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Everything posted by Blyter

  1. Double blade, for twice the fun! Non stop action when you have not 1 but 2 blades for all your slicing and dicing needs! Daf, no one can replace you! NO ONE! Also why does this game patch so god damn slowly.. I wanted to play sometime this year..
  2. WHO IS THIS BLYSTER IMPOSTER.. WHAT IS HE DOING TO MY IMAGE.. SILENCE YOU FOOL! Also.. <3 You'll always be my bodyguard! Totally out of context, but the corniest line I could think of!
  3. Truth never got close to you like I did, he didn't touch you in the ways I could.. He just probed you.. he's really an alien in disguise.. oh wait, this whole game is based on that.. MY MIND IS BLOWN.. I now understand everything!
  4. Man, if you get one of those threads. You've made it.. No one ever makes threads about me, ever, no matter how hard I try. They just take the beatings, take the insults and admit I am better while they walk off. Where is the @Blighter threads.
  5. Oh, that dirty little stopout how dare he have so many bromances after me! I am hurt! I will not stand for this, no, I will just sit down and have someone fetch me a beer instead!
  6. I am not just any man! Well okay, I pretty much am just any man but shh don't let the world know that! Would ruin my image!
  7. Oh well, I am going to go ahead an bring it on back anyhow.. What's life without reminding people they are inferior, even if they are killing me repeatedly like you did!
  8. Don't knock bromances! No tears.. There is always room for a +1! Unless your Republic, then.. THEN I WILL VANQUISH YOU AND RECLAIM MY PRIZE!
  9. Nice people.. Nice.. Word doesn't compute.. How does one trash talk with nice folk "Jolly good death you had there, mighty impressive. I hope when I have been slain, I can die so gracefully and so frequently as yourself!"
  10. You may have him now, but I will always be his first love! Haha no gear, I am only what 5 patches behind now? should be fine, never had gear in the first place Eww, do you feel dirty? probably need to shower several times after playing to get that filth off you!
  11. Aww, I just come back to this game to find out my buddy Carth isn't even here anymore.. What is this madness.. Who's lightsabre do I have to suck to find some fun folks on Dalborra now!
  12. Hmm.. Okay, again using some fake numbers: Boss Y hits you 100 times for 10,000 damage each time. Set up a) 65% Shield, 40% Absorb: So you have 65 x 6,000(390,000 dmg taken) and 35 x 10,000(350,000 dmg taken). Total of 740,000 damage taken. Set up b) 60% Shield, 44.7% Absorb You have 60 x 5,530(331,800) and 40x 10,000(400,000 dmg taken) Total of 731,800 damage taken. So it appears your right, I was expecting the opposite tbh anyways, 4 augments would be better then 2pc, but of course, to give up 2pc you need to lose 4pc as well. So adding that in; The 2% mitigation of the 4pc reduces the damage taken by 14,800 in this theoretical scenario. Leaving the totals at: Set up a) 725,200 dmg taken and set up b) 731,800 damage taken. Roughly a 1% increase in total damage taken, I guess, you have to ask yourself is the extra threat worth 1% more damage? 1.3 removes this anyway as everything will be augmented via a table, and hopefully with some luck it's not "too far" away. Definitely much closer then I thought it would be indeed.
  13. That's a bad trade. 5% more unmitigated hits, vs 4.7% more absorb when you do shield. It's better to guarantee the absorb then take the chance at a higher absorb. Not to mention your also giving up the flat 2% damage reduction from 4pc. It's not even a close trade, and in 1.3 it's not going to matter anyway. 4pc Rakata is the way to go, anything else your hurting yourself.
  14. Uh? when you hit that level of gear it's all the more important to have those bonuses, because they aren't affected by dr. You are trading 5% shield and 2% flat mitigation for an increase of 72 stats, at Rakata level, your already facing slight DR on stats, so those 72 points are worth far less then before, anyways quick math: Each point of Absorb is worth roughly %0.066 increase*. So 72 Absorb gives an increase of about 4.7% Absorb. This alone is worth less then the 2pc, though it's a close trade, and is about 1/4 as valuable as 4pc. *Based on 57 Absorb rating giving me an increase of 3.79% Absorb. Sure you'll gain a slight dmg/ threat boost, but that's hardly necessary.
  15. You post this, with an announcement like this on your website? I'd suggest, compiling data when your site is fully working as intended. As some of the rankings are still extremely broken, like the near 2k DPS Merc whose log shows him doing 1.1k.
  16. Once your in full battlemaster mix warhero, it's easy to pull off 7k crits np.. Much easier to score with Deception then it is Darkness.. but props to you for managing that..
  17. Force Cloak after your initial coming out of stealth burst, to dump your initial threat and it restarts your enhanced regen as well.. If you pull threat again after your first force cloak just have a Sorc extraction you to reduce your threat.
  18. Personally I prefer the Power on use clickable relic, when you sync things well the damage you gain per use outweighs that of the proc dmg relic. However, if your the kind of player that often forgets you have a clickable relic when you can't macro everything together, then the proc relic is for you. It's really personal preference, they both add around the same in the end.
  19. Deception is tuned perfectly for PvP in the way it operates around high burst DPS. However, there is a number of PvE fights favorable to high burst DPS specs like Deception. Fabricator, SOA, Tanks in EC, Kephess Bombers. You cannot increase Deceptions damage, without causing issues in PvP with Deceptions turning into Pre-Nerf Operatives.
  20. No, Dark Ward is just a filler point. Energize only works with Dark Charge.
  21. Prove it? If they built the whole class around one spec, there would only be one spec and not three. Madness is the highest DPS for both Sorc and Assassin, would seem to me, Madness was intended to be the highest DPS tree. Stop imposing your wishes as the intention for the class, as it's clearly not the case.
  22. Just because it shares the same name as the Sorc variant and has similar abilities, does not remove the fact it's a melee based spec when you pick Assassin. It requires melee range, just as much as Deception does. Deception is not the only melee spec, and nowhere does it state anywhere "Deception is the primary melee pve dps spec for assassin." You just want it to be, but it's not the case. Every spec has it's uses encounter by encounter, but if your looking for overall highest DPS output, Madness is the best. Also to the guy that said about 5%. Marauders/Snipers pull 1900.. most other classes are sitting at 1800 raid buffed, that's pretty close to your 5% margin. Just sayin. This comes down to you not being able to play the spec, all theorycrafing and evidence shows to the contrary that Madness is some 100+ DPS higher then Deception. Keep failing though, maybe if you shed enough tears Bioware will make the easiest spec to play the highest DPS for you.
  23. Okay lets get a few things straight here, Marauders are a pure DPS class. They have only DPS specs. Only one of their specs pulls really high dps in comparison to everything else. Your playing the weakest PvE spec, and asking for buffs. Really? Learn to play Madness if you want maximum PvE DPS. Deception isn't designed for that. A Marauder should do more DPS then you, it's all he's got. He can't taunt and offtank, he can't stealth resurrect. He just stands there an deals damage. You want all the versatility that Assassin brings, and the highest DPS available? Our DPS is right in line with all other hybrids(Sorcs/Mercs/Ops) etc. If your getting outdps'd by everyone, the issue lies between the chair and the computer not the class.
  24. How long did you wait? we noticed tonight he had a slightly longer respawn time then usual, but he did respawn without a reset.. Took about 5ish minutes or so..
  25. Someone that wants to be competitive? Not everyone considers PvP trivial. From credits are too trivial to make, to things are now to expensive? make up your mind fence sitter, either credits are easy to get or the world is too expensive compared to the rate of credit gain. It can't be both. The point being here, you have credits to spend. You spend them on biochem consumables? There is literally nothing else to spend credits on. You don't replace your gear every 2 hours? well really. Congratulations Captain Obvious. I bet you were one of those people that complained about Alchemy in WoW too right? because they had longer lasting Flasks. Seriously, such a petty argument. Qq I must play the game, to play the game. Qq.
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