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Everything posted by tbsly

  1. i have a hard time understand why you're not just running an ironfist spec instead of cp with your mindset. many of us haven't specced ironfist or used combat tech because the 2 piece bonus makes your carbonize not work. this is supposedly getting fixed next patch. your carbonize not working will lose you games sometimes. it's very game breaking esp. on huttball.
  2. can someone explain to me why you guys are using incendiary missle on almost every target? i must be missing something because when i run pyro and im already in melee range i find that there is 0 reason to ever use it. flame burst puts the fire dot on them. using incendiary missle is just a heat sink. the only reason id use it would be to prevent a flag cap or if i cant get to melee range or i want to purposely keep distance from someone. im not trying to be critical i just want to understand why i see so much incendiary missle spam in these videos.
  3. im almost certain the op is wrong about rocket punch coming up more than railshot. the whole point of going 18 into pyro is to make your rocket punch and flame burst proc railshot. your rocket punch has a 45% chance of refreshing railshot. flame burst has a 30% chance. as a typical cp spec you will be theoretically railshoting more than rocket punching. with that said, railshot becomes your main attack. giving railshot an addition armor pen of 40% is > than giving your rocket punch 30% extra crit damage because you will be railshoting more than rocket punching. if you want to run a rocket punch centered spec you'd be better off specing ironfist and using the combat tech set. rocket punch and utility become more of a focus with this spec than cp. cp is all about proccing railshot. im also almost certain for a fully geared powertech (champion gear) 70% (40% additional) armor pen railshot is going to hit harder than a 30% extra crit damage rocket punch. armor completely mitigates rocket punch were railshot as cp will have 70% armor pen. yes, rocket punch will crit more often, however the 40% armor pen is always there where 30% extra crit damage is only there on a rocket punch crit.
  4. i might actually get to play ironfist now...bout time...
  5. tbh, Carolina Parakeet gives you the best of both worlds. good damage and good survivability. this is why i think it might ultimately get a nerf but bioware serously needs to change shield mechanics in pvp before it ever does get a nerf.
  6. you'd probably be better of going full pryo or a shieldtech hybrid spec.
  7. pyro isn't like the carolina parakeet build. carolina parakeet has to use it to get the discount on railshot. pyro's most used ability, flame burst applies a dot that gives the discount on railshot and flame burst slows the target. id only advise using incendiary missle if you intend to open from a distance...you're going to eventually want to get in melee range to maximize your damage.
  8. if you're within 10 meters of someone there's simply no reason to use it unless you are trying to dot multiple people to prevent a flag capture. it cost 25 heat does minimal damage. if you're up close you'd be much better off just spamming flame burst and using rocket punch to fish for more railshot procs.
  9. you're having heat problems because you are using incendiary missle too much. you dont have to use it as a pyrotech. if you intend to open from a distance it can be useful but your flame burst will put a dot on that will give you your refund from railshot.
  10. there's alot of things that should have been fixed by now. i fear that if bioware doesn't get their act together soon this game will fade like many of the other previous mmo's. i personally still have a hard time with item restoration requests / item refunds taking 3 - 4 weeks. by the time your item is refunded most people would have not needed it by then and have moved on... i think many of us have been spoiled by wow. wow has problems too but they have set the bar high for other startup mmo's.
  11. i couldn't take it. i had to go back CP spec. over half of my games on my server are huttball. CP is just good for hutball. Yes, pyro does rediculous damage. i was topping damage done numbers at the end of every wz but i got tired of getting zerged. i felt like i was wearing paper as pyro. for my gear level, my railshots as cp aren't hitting that much less than for pyro. probably 1000 damage less. i can live with that considering the buff in survivability and overall utility of CP.
  12. After playing pyro last night, I dont think I'll ever spec back into a shieldtech hybrid spec for pvp. The burst damage of pyro is just out of this world. I would have problems with some classes as a 21/2/18 spec. Last night, I just blew people up. There is a worlds difference in burst damage from full pyro to a shieldtech hybrid such as 21/2/18. I did miss jet charge though. Jet charge may be the only reason i ever spec back into shieldtech. I'm still rocking 5 pieces of centurian gear, the rest champion. I'd hate to see the numbers a mostly battlemaster pyrotech would do in pvp using stims, adrenals, and trinkets.
  13. I would rethink the combat tech set if you're a bounty hunter. The 2 piece set bonus is broken and makes your carbonize worthless. I have both the combat tech set and the eliminator set. Until the combat tech set is fixed I cannot justify using it or the ironfist spec. If you're a BH you're pretty much forced into using eliminator or supercommando. If using the eliminator set, carolina parakeet synergizes better with it. I've tried both CP and ironfist. I personally didn't notice a whole lot more survivability with ironfist. The problem I run into on my server is that we have very few healers in general that queue for wz's. With no heals I notice very little difference between 4% dr vs. 3% endurance the CP spec offers.
  14. i personally think bioware has done a good thing with the pvp bags and is going in the right direction. i understand you could have gotten luck and got more champion pieces than you can now with the same amount of time. you also have to realize that you could have gotten unlucky and not have gotten anything or gotten multiple duplicates... the system overall is better now. yes some people might have gotten battlemaster gear faster than you will. woopie freaking dooo...gear is not everything. you forget to realize that even though the centurian gear is weak in overall stats it still has expertise on it. expertise is what matters in pvp. imo, the new gear changes give fresh 50s a much easier chance at getting geared. now granted they will probably be wearing much more centurian gear but centurian is much better than someone wearing blues and greens...
  15. i hope they fix it soon. the broken set bonus is the only reason im playing the carolina parakeet spec over the ironfist spec.
  16. Sentinels/Marauders and operatives/scoundrels give me big problems. Supposedly operatives/scoundrels were nerfed...I honestly cant tell. they still take me close to half hp in their opener. I'm not in full pvp gear yet though. ive got around 400 expertise and im run the carolina parakeet spec.
  17. i would say rocket punch is the class defining ability especially if you're a ironfist spec. if you're cp or pyro spec, yes, railshot is your bread and butter.
  18. Taugrim, Assuming you have 4 piece eliminator set, you should make a carolina parakeet video with your current gear level.
  19. He can be soloed easily. Just kill his padawan first then kite him away from her. She is the only healing him. Once you've kited him away it shouldn't be a problem...
  20. you are definately behind the 8 ball if you're a clicker. you will never i repeat never be as good as a player as a clicker than someone who has abilities key bound. i dont care what you say, you will never be as good and be able to react as fast. if you want to maximize your playing ability you need to give up on clicking and start keybinding. it is not hard. i know some of you old dogs dont like new tricks but you will be at a dissadvatage if you dont start keybinding.
  21. it really depends if you want to be a more defensive tank or a more offensive tank. ive personally never tested the 2 piece combat tech bonus. but from what everyone says it is actually bugged and screws our carbonize cc. if the 2 piece wasn't bugged id probably be using the ironfist spec. because it is bugged, im using the cp spec and my goal is to get the 4 piece eliminator set. but basically what you're looking at is the following: ironfist gives: 4% increased damage reduction melee dot quicker interrupt cooldown harder hitting rocket punch and grapple on a shorter cooldown cp gives: more rail shot damage via the rocket punch / flame burst procs harder hitting rail shots better heat management arguable a better dot (it's ranged and lasts longer) 3% more endurance (even though minor in the grand scheme of things) when you factor in that you'll likely get more rail shot procs than rocket punch procs cp ends up being more damage than ironfist in the long run. however, ironfist does have better survivability and other utility.
  22. i must be crazy because my for my vendors the medic implants both say crit and alaracity. the eliminator implants both say crit and accuracy. this is champion gear im referring to.
  23. a pt isn't really a ranged tank. you can open from range but you will eventually want to be up close. a pt does have the ability to run out of melee aoe type damage while still using some abilities to hold agro but eventually you will want to get back in melee range. the great thing about a pt is that you start out with a healing companion. i personally used her all the way to 50 primarily. you can solo some 2+ heroics as a pt but they are easier with another person. you may want to consider leveling an assassin aswell. they can tank and have some nice features. stealth, a sap ability for cc, and decent damage for a tank.
  24. just wanted to post my build, it's a variant of the iron fist. my build gives up oil slick and supercharged ion gas for rebraced armor. i would personally rather have the extra armor for pve tanking purposes. it gives almost no benefit in pvp but i dont feel like oil slick and supercharged ion gas are game breaking to give up to have more of a tanking build for pve. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GRGR0MroMZMcrroZb.1 btw, iron fist is a beast pvp spec. i only have 4 pieces of champion gear considering i hit 50over the weekend but i already feel like im a reasonably hard target to burst down. im pleased with the damage aswell. i look forward to the damage and survivability when i get mostly champion gear. ive been lucky so far with bags. ive gotten 4 pieces (1 dublicate) out of 11 bags. maybe that is close to arverage.
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