month.

  5. The Fleet population isn't a sign of anything. Many of us avoid the Fleet like the plague, and there's no way to count the number of players in instanced areas/flashpoints/guild ships/etc. at any given time.


    Also, when people have mentioned why they're not subscribing anymore, things like CXP, the way classes have been nerfed and grind for gear have come up far, far more than anything else.


    Interesting thing, subscriptions seemed to decrease when the new content of substance stopped. December 2016 was when KOTET was in full swing. Nobody's flooded back in for PvP and Ops, regardless of how much people claim that is what is wanted.


    People that argue that fleet population is irrelevant don't really understand this game and look ignorant. The point is there were a lot more in December than now. I'm sure just as many people avoided the fleet in December as they do now so your point is invalid, unless you can come up with a valid reason for something that has happened with the game since December that would cause people to avoid the fleet more now than they did then. Fleet population is very relevant and a good indicator of overall game population. Of course, there are other ways to notice the decline: longer pops for group finder, pvp, ranked, decline of goods on GTN, etc.

  6. At this point you're arguing against legal binding documents to try to support your belief that KOTFE/KOTET were somehow miserable failures. They were not. It's in print. And the devs are on the record as well as saying it's the most successful expansions. I'm not responding again because if you are willing to deny or try to spin what's in the company's friggin' annual reports to try to support your own dislike of the story content, there's really no point in continuing a dialogue.


    I admit when 5.0 first released there were tons of players online. I guess if short term financial gain at the cost of destroying the player base is yours and the devs definition of success then I guess it certainly succeeded.


    However, I am quite certain 2017 will have substantial loss compared to 2016. Log in yourself to any server, including Harb, where you will see significant decline in population base. December of 2016 on Shadowlands, Ebon Hawk and JC had 2-3 full fleet instances on Imp side in prime time. Now, you'll be lucky to see more than 75 players total.

  7. It was pointed out previoiusly that EA's 2016 Q3 financial statement admitted it had lost millions of dollars of sub money. I am certain they gained some of those back in Nov/Dec with the release of 5.0 but that release has proven to be so bad with the CXP grind and RNG decisions that players have been dropping like flies.


    I myself unsubbed in January; and even though I resubbed briefly last month because I heard they had made some changes I've already decided to cancel again.


    This is due to one simple reason: No matter what their roadmap says; they can release new Ops, new PVP maps, new storyline...I don't care what the new content is. As long as the game involves ridiculous grinding system for RNG gear I will never sub again. PERIOD.

  8. [tinfoil hat] Or maybe, they realized that by making UC legacy-wide, they would complicate the already horrible skill gap between veterans and newcomers. And by that I mean you set up a premade with the best of the best available to your friends and guild and turn the already hilarious roflstomping into minute-long-matches [/tinfoil hat]


    Newcomers? At the dwindling player rate I think those are few and far between.

  9. Why are you posting this now?


    Did they reveal any patchnotes yet?

    Did they say they were going to do it overnight?


    You need to calm down and wait for 5.4. And it'll be a while.


    Sigh. Player attitudes like this are why the SWTOR ship sinks..."you need to calm down"...what an arrogant statement. It's been two months with no update on a "high priority" fix to help the mess they created in 5.0...yet with no action it just shows they really are all talk, no action which = they don't care. This was a very appropriate time to ask the question.

  10. Guys, I'm back after a 7 month break from the game. A change I discovered from when I last play, and I'm hoping someone can explain the dev's logic on this:


    I buy a crystal from the cartel market

    I purchase it in my collections to enable all characters in my legacy to obtain it

    I buy a legacy weapon that I can transfer to all characters in my legacy

    I put my legacy enabled crystal in my legacy weapon

    I attempt to mail this weapon to another character in my legacy


    Ii get an error alert that says I "cannot mail my legacy items to my legacy characters unless my [legacy enabled] cartel market items are removed".


    So, to workaround I have to spend 8k credits pulling out the crystal, send it to my other character and re-obtain the crystal through my collections.


    This game is going on 6 years old...how in the world is this a move forward in quality of life?


    Lol wut?

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