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Everything posted by PeteyLo

  1. Because we know damn well Spillfy, and chukles are going to have a ball chasing around Psi with their stupid voltaic slashes. Just because you guys are bad @ dueling in darkness doesnt mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us. Lol. It is a 1v1 tournament to test the skill of other players if a Smash monkey is stupid enough to brake my spike then he should in fact be sapped, and then seethed. For the record I don't need to sap seethe to solo a infiltration shadow... You guys are @ the bottom of my list.. I'm worried about hybrid juggs, and sorcs who basically have two lives as well. And Chukles the vulgarity of your statements doesn't make you correct... Just because you a cursing doesn't mean you are right. Anyways, Plaje we should attend none the less.
  2. Electrocute, guy brakes, whirlwind polarity shift big heals ftw guy is screwed. I'll sap you slimy sages just for fun.
  3. I am experiencing the same issue... Got kicked than I couldnt log back in.
  4. PeteyLo

    log in

    Over here on the harbinger I am experiencing the same issue.
  5. I'm just going to enter it for the chance to solo you, and spliffy lol.
  6. It is all apart of playing your class. If you are going to take out sap seething than you shouldnt allow sorc to whrilwind heal, and operatives to flashbang heal. Simple as that.
  7. Chuk'nasty when are you going to start making match ups?
  8. Yeah in the morning when all I have on my team is BOSS, and 14k recruits lol /cry /grovel
  9. If only ghost infantry knew how to compete. Lmfao.
  10. 2v5ing Ghost Infantry is fun but after killing the same people repetitively I lose interest. I agree with Chukles... Ilum isn't any where near fun after about thirty mins, and I've never been a fan of being ganked while doing dailies so that is also a negative. (Thats why I sell molecular stabilizers. Lol) Guess it's back to the Warzones... .-.
  11. Count insanus in. I hope to meet you there Spliffy.
  12. So if I electrocute you and you cc break than I sap seethe than its their fault. It's the same thing you just proved my point for me.
  13. Because that is so different than sap seething lol
  14. No sapping, and healing up? No medpacs... No thanks Please reconsider rule 1.
  15. *takes a deep breath* *Voice Cracks* Vul... Vullesh we are friends... right.
  16. I was half asleep when I wrote this message... Yes I know your screams, and ravages hit hard but I was wondering why mine were not. I am going to switch out all of my power augs for strength thanks. thanks
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