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Posts posted by ubermouth

  1. The experience of losing to a premade is only degrees different than playing with newbs and dumbs in non premade wz. As a mostly solo player, getting in a premade is one way I can feel some small sense of control, which lately the only thing enjoyable about my wz experience amongst dumbs and newbs
  2. Splitting up the enemy asap seems to work pretty good. I usually single out a dps and get him away from the group while we fight in an area of the map that has some LoS protection. By the time he is back, we usually have burned down one enemy.


    This ^.

    Also, selecting where to fight based off of group composition.

    Blasting healer then hard switch to squishy while healer is Lo'sing or self healing.

    Knowing the difference between pressure and tunneling for a kill

  3. Honestly in the right hands any class can do good

    work. You just need to know when/where to fight, how to figh on your terms, how to play as a unit etc. Forget about getting numbers in wz or parse- it's minutea, mostly. Otherwise expect to kill some, die

    less and hopefully contribute to sound strats/tactics.

  4. Yeah I know, sorry Slingers and Scoundrels. But guys come on... This class is so OP. Okay, I play as a Sentinel right now. And the amount of stuns this class has insane. So myself and another guy were playing Hypergate, this Operative stuns me once, okay, cool I can deal with that. So I pop resolute. Then he throws down a flashbang or whatever the F it is. Stuns both the Sage and I that were guarding the pylon, and is able to cap it while we're still stunned... That is crazy.


    Then the same match, I was running away from the pylon because it was about to reset, this jerk stuns me once, I pop resolute, and he stuns me again right after... There was nothing I could do and the pylon killed me.. Like what BS is that? What? He just gets a free cheap kill? How unfair.


    And Snipers... Oh don't even get me started with them. Okay so basic, you run up to them (Save the force leap for later because they'll knock you back) They knock you back, as expected. Can't move for like 6 seconds, by that point they've shot me once and 1/3 of my health is gone, okay cool. Then I force leap them. They stun me for like another 6 seconds. So I pop resolute. And he slows my movement speed down again and it takes me another 5 seconds to reach him by walking. And by that point I'm already dead... And that is how EVERY battle goes with them. And they can be immune to all stuns and interrupts for 20 seconds.. Like come on..


    Like come on guys.. this is so unfair, please tell me at least someone agrees with me :C This is pissing me off.

    Oh and please don't just say I'm bad at PvP, I'm fairly good. Got a 55 Vanguard with 54 Valor..


    Honestly, you will learn how to counter or avoid your counter class. It just requires more awareness.

    You want to be able to just jump into a melee and somehow not be a target for snipers? Stop blowing your cc break learn when to use defensive cd when your rooted etc.

    But yeah generally expect to get obliterated as a Mara if it take a long run at a sniper. Come up more tangentially and prepare to eat 1 big skill and just slaughter them when your back in range.

    So yeah it is a l2p issue. No offense.

  5. I don't understand why everyone keeps talking about 1 v 1 this 1 v 1 that.


    This is a team based game. This is a team orientated game. If you are not playing as a team. You are not doing it correctly.


    If you are assisting one another. Protecting your teammates / objectives together. Play your roles according to what a team should do. You are winning. Lose/win you are still Winning at the game congrats.


    Seriously this whole my X class should take out your X class 1 v 1 mentality is so weak.


    The devs focus on balancing this game around team based game play. If they hot fixed it every time someone felt their class was under powered in a 1 v 1 situation. Shoot you may as well not bring the game back online and just keep it down because it'll never be proportionate in that manner.


    Seriously go play a FPS where you both get the same load out and same guns for real.


    Say it again, Seriously...


    They do it because they dps to get their epeen wet. Thinking above troglodyte levels is difficult for many pvpers.

  6. Of course you should be able to kill an unsupported operative by yourself as a dps. You should be able to kill any healer by yourself if they get no help. It should take longer than killing another player, but all things being equal the final outcome should not be in doubt. The idea that a support class should just shrug off a single dps is completely ridiculous. Again, all things being equal.


    What a narrow minded picture you have of pvp dynamics. If you are pressuring the healer, then they aren't healing their team = their team dies = you getting your dps ***** from dropping another class.

  7. Who under perform.


    Shadow cherry-picker , talking about how he's server first in medals, MVP, how our CW will be impossible to win if he is stuck guarding node. We win anyway. Slow come from behind.


    Run with him again on alt. He yaps, I mean really yapping, again, he underperforms.


    Get on that seroquel son!

  8. op is right.

    people want classes that are homogeneous in terms of stats/skills but with different character design/animations.

    why do you want classes to all perform/function the same across different scenarios? sounds boring. every class has its perks in certain situations- its up to the player to use their brain to identify/create those situations.

  9. anyone know how to hide the program in control panel (unistall)?

    i've tried to go through regedit

    but can't find the key in the unistall folder to change display name to nodisplay

    i've deleted the key in wow6432 as well, but prog name still shows up in control panel



  10. I personally enjoy an over zealous dps that wants to tank. The flash points get boring after the hundredth time you have done them so if I am lagging behind because of whatever reason it doesn't bother me in the slightest if someone else pulls and tanks for a bit. They know that they pulled, and hopefully they are smart enough to realise what they have done and act accordingly, but at no point in the entire operation/flashpoint will I stop doing my job. Unless if there is a specific reason as to why I don't want a mob pulled at that moment, do what you want, I'm confident enough in my skill as a tank/ the simplicity of tanking in this game to be able to catch up and keep the damage away from everyone.


    As a dps I have pulled mobs before tanks get there whilst expecting the tank to do his/her job once they get there, but then to drop dead or close enough too, while the tank types out a long lengthy press release about how tanking is the tanks job, blah blah blah. I have defensive cooldowns, I have medpacs, I have threat drops, I can judge for myself what I can take on and what I can't.


    Yes you get derpy dps, yes you get derpy healers and yes you get derpy tanks, but who cares? You give them advice and its up to them whether they take it or not. Wiping sucks and no one likes it, so do your damnedest to stop it from happening, if a dps is pulling ahead of you, race them for the mob. If they are unloading massive burst and ripping aggro, use that as a basis to test your rotation, if the dps are hitting cced mobs/focusing different mobs/not following kill order, use that as practice for "oh crap" scenarios, get your cooldowns out properly, try to read the situation and predict what to do next. What you shouldn't do is ***** and moan just because you didn't get your jollies off by being the big tough dude that walks in and gets smacked in the face by a mob first.


    I've run as all classes with some awful pugs, but I used it as motivation to push more out of myself, to try and carry people through so they can have a successful experience, and try to help them along the way. T Anything else is ridiculously selfish and flies in the face of the MMO meaning. You aren't king just because you get beaten up better than others, you aren't a god just because you say "LoS here" all you are is a part of a messed up machine that only works when everyone looks out for everyone. Cut the self entitled crap and do your job: looking out for your team.


    Nicely put.

    You have to accept that people may be completely un interested in following your tactics. People will pull mobs when you tell them not to, will ruin your LoS set up, will dps hero the champ while the weaks and strongs free cast.

    Count on every pug run being horribly annoying. Figure out how to mitigate idiocy.

    Also, pve dps is for idiots. But, don't get me wrong, I love taking a holiday and queuing as dps.

  11. He's not talking about voice chat. He's talking about creating a custom chat channel in-game, which you can do right now.

    And guy could have just pointed me in right direction

  12. create a password locked channel invite your friends once, when ever they log in they are automatically in that channel.


    wishes solved since version 0.8 and before...


    I'm talking no voice for the formation part. Quick and easy and wouldnt take very much to implement.

    Please don't tell me that I have to use voice for this part of pugging. I just want a little tool.

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