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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ubermouth

  1. That could work. But I'm looking for the flexibility to not need to develop a friends-list ATM. I'm still sociable when I play, typically do have friends list. But these days. I don't care. I want quality of life features too.





    Add to friends list.. Then invite to form a group... If its available, invite them into voice comms.


    Oh my god you, just formed a premade group for warones!!! I heard those are evil...

  2. Context: There are a lot of "communicator-types" that play in wz. Some of these types play well, and communicate reasonably useful information during the match. However, there are others that are just looking to fit in, so they spam chat with same cliché talking-points they've picked-up along the way.


    It's always so much cooler when someone communicates something of value, and demonstrates that they have basic skills, and that they play for the team. You always see them in the mix, doing stuff right for the situation. Those are the people I want to play with. There should be an opposite feature of "ignore". It should be like" props" or something. You'd accrue 'em. And you could only vote for a player once, ever. And you could remove a props vote gave to another over time if they demonstrate a change in performance/social.


    It would also be great to then have a pre-screen for chat and group finder pairings:: screening people based on 'props'-value. Weed out the belly-aching, low-skill'd from group fnder and general chat.


    Maybe a perk could be that players with certain 'props-values' would have 'props-votes' with higher associated weight.

    Figure out control for inauthenticity and abuse in general.

  3. So that player was an ignorant communicator.

    There are a lot of "communicator-types" that play in wz. Some of these types play well, and communicate reasonably useful information during the match. However, there are others that are just looking to fit in, so they spam chat with same cliché talking-points they've picked-up along the way.

    It's always so much cooler when someone communicates something of value, and demonstrates that they have basic skills, and that they play for the team. You always see them in the mix, doing stuff right for the situation. Those are the people. There should be an opposite feature of "ignore". It should be like" props" or something. You'd accrue 'em.


    It would also be great to then have a pre-screen for chat and group finder pairings:: screening people based on 'props'-value. Weed out the belly-aching, low-skill'd from group fnder and general chat.



    Someone called me the worst PvPer and put on me ignore the other day for not using CC. Never mind at the beginning of the round when he reminded everyone to use it I pointed out as a lvl 20 Sent I don't have any yet. But we lost and it was my fault for not CCing people. Sorry guys!
  4. Seems like the fashionable thing to do is belly-ache when you don't get advantage, and say everyone is the worst player that you've ever played with. Seems like a lot of these individuals expect to be carried as a lot of them don't demonstrate contribution in the quality of their play, or even in the total stats at game end.


    So much of this game is about people complaining about the same things. It's pathological. Whining about class difference, crying about being on the worst team ever, complaining about complainers. On the other side of the coin, there is a real issue that skilled individuals can prevail in a reasonable amount of 1v1 despite class difference. Skilled players recognize that many wz are about rhythm and that whoever gets ahead in tempo, has a good shot at a win. Yet, many belly-achers act like its a rare phenomenon for a team to get ahead on tempo pretty quickly into the match; getting ahead can be because of luckier composition, better gear/available skills, more organization, or better dueling skills. People act like you can control for everything, every time, right off the bat in a pug <50.


    Of course, you should play with reason to prevent this from happening as best as possible, however, you don't blow a gasket when it does as it can be common in disorganized <50.


    Conversely, it is frustrating when a team doesn't seem to learn how to adjust, as skilled players should be able to adjust, more or less, despite having been disorganized at the onset.


    I wish it was more fashionable for players to develop effective ways for quickly organizing a pug during the opener.

  5. So, you expect people to respec each wz to play a role? I mean, a skilled payer could respec and play any role on the fly, but you'd also have to be willing.


    Some what same phenomena happens in <50 flashpoints where a dps/heal class won't heal because they queue'd with the intention of dps'ing, and aren't willing to adjust just to meet the group need. Not quite the same, but similar in that the individual has to be willing.


    That being said, the wz queue works to throw us all together, but doesn't organize us to reduce luck of good composition.

    Alternately, be the change, role tank or healer and pitch in.



    I used that as an example, my apologies for not noting it as such. Either way, most premades are sent in from PvP guilds. They know what they're doing and they most likely have some pretty amazing gear.

    I was in a warzone the other day. 4 people in our WZ group were from Requiem (Good PvP guild AFAIK), and we had two from Crimson Moon (Popular PvP guild). As soon as we set charges on the door (Voidstar) the enemy started to ragequit in droves. Only one player, a level 50 sentinel, remained. He was slaughtered by 8 people at once as soon as he set foot outside the spawn room while we waited for the warzone to force-exit because there weren't enough people to keep it going.

  6. Reasonable and very doable.

    My main is a healer; I don’t need or want guard. Tank can guard whomever they want or no one for that matter in a HM FP. I don’t care, because I am geared well enough to handle it now. I no longer even care is DPS have gold fever. I can deal with that too in any HMFP where I don’t get stun locked while handling it. However a year ago gold fever or dps constantly pulling would have lead to a wipefest. All groups are different, each will bring its own abilities, skill and gear to a group and it is up to us to adapt to the situation. If you want consistence, find a group and run HM FP, daily heroics and Operations with the same people every day. Otherwise what is the proper way to play an instance is going to be very depended on the makeup of the group you are running with at that moment.


    So to me what is dumb is trying to do a speed run with a 13k HP healer or tank. You see them in a group then plan on tweaking your strategy to fit the group, like healing between pulls and giving the healer a chance to recoup force/energy between pulls.


    Oh if dps have gold fever and I can't handle it, I just stealth out until the mobs are attacking the dps. That usually shows dps there are other things needing killing.

  7. I know, as a dps, if the other dps just focuses elites or champs, I'm all like, eww. And then I say to myself, nothing matters. Then I help me healer bro out.

    You cant change the goal posts and argue that, I explained what happens regularly in GF, and there's plenty of bad players around and all is fine.

    Yes you are right, if the roles are played right, even if they are not real good at it, or the gear is a little weak, the healer wont have too much problem, but thats not what I was arguing, the statement of healing not pulling aggro is a lie, and not even up for discussion.


    How many HM FP pugs as a healer have you done since the game released?


    You come up to an mob, 1 champ, 2 strongs, and 4-6 weaks, the tank jumps in, gives the boss and tickle to get him interested and grabs the strongs as well, he may at that stage garner a little interest from the weak, but they are quite a distance from him, then here comes one of the dps, being a fine chap and all, helps out the tank with the boss, what a thoughtful gesture, and then in comes the second dps, he likes the look of one of the strongs, and starts to give him a work out, all is fine, the heroes save the day, yay, oh, whats that?, the tank is copping quite a bit of flack and needs a heal... you know what happens next... If you dont, Ill tell you, the millisecond you pop that heal, every gun in that room except the boss and a strong will be on you.

    If I had a dollar for every time this or something similar happening, Id need much bigger pockets. :)

  8. Temp solution: since you're willing to pug pvp, roll an alt and sub 50 pvp to reduce the impact of gear and expertise.

    Also, you can't control for everything in this game, let it go.


    Depends what you mean.


    I've noticed a massive amount of fresh 50s joining warzones, and I know everyone has to start somewhere but it's just so damn frustrating when you get more than 3 people in your team with like 15k hp and 1k expertise. More often than not I always seem to see fresh 50 Sorcerers, not sure why this class is so appealing to the masses.

  9. Nice general characterization of my post. However, your citation and reference is not properly formatted. Please rewrite and resubmit.

    People can win 1v1s in lowbies and die under focus fire, more news at 11.
  10. Hey man, I'm sure theres a exegeses in mathematics thread or class difference cry-fest goin on elsewhere, don't let the door hitcha.


    So far top three cnsistently for all stats. Not just dmg. MVP voting is a little weird. I wish they gave a graph showing the combined area of each individuals warzone values. People tend to vote for one stat. Also, saw our team win across the board on stats, but lose the match. So stats are pretty dumb as is.

  11. I agree.

    Skill allows for flexibility

    same counts for dps and healer.

    at some point I can make enough dmg on my tank or take so little dmg that the other roles aren't necessarily needed.

    I don't say they're not important, but I'd rather kick a stupid cc breaking dps than dragging him along

  12. this all sounds fairly reasonable.

    and i specifically agree with your point about tanks being required for under-geared runs. i will qualify my point to say that tanks are necessary under certain conditions, but not in all.

    i would love to go back to the days when we all had lower gear. that's when the game is fun. when it's challenging, and you need each team member to employ reasoned tactics.

    but in this day and age, i see a lot of uninspiring tanks with controlling egos employ crap tactics.


    As have I. On multiple toons in each role.




    As do I. However the ONLY reason tanks are no longer required for HM FPs is the vast over gearing. Back when these were being run in less than Tionese? You can bet you wouldn't get far without a tank. In a few weeks when 2.0 hits? I suspect tanks will become a LOT more important again.




    The "leader" of the group is whoever formed it or whoever group finder deigned to be leader. However someone will usually step up and guide everyone else through the run. Now that could be the DPS or the Healer but most of the time its the tank. Why? Tanks are all about staying alive and getting people to do what they're supposed to in a fight really helps that goal. Similarly, if no one speaks up people tend to just follow the tank. Now keep in mind, following someone is vastly different from that person actually leading.


    Now that said, I like to lead. As a tank I pull pretty quickly as long as everyone is healthy and the healer isn't struggling. I like running with DPS that kill quickly and follow the right kill order. I *HATE* running with DPS that break CC (in the rare ocassion that I use it) or pull before me. You pull it, you tank it. You break it, you tank it. I'll just /sit here and watch unless I need to save the healer.


    There are plenty of other tanks like me out there, we're the kind of tanks it sounds like you want to run with. When you find one of us, /friend them. If you're as good as you say we'd gladly run with you. If they're not keen to run with you, you might like to look in the mirror before you blame the tank.

  13. I would love instanced, long, challenging solo content for a player who enjoys technique.

    Something different than solo questing in general in that it would offer higher challange/complexity per distance covered/area.


    I love the game. And I understand that there is a social element that should be supported, but I think that advanced-solo content for people is also fair. As someone who isn't really interested in joining a guild, I am often left running with pugs consisting of people that are not paying attention, employ unreasoned tactics, or who are perfectly entitled to play in ways that I don't enjoy, or not in ways that I do - with techinque.

  14. Questions regarding PVE content

    Knowing that it would be difficult to measure skill through quantitative means, what are some names of skills you think are present in this game?

    How does the impact of skill on game-play differ from that of gear or class differences?

    Some quick examples of general skills??

    1. Use environmental features to modify incoming damage over some duration of time. IE not standing out in the open, aggro'ing every mob; or conversely, using LoS.

    2. recognize and intercede when mob is limiting group member ability to use skills

    3. use class skills to position mobs, control mobs in order to modify incoming damage to yourself or other group member.

    4. remember mechanics after a few encounter

    5. make reasoned inferences based off of mob composition and environmental features.


    Try keep personal/class bias out of the conversation.

    Try to tie your comment to a citation.

    Thanks, looking forward to what you have to say

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