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Posts posted by Skettitangles

  1. Lol I see how to search the PvP leaderboard now, thanks for the heads up... learn something new everyday!:) That said I'd appreciate all the negative posters on this thread - especially you Prototypemind - to put down at least the name of your Sentinel/Marauder - and your tank Prototypemind - so we can all check out your ranked PvP ratings. I'm asking this because it seems to be something you guys (the ones who are making the argument that Mara is broken or unbalanced in the game) are using as a qualifier of the validity of one's argument. That way we can all get a better, more transparent understanding of the level we are all playing at and it may well influence the opinions being shared here or at least change some of our perspectives on each others points of view
  2. I hate to turn this into an epeen show, but my tank routiniely does about twice your damage without issue. You're really going to need to show something more significant before you start downing legitimate posts about the place Marauders/Sentinels have in Regs and Ranked. You have exactly zero wins in ranked PvP, only three total kills, and are currently sitting at a 1050 rating, and your output in Unranked is not anywhere near what players who know the class achieve.


    If you were having a bad day, feel free to screenshot some better matches, but for now, your arguments do not hold water.


    What part of "I consider myself an average player" did you miss? If I'm not currently anywhere near where Marauders who are really good are, well, that only backs up my argument which has always been that the class is not broken. I've played a grand total of 4 Ranked Warzones for 4 losses and that was in 180 gear before I realized that was a really stupid idea, so a few kills is actually pretty cool. I don't even know where to look to know what my rating is. Thank you for providing the confirmation of my argument that it's not the class that is broken but it's actually people's playing ability that needs fixing.


    Seeing as the trolls on this thread are so demanding of screenshot/video proof of their PvP results, feel free to throw us a screenshot or two that actually confirms you tank claims, oh and you also need to prove you don't have a pocket healer lol

  3. Thank you for that. Read it a while ago (after you posted it) but have not responded since until now.


    I will be taking a look at that. FWIW, I have trained myself (FINALLY) to see it. It helps, but it's one more decision to make as Combat. Not an easy spec to play.


    NP. It's a bit laggy too, but will give you enough time to line up a sweet gore window without having to look too much at your buffs

  4. Here's a pic from a bad WZ which, when I queue solo, I typically get around 50% of the time.. 6 deaths, no killing blows, yet still managed to stay alive long enough against strong opponents to put out 250k damage (6th position overall) and pick up 2 MVPs. No pocket healer... His toon's name is Cookster. Still a fun match because it was challenging. Take from this what you will. BRSSW you've been reported for trolling. Time for you to prove your superiority. Good luck with that



  5. What a load of crap. You group with a pocket healer and expect that to mimic the experience of others?


    No, if you've actually read the whole thread you'll see that I've only just started q-ing wzs with a healer very recently (like a couple of days ago recently) and most of my PvP experience to date has been solo q-ing. It's better when I do group with a healer sure, but I still do reasonable damage and survive ok solo q-ing (regs too btw not ranked).


    I'm getting tired of having to defend the Marauder class in its current state on this thread. I put my input in initially with good intentions and have found a lot of the feedback to be quite insightful and helpful to me (I've stated from the start that I'm still learning how to master the class and never questioned if it was the class that was "broken" but rather my playing skills and awareness that needed improvement - all of the good Marauder/Sentinels have been able to clearly identify this from my posts and know where I'm at in terms of my playing level) but I just can't deal with anymore criers who wanna troll-o-lol-o-lol all day long and demand proof from everyone else as to their game chops without putting forward any of their own proof of how good/bad they are. You criers try and flip the script on anyone who dares put forward a different view to your view. It's sad that you gotta declare anyone with a positive thing to say about the Marauder class as either a lying or a non-Mara player trying to keep the class down. It's just a series of excuse after excuse as to how anyone could be having a better experience on their Marauder than you and it's gotten really old really quickly.


    I'll say this one last time. I AM AN AVERAGE PLAYER AND I DO JUST FINE ON MY MARA IN REG PVP WITHOUT A POCKET HEALER. I've put forward enough "proof" of that without having to post a video. CBF setting up a video capture app on my dual core i5 laptop with integrated graphics that can barely sustain 30fps and average lag around 200-300ms. I deal with enough hardware issues as it is without chewing up more ram.


    I'm done here trying to get through to the L2P bads who are simply crying for a buff to Mara or nerf to every other class just because they used to die less and do more damage in wzs and can't figure out how to enjoy playing Marauder in the current state of the game. Criers from this thread are all going on the ignore list.

  6. You assume everyone has a video capture app running on their machines hey? Have a proper look at the "numbers" on the pic I already posted... add up total damage and total healing.... this was a solo q wz for me.... take a few breaths and let the info sink in.......... Yeah I died a couple of times because I moved out on my own away from potential healing and put myself into a position of vulnerability with defenses still on cool down. And yeah the opposition was pretty lame and it was reg, not ranked. I'm comfortable with how I'm playing the game and how the class is right now. I'm sure as I improve and get into ranked stuff (now that I have a guildy healer to group with that we're grinding gear for) I'll still be enjoying my PvP. Sounds to me that you need some friends to group with Mr 99% solo. I feel for ya man I really do
  7. You don't get any access, you don't work for bioware. You are just another blow hard claiming everything is perfectly balanced. By the way i am talking PvP strictly not PvE. And secondly, i have not "begged" for a damn thing nor was i ever a "smash monkey" as you put it. Get your facts straight and quit assuming and making **** up as you go in life and you will find things much more realistic.


    If anything i hope to bring attention to the fact that this class is no longer a Warrior and can not perform like one in today's game where all the other classes have been given multiple forms of cc and immunities and survivability and we have only had things removed. Marauder has ZERO survivability in today's game and that is a fact you can not refute. This class should not be balanced around the assumption that we have a healer backing us all the time.


    yeah yeah yeah... the "numbers" that "they" will analyze and provide "in time" will prove you right while the rest of us will continue playing on our Marauder/Sentinels dealing out uber damage and surviving just fine with or without healer backing. keep waiting for the "proof" you're so desperate to see. one day "the chosen one" will bring balance to the force and set you free.


    Marauder is supposed to be difficult in some regards due to group buff abilities, high dps potential, and already having excellent defensive capabilities... when has this game ever given every class the same abilities in the search for balance?


    No more scrubs please

  8. Your argument is null and void. Sure they are available at all times , its a matter of when they decide to pay attention to them. Generally these things are looked at over periods of time, not on Skettitangles' whim. And no, i have not missed a single thing. There is no one and i repeat NO ONE who has any proof of their claims on these forums. I been waiting weeks and not 1 shred of evidence just a ton of trolls trying to keep this class under the gun. Claiming how good they are and how they have no problems at all. I know whats going wrong , i don't need to do any of that crap you suggested to figure it out. This class has zero survivability compared to before. I am tired of arguing with trolls over this topic. The numbers will show the truth in time.


    So let me try and get this right. You're sick of arguing, yet you continue argue that the Marauder class has been screwed over by Bioware for how long? Since 2.0? When exactly did the class get nerfed into it's current (in your opinion) state of weakness? How much time will it take for us all to have access to these "numbers" that prove your point? I've put forward plenty of info on this thread about my performance on my main (which is my Marauder) and stated clearly that I perceive myself to be a player of average skill doing reasonably well in NiM and HM PvE and Regular Warzone PvP. When I group with a Healer I do extremely well in reg PvP. I'm not a non-Marauder-player conspiring to have the class kept down. I love my Marauder above all my toons and play it the most, but I'm not here crying about the class and begging for a buff like you. If there's a troll here it's got to be you bro. Just another scrub. Do us all a favor and uninstall the game and go cry to Blizzard or Zenimax about some other MMO class or grow a set of balls and share some valid details about your toon that shows us all how you used to be a god mode smash monkey back in the day and how impossible it must be that such a highly skilled player just couldn't be under-performing due to a lack of skill or understanding of what it takes to be competitive in PvP with a Marauder.

  9. The metrics will show what people have been complaining about, its just a matter of time.

    Lastly, I'd argue that these so called metrics would already be available to illustrate your point if what you are saying was the case. The thing you've missed is there are plenty of players doing quite well on their marauders and sentinels who've contributed to this thread already. You'd be better off starting a new thread that illustrates you toons stats, parses, and some pvp results or video and asking for some help in working out what's going wrong for you playing your marauder

  10. There's no debate at all really , its the people who play them voicing that something is wrong vs the white knights who fear a marauder being a threat on the battlefield again trying to cloud the facts. The metrics will show what people have been complaining about, its just a matter of time.


    Also, for the record, my marauder is my main. I only have 4 55s, so yeah 90% of my game is playing marauder

  11. Ok with only 3 sentinel/marauders currently on the top 50 pvp leaderboard I get what you're saying, but perhaps the fix should concern say a medal given for an effective predation or something like that. You can't influence how people award their MVP by buffing a class's dps alone. A team winning or losing is based on a lot more than if their Mara tops the dps scoreboard
  12. I am seeing a whole lot of posters fearful of the Marauder being put back in his rightful place on the battlefield as a Warrior rather than the creampuff they are now. Again i ask, do any of you white knights claiming the class is perfectly fine and "l2p blah blah blah", have any modern video proof of your so claimed mastery? No one has stepped up yet. Interesting.


    Also everyone keeps saying marauder "buffs" next patch - isnt that just a return to what was stripped from them in the first place and not really any buff at all?


    Soooooo.... do we still have any debate going on here regarding the viability of the Marauder class for PvP or are we satisfied it's really a L2P/adapt to the new Marauder role in PvP issue that's going on?

  13. Lols. Everyone sucks at PvP unless you do a truckload of it and work out the maps and objectives and get all the gear for it. Just let your group know you're only grinding for a relic and most decent players will understand. You may even get lucky and have some groups give you a specific task you can help out with while relying on the bolster. Your 168 rating gear and above will have a negative impact on the bolster so if you've still got some 162 or below stuff sub out those pieces before you queue. I think it's only 800 regular comms for a relic so you should only have to do the dailys once to afford it
  14. http://postimg.org/image/iuoesc131/



    I'm an average PvPer. Not quite video proof but proof enough that an average Marauder can still do reasonably well in a warzone if they adapt to the situation that is placed in front of them and work with their team. FFS L2P this class or roll something else that suits your style of play or go play Wildstar or something if you think you're getting screwed over by Bioware. You've got some of the top parsing Marauder/Sentinels on the planet telling you how it is on this thread so pay some attention to what they are saying because they can't manufacture numbers in the 3.8~3.9k range out of thin air. They're just bloody good at the class. I only parse in the 3~3.2k range and even I can get my head around how to play a warzone and win in Carnage spec.

  15. yeah i gotta laugh at some of the complaints about the marauder class going on here. I started playing about a year after launch so I guess I never experienced the time when the class was really op. I used to get completely owned in warzones but I always thought it was my own lack of skill as a player and not something wrong or broken with the class or it's abilities. I used to do mediocre dps in raids but I knew it was me screwing up my rotation and my lack of raid awareness and poor understanding of the fight mechanics that was causing that. I used to die a lot because I didn't know how to use my defensive cool downs. the basics of marauder are in fact quite simple and true mastery of the class is something you just have to build up at your own pace.


    when a friendly, high quality marauder took me aside and showed me the annihilation rotation and made me switch over from carnage it was my opportunity to truly get my head around what I was doing wrong and learn how to properly play the class and now I'm decent at it. I can play both carnage and annihilation, do decent dps in raids, buff my groups at the appropriate times and really enjoy pve and pvp. there's no justification for asking bioware to buff or change the marauder class right now any more than it is already. I'm confident 2.8 will get the balance right.


    if you're really struggling with marauder but still wanna play mdps and feel op I'd suggest going vengeance juggernaut.

  16. respec to your pvp build and make some adjustments to your quickbars from your standard pve setup. get a full set of obroan gear at least and augment it all. don't be afraid to charge in with a few kamikaze runs to get a feel for your opposition. focus on your kills to deaths ratio instead of trying to top the damage scoreboard. play objectives and don't worry if a stealther nails you (it's their job to do that). don't be afraid to hang back occasionally and observe what's going on, build fury stacks (if you're carnage) etc. spam predation as much as possible. harass healers as much as possible. rinse repeat and grind out your gear to brutalizer. communicate with your team and let them know what you know regarding the situation. never give up on a map you don't like, just do it and learn from the experience (especially arenas, because they can be pretty rough). don't be disheartened if you're getting focused, it's a sign that you're seen as a threat that needs to be shut down. don't be afraid to blow you DCDs, they'll become available again soon enough (especially if you're specd for pvp and have the set bonus from your gear). a marauder is only as weak as you believe you are. you don't have to win the dps race to help your team win the warzone and have fun doing it.:)
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