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Posts posted by FourPawnBenoni

  1. I like your ideas; Llacertus.


    Regarding #3 with lightning sorcs vs skank tanks...that does not concern me much. Skank tanks should not have high mitigation compared to a defensively geared one; and therefore with the amount of damage they can do having one class that is their kryptonite is a small penalty.


    No one complains about skank sins or PT tanks. We need to adjust Jugg tanks accordingly.

  2. 1. Guard with a cooldown is a terrible idea. Guardswap mechanic is what makes tanks useful in PvP as it requires the enemy team to swap targets, unless they want their damage healed through. If I get a cooldown on guard after 30 seconds, first hardswap from a competent player team will demolish their target.


    2. Force Bound is a very rare option of countering AP PT Powerlode, as well as yellow damage-heavy classes (Conc oper and Ling sorc come to mind). I would agree with removing it, but there is not much else you can do versus (very often multiple) AP PT if you want to protect yourself and peel for your team. Redesign powerlode to not include this part: "...and getting critically hit while under Power Yield builds an Energy Lode." or at least put internal cooldown on the energy lode gain. Then - by all means, nerf/remove force bound.


    3. Agreed, although I very rarely see this and I often play both solo and premade regs. If there is another premade in Q, 90% of the time we will get matched *against* them. Granted, there are exceptions but very rare.


    Thanks for the thoughtful reply.


    Regarding #1..."first hardswap from a competent player team will demolish their target"...I don't see the problem. Granted, I'm looking at this mainly from a regs point of view. I think group ranked & solo ranked with trinity comps probably view it differently. In regs, I'd much rather have good swaps result in kills rather than the stalemates that happen in some of the maps like civil war where the sides get capped and neither side can control mid to get a cap.


    Maybe it would just result in some different tactics...maybe diffferent comps...anything is better than the stalemates or being mezzed 8 seconds, then missing everything for 8 seconds and then another one does it to you. Just gets boring.

  3. I'm not against premades in general. Yes, they make it difficult for the pugs on the other side but I don't think we should prevent friends and guildies from playing with each other.


    However, when you start running into double premades where there are 4 players on the opposing team that all have the Force Bound set and coordinate their Intimidating roar it just makes the game boring and not fun at all.


    Also, jugg tanks in general are still over performing offensively as well.


    If SWTOR is serious about wanting to keep warzones fun in my humble opinion, they should quickly:


    1. Make guard have a cooldown. Something like a 30 second use with a 1 minute cooldown.

    2. Remove Force Bound set or reduce the accuracy penalty to 20%; similar to the sniper/operative flashbang utility

    3. Adjust matchmaking so that when two teams of 4 queue up they are put on opposite teams and then the rest filled up with pugs.


    Just my two-cents


    Also, I'm leveling some characters during the double xp and i'm not a fan of the new brackets if feedback is still being looked for. It's just too much of a mismatch to be level 10-30 and fighting against 60's and 70's.

  4. Hey guys, new guild here for all pvp fans. We are now actively recruiting; here are our guild requirements:


    1.) Must remain no higher than level 74. This may require you to leave the warzone just before it ends to prevent getting the XP.


    2.) Must form up premades in discord to better communicate and call out targets. Healer with tank preferred.


    3.) All lowbie targets must be quickly identified in the war zone and focused. Guild perks & credits are rewarded for high kills. Below level 30 targets are ideal for quick elimination. This may require camping their spawn point for rapid re-kills. Exception for Lethality Operatives; where only 1 or 2 killing blows is excused by the huge fluffy numbers.


    4.) Tanks must be juggernauts; have the reduced choke cooldown perk and used on cooldown along with Intimidating Roar. Guard swaps and taunting goes without saying.


    5.) Non-FOTM classes are strongly discouraged.


    6.) Sorc healers must utilize bubble-stun.


    7.) Operatives are expected to understand how to roll glitch the server. This will cause you to desysnc on platforms such as huttball & Yavin warzone so that you appear to be on a different level or just disappear from the opponents target altogether.


    8. The huttball is to be thrown only when waiting for dead enemies to respawn. Deathmatching is strongly encouraged while the ball is in play.


    9. Guild members are expected to encourage each other to flag plant and other forms of dominance over opponents.


    10. Any lowbies on our teams should be openly chastised for lack of gear; encouraging them to leave the warzone so we can backfill with better geared players.


    Looking forward to meeting some new players and seeing you all in the new 10-74 bracket war zones!!!

  5. I'm trying to help a friend with the Eternal Championship. We both have the Solo+ mission and when we go in the first boss spawns, but after we defeat it neither of us can click on the terminal to advance to the next boss. It is glowing but nothing happens when we click on it.


    Then if we leave the area and come back in the terminal isn't even glowing anymore but we have a mission "Check in at the terminal during intermission" and still can't be clicked on.


    We put in a ticket but all we got was the unhelpful "abandon and reset phases" which of course we've already done but the same thing keeps happening.


    Anyone else ever had this happen and know how to resolve?

  6. I know its been asked about but never seen a response.


    I like hutt ball too, but a little variety is nice. Six in a row is getting ridiculous and its like that all the time.


    I know of a lot of people, including a well known influencer that did a lot of good things for the community that have specifically left SWTOR because, as pvp'ers, they got so tired of leaving war zones, re-queuing only to have another huttball pop.


    Alll that has to be made is that all huttball maps count as 1 huttball when selecting the map. If huttball gets selected, then reroll the 3 to see which one to play. Just that little tweak right now would go a long ways

  7. Well I re-subbed after a long break. I last played about a month before 6.0 was coming out. I had a lot of reservations about it at the time but decided to try it with an open mind.


    It was worse than I thought.


    Not only are there extra layers of unneeded complexity; but it is a complete credit sink.


    Pulling out mods & augments? Credits

    Changing your armouring amplifier? Credits

    Change your mod amplifier? Credits

    Earpiece? Implants? Pretty much all your gear? Credits, credits, credits

    Buying new augments? Almost $5M per

    Want a new 6 piece set bonus? $1M for each piece of gear


    Now, I know there are a lot of diehards that have billions of credits and all the time in the world to craft and other things. But there are many more people who are like me that only have a couple hours a night a few times a week to play the game and we just want to be able to pvp and compete on an even playing field. Heck, if I can do that it is worth my sub and EA gets money and we're both happy. But if I have spend so much time grinding and not enough having fun then I cancel my sub and EA doesn't get money.


    There's a reason why MMO's are a dying breed. Too many other games you can jump right in and have fun and compete against other people on an even playing field. It would be nice if this game recognized that and adapted.


    Gear progressions should only be for people that want to play end game PVE

  8. So now we get to the root of the issue, eh? It doesn't matter what they do, because FotM has always, and will always be a thing where one can build their own classes. There will always be those players that take the system they are given and milk every possible advantage out of it. It's interesting to note, however, that the gearing system has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's not like there weren't nerfs to classes before 4.0 in an attempt to combat just that, right? "(Insert class here) is OP and needs to be nerfed" has been a rallying cry in games with classes and PvP since it was introduced as a whole, let alone in swtor.


    Wrong. There is no current FOTM, so your premise is flawed.


    In regs, Snipers, Mara's, Sorcs and Mercs are all considered very strong. Juggs and Ops can be pretty good too, but generally behind the others, except for jugg tank which is probably the preferred pvp tank. Sins and PT's are behind the other classes but a good player can be very effective with the right team comp.


    The state of balance in pvp right now is probably the best its ever been...but it took 2 years to get here (and I'm not saying its perfect or can't be improved). So the root of the issue is that they are adding an extra layer of complexity that I don't think they can handle.

  9. There is no doubt the game has improved. This isn't about being negative or positive.


    The truth of the matter is that despite improvements, they constantly do dumb stuff that drives people away and take forever to make an adjustment.


    Its just a fact, that a lot of people left after 5.0...turned off by RNG & 300 levels of CXP. They actually thought it was a good system and released it. I had a look at closed beta and immediately reported feedback on the forums in SEPTEMBER about it being a terrible idea. Not only got ignored, it got removed.


    It took months for them to adjust things and it still sucks compared to 4.0 era of gearing. It takes just way too long.


    Also, they are clueless on class balance. Mercs got released and immediately everyone knew they were OP but it took 11 months for a nerf.


    Lesson to take a way from this? Hope for the best but expect the worst. I've very doubtful on the new gear stuff (amplifiers and whatnot) because it already looks like some classes are looking like they've got some OP stuff to choose from while other classes are going to still suck. If I had confidence the devs would be making changes each week to tighten up balance I would be much more optimistic. Possibility they are adjusting things that frequently? Pretty much zilch.


    How many months will it take to fix it, meanwhile, warzones are trash because of FOTM?

  10. I always love this kind of thing. So, what exactly would qualify one to be a "player"? Being on board with every negative agenda posted? Kneeling to the "we know better than you what you enjoy" crowd? Guess I'm never going to be a player, and all my progression raiding, back when I gave a damn about it, doesn't mean anything. I used to solo FPs back before there were SMs to carry one through. It was fun, and challenging, and, I thought, made me a player. I guess not, because I'd have to ask what is meant by "allowing us to thrive" as well. I thought I was "thriving" pretty well, when I played.


    Now I'm not thrilled with the F2P model, but, and this will really shock people like you, this model existed long before 5.0. "but they removed the passes" doesn't mean anything to me, if I'm playing, I'm subbed. I also love "nobody asked for it" being thrown around like someone actually polled the entirety of the player base to find out, instead of just pulling it out of their *** to support their hurt feelings, or whatever. My biggest complaint is the lack of speed in getting my comps back, which is why the vast majority of my alts haven't even started it, which, guess what, is "playing the way I want", and "thriving". I don't expect that to change either, so despite the hyperbole being thrown around by the nay sayers, I'm still going to be able to play how I want.


    Let me give you a hint. Lets start with the release of 5.0 and then before 6.0 servers had to merge. You can try and pump sunshine all you want but you're out of touch with the community.


    2nd hint ( since you seem to need them): a lot of players left

  11. Tuesday of course the weekly on Ossus resets and people form groups to get their crystal from World Boss's. It used to be that those groups would be pretty easy to find and it wouldn't be until after the weekend before it would slow down.


    Now, even the next day on Wednesday it is drastically slower, and this is kind of a pain for those of us that have a lot of alts. If you have plans on Tuesday, or get sick, or have to work, etc...it really makes it very difficult and time consuming to wait around for groups to form.


    I know the white knights are going to want to chime in with "Summer!" and "old content!" and other such nonsense but that's not really the point of my post. My point is that any game design that revolves around needing a large group with multiple roles to accomplish something for gearing is going to be bound for trouble, especially when the crystals are limited each week. For people that are still playing the game and wanting to gear up this is an incredible inconvenience.


    I doubt they will be able to fix the mistake at this point but I hope they keep this in mind for 6.0 and future patches.

  12. Set-bonus of Tactical Item ideas:


    • Backstab no longer has a positional requirement, however like Maul (Deception Assassin) it does less damage when not used from behind.
    • The Revealing Weakness passive now gives a buff that allows your next backstab against any target to have no positional requirement and treated as though you attacked from stealth.


    it's called BACK stab...not ANYWHERE stab

  13. Here's my main point. The way that game trending is going, it needs to be easy to jump in and play. People don't want to spend time grinding gear anymore than what 4.0 era had. All these things with tacticals and amplifiers are unnecessary.


    When your content revolves around doing things to get gear then its not going to attract people. Even WOW is bleeding subs.


    Worried that pvp is too stale? Then add a new class and class story. That will add variety to game as well as pve content. Doesn't that sound more fun than grinding stuff to find optimal amplifiers?


    Then you can spend more time on creating better maps, better ranked ideas, better operations, balance, etc

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