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Everything posted by SMBCharger

  1. Give this one a try http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZbsrMdoZcrcRsbkr.1 0/16/25
  2. After the wrath\CL nerf....I went with this build and I like it for PVE. Wrath still works for instant cast lightning strike and with lightning storm procs, you can still get off instant cast chain lightning once in a while. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZbsrMdoZcrcRsbkr.1 it's really not half bad in my opinion.
  3. I was just curious is anyone has tried this build post 1.2? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZbsrbdoMZcrfRs0kb.1 You will keep CL and get instant cast CL with lightning storm proc, but still get the benefits of crushing darkness when wrath procs. Just a thought for a class that is now officially broken. Let me know what you think...I think I may try it this weekend.
  4. I personally think the saber marshal's set looks better. I could see the pants being cool for an assassin but would look odd on a sorceror.
  5. What 1 point am I spending in corruption? and don't you think that CL is still viable in some situations even though it won't be instant cast anymore?
  6. That article raises many questions. What kind of rotation would you use without CL? Just lightning strike and crushing darkness? That sounds like much less fun.
  7. I have only seen the posted patch notes...
  8. If I am reading these PTR patch notes correctly...does this mean that wrath will no longer work for chain lightning? Sorcerer Due to changes in Sorcerer skill trees, Sorcerers have had their skill points refunded. Corrected an issue with Static Barrier that prevented its visual effects from refreshing when its effects were reapplied. Extrication now modifies threat by the correct amount. Corruption Force Bending no longer unintentionally allows its buff to be applied to more than one healing ability. Its effects have been slightly redesigned. It now increases the critical chance of Dark Heal by 60% and reduces the Force cost of Dark Infusion by 30%. Conspiring Force now refreshes properly when Affliction is refreshed. Fadeout now requires Efficacious Currents instead of Dark Resilience. Force Surge no longer removes the health cost from Consumption. Revivification's tooltip now correctly states that the ability affects a maximum of 8 targets. The ability's functionality hasn't changed. A display issue that caused the first and second tick of Revivification to appear on top of each other has been corrected. Lightning Electric Induction now correctly affects Affliction. Madness (Sorcerer) Disintegration now increases the critical chance of Force Lightning and Lightning Strike by 3% per point. Calcify now increases the damage dealt by Shock, Force Lightning, and Affliction by 2% per point. Wrath now affects Lightning Strike and Crushing Darkness only. Crushing Darkness's periodic damage now benefits from the 20% damage bonus when it is used to consume the "Wrath" buff. Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit. I don't even know how the hybrid build of 0/13/28 is going to survive this if this is true. I am pretty much a PVE player at the moment and this will destroy my play style completely. ICK!
  9. fixed the link. Sorry. And thanks for your spec. helps a ton.
  10. I have seen many posts about 0/13/28 builds for DPS. Is this the build we are talking about? What should I change if anything? http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sorcerer/12/?build=000000000000000000000000000000231220012000000000000000000302230201312021012003000000 Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  11. whoops wrong forum. meant to post under sorc forum.
  12. I would say it's alot like a wow mage. Except that you have a ****** tank pet and even if you spec DPS you can heal somewhat. PS. U don't need a double-sided lightsaber with "unlimited power!!!!"
  13. I just hit 25 and so far I am all madness and loving it. I don't feel overwhelmed soloing or in groups at all. It's a "ton fo fun". Here is my spec up to level 25 if your interested. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZZcMcRs0z.1
  14. I just hit level 25 last night and got Wrath. My question: is there a setting anywhere that allows me to see wrath proc more prominently than just the little icon above my character bars? Maybe some kind of UI setting that brings up a flashing screen or maybe just the word wrath on my screen. Trying to avoid just staring at my character bars when I'm in the heat of battle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  15. I am leveling a strictly madness sorceror right now(currently level 23). I just want some opinions of which talents people are avoiding in this tree. My current build is http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZZcrcRo.1 Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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