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Everything posted by iReach

  1. By 5 months into Rift they had already added open world PvP rifts and extended the Prestige ranks from 6 to 8, both major changes. That's in addition to pumping out tons more PvE content and balancing in the form of a substantial patch every month. Maybe it was unfair of them to set the bar so high in terms of content patching but its making the SWTOR team seem pretty amateur in comparison. Reach
  2. I speak in regards to PvP in SWTOR as a veteran of MMO's dating all the way back to EQ1's release: While its expected that an MMO won't be completely polished with a perfect end-game upon release, at least most newer MMO's have been quick to release content and continually work to improve the existing game at a much faster rate. Patches in this game have made little difference to date and have added no substantial content (again, in regards to PvP.) In the beginning, Devs stated that they were happy and surprised by the amount of interest in PvP and emphasized that they'd be improving upon it. Instead they delayed 1.2 repeatedly, completely killed Illum (which was already in bad shape due to the poor gaming engine and Illum's zerg vs zerg design), and then one day prior to release announced that ranked PvP is not even ready to enter preseason without giving an ETA. If holding onto that last bit of news until the last minute isn't a ploy to maintain subscriptions I don't know what is. I canceled my subscription a few months ago (I was working on a second set of BM gear) and was thinking about coming back with 1.2 until D3 or GW2 releases. Man am I glad that I didn't renew a few days ago to shake off the rust. Everyone on this thread who is arguing that they'd rather have a smooth release of the ranked PvP than a choppy one, I agree. However, I for one have lost faith with the developers. If/when additions are finally released to the PvP, the majority of the PvP community will be long gone. Those of you who are accepting PvP the way it is now are either extremely casual, don't PvP at all, or are just plain settling for less than almost every recently released MMO has offered. If grinding the same 3 - 4 Warzones for an undetermined, maybe indefinite, amount of time is your thing, have at it. -Reach
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