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Posts posted by Canino

  1. Personally, I believe that Anakin was in denial about the dark side of the force. This is shown when he is on Mustafar and Obi-wan tells him he has turned and Anakin says no, that Obi-wan is dark. Finally, when he is officially Vader, he understands that he is dark, but it is to late to go back. Also, he is sith, and you have to focus on the now. If a chance to kill your master arrives, and you want to, you take it. no buts about it.
  2. I play a lvl 27 Scoundrel, but I don't really have that problem. I try to manage a pretty even healing and dps, so I open with stealth, tranq the guy, then either go under cover, or whip/quickshot. In cover I use the second move you get in the game. I forget the name BUT ITS FAST AND POWERFUL. I also use cool head and vital shot. If all else fails just go toward the back and let your companion do the work and heal him.
  3. I must say most smugglers are fighters. I mean if they can't get out of dangerous situation alive, then they must stink at smuggling, look at Han vs. Greedo for my point. I do think that if they had the element of surprise and cover they might be able to win. Look at Jango vs. Obi-wan. If Jango just had a grenade or better rocket, Luke might not have ever met a" Ben Kenobi" Most smugglers fight dirty too. I think they might have a reasonable chance.

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