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Everything posted by Oginator

  1. I just wanted to let Bioware know I love the challenge of going against people with +100 bonus damage and +4-5k hp because simply they're lucky or figured how the bolster is broken and how to exploit it (if thats possible at all.) I definitely did not waste hours on tweaking my gear,datacrons and codex entries. And I hope they never fix this, because otherwise the game would be just boring and too simple. I also want to point out that after I augmented my gear with the new purples from no augments, (Installed 9/14 at once) I dropped from 41.5k hp to 41k hp. Paying millions of credits to lose HP is just a great idea of implementing an even greater challenge for people that enjoy harder things in life. PS. I gained about 7bonus damage per augment (main stat) for those that are wondering. Also realized its better to have no augments than have the old +32 augments.
  2. As far as augments go, my heal set isn't augmented and my dps set is augmented with the new purple resolve augments. Switching between those sets i actually gain like 600ish hp rather than losing any, and my stats are very close the augmented gear.
  3. Just out of curiosity, do they have the same datacrons?
  4. Yes to latter. It doesnt have anything to do with gear, I'm 95% sure. It's either datacrons, or pure luck that some people just get to be bolstered no matter what gear they use while others just don't.
  5. So.. Bioware did it again. Big surprise! Something is wrong with bolster(?). Some people get bolstered while others do not in 60's as well as midbie pvp. This first got my attention when someone with slightly better gear had almost 3k hp on me and a lot more bonus damage.(We both have same augments and stuff, I'm full exhumed with dark reaver left side and he is mostly dark reaver) At first I thought they just made ranked gear worth more, but he gains 2k hp when he enters a warzone where my health stays the same. But the best example i can give to this is my shadow and my sin sharing the same legacy gear, with brutalizer relics/earpiece/implants that have same stats and same augments. At level 55 my assassin has 37k hp and about 920 melee bonus damage with 20% crit. (with a reusable nano-infused resolve stim) Now my shadow has 838 melee bonus damage with 19% crit and 34k hp. This is without any stims. I'd say crit looks normal, but the bonus damage is somewhat lower. Not mentioning the obvious 3k hp gap. Needless to say i specced exactly the same on both toons. (Warzone stats, they have pretty much the same stats besides the extra few hundred health and extra few bonus damage outside) I tried messing around with it a little but nothing really seems to work. My only theory on this so far is that it has something to do with datacrons. My shadow only has the fleet datacron where my assassin has half of the datacrons. Sin always had about 3-4 more bonus damage and 200hp. TL;DR : Different characters/people are getting bolstered differently. Anyone figured the "math" behind it or experienced something like this?
  6. Definitely assassins. It's like the whole class is made to counter sorcs. When specced right, you get +0.5sec longer force speed than sorcs. Root immunity on that speed. +2sec shroud which is basically god mode against sorcs. Stun immunity for 12secs. You're basically unkiteable for at least 15secs ish. Thats more than enough time to burst him down or force a barrier. Edit : A half decent sorc can kite mara/jug for days with the new changes, especially as madness.
  7. What is this let's bash Ogi thread?
  8. Squeeks quit some time ago. Don't think she's coming back. Plus Johnette is prettier.
  9. Woah woah woah. Dammit Johnette I trusted you... Also I'm 16 and half get your facts straight. Not yet, Johnette is serving time for child abuse at the moment since someone is still not 18.
  10. Meh I'll be bff's with anyone with a bust size of Dcup or higher. Alexsamma sounds like a man on voip, so idk..
  11. 3086 dps http://imgur.com/QbOalzz
  12. Hey thats me! I also got this to show off aswell http://i.imgur.com/Pyiskok.jpg
  13. Also going to leave this here. http://i.imgur.com/e0Qh4Vf.jpg
  14. Hey. Just wanted to leave this here. Full balance all the way! too bad i wasnt hybrid http://i.imgur.com/Pyiskok.jpg
  15. I'm looking for a pull on 3 of my toons on republic side. I'm willing to pay for each of my toons.
  16. Duh. Best player is obviously Ogi / Ohh'gee
  17. Hard cast crushing darkness and chain lightning. So you can save your wrath procs for lightning strikes and you get 2x chain lightnings with the proc. Pop recklessness+polarity shift with force storm so you dont waste too much time using force storm. It's also important that you dot everything while moving. Using S key is a good idea for that.
  18. http://i60.tinypic.com/zso235.jpg As it can be seen from the screenshot, sorcs need a increase on their biggest hits.Especially in middle tree. Please make it happen. Buffs thats coming in 2.7 aren't enough.
  19. ^^^^ this. Please answer that Bioware. If not sending it over, can we unlock it with cartel coins in collections? Talking about titles and the rancor. Please let us do that! You'll gain your money and we'll be happy.
  20. Moohy hands down. None of you bads are nowhere near Moohy's aka Smoochie's level. Learn to play.
  21. What is the point of playing an MMO if no 8 year old b*tthurt kids that just lost/won against me aren't having an intercourse with my mother? Please don't kill the **** talking. Sincerely, A PvP'er.
  22. Judging from the nerf thats coming to smash and considering about 95% of the PvP population has an alt for smashing, It's safe to say dev's are trying to get the PvP community to unsub so they can focus only on PvE like they've been doing all this time. PvP population is near extinction as it is, nerfing smash wont make anyone resub, or make someone that has never played the game before sub to the game, at least nowhere near as the count of subs you'll lose. Nerf smash if you must, but something of this magnitude will simply make the pvp population worse.
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