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Everything posted by Awna

  1. Awna

    This is a PVE game

    BW, please just have the class to stand up before us and admit that you don't want pvp to happen on your servers in any capacity. Even before this patch you have done everything in your power to keep both factions away from each other and enjoying their little scripted storylines. List the planets where we actually see each other out in the world. Now look at that list. Where do you see quest hub placement that requires us to go anywhere near each other? Where do you see world pvp happening without someone on either side actively deciding to troll the other? Even Ilum is segregated. Yeah pvp side we had 1 location (central) where we needed to fight for rescources. Look at PVE side. We can both complete our entire list of dailies without any risk of accidentally bumping into a "bad guy". So really, what was your reasoning behind listing ANY servers as PVP?
  2. 8 man ques. Whatever your reasons/problems with releasing rated matches are, 8 man ques are easily done. I don't want to keep dragging randoms to gear on my hard work. Let our guild Que as a team.
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