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Everything posted by Eniatnof

  1. The current system of needing the EXACT Battlemaster item in order to upgrade to a specific War Hero set item needs to be changed. With the way that stats are distributed on the different sets that are available to some classes, there needs to be flexibility to purchase the item that gives the most benefit based on your current gear. As a Concealment Operative, I have the option to choose from three different sets of gear. I currently have a full Enforcer Battlemaster set, but in order to maximize my character (stats-wise) I will be using 2 pieces of Field Tech gear. In order to get those items I have to spend PRECIOUS Warzone commendations that would be better suited converting to Ranked Warzone Commendations. We already have to deal with the ridiculous grind of converting Warzone commendations to Ranked Warzone Commendations, while receiving a decreased amount of rewards compared to pre -1.2. Let us not even start to talk about someone that switches specs and has to deal with possibly grinding a full set of Battlemaster and then grind again to upgrade to War Hero. I can understand that the point to this system was "most likely" to prevent people from skipping from "fresh 50" straight to War Hero, but as someone that is well over War Hero Valor level, I feel we should be able to purchase War Hero gear using our Valor rank without the need for the precursor Battlemaster item.
  2. If you look at the image that was posted of a defeat in Voidstar, the team that LOST had ZERO deaths (which corresponds to ZERO kills for the WINNING team). So, kills do not determine the winner either.
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