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    Chicago IL
  1. http://s657.photobucket.com/user/wolfhound81/media/Screenshot_2013-04-28_13_23_58_635642.jpg.html http://s657.photobucket.com/user/wolfhound81/media/Screenshot_2013-04-28_13_24_07_401143.jpg.html so basically .. going from partisan to conquerer .. gave me a wopping 3-3 more damage and 2.5 more techpower ... so is this intended? seems kind of small for a ranked upgrade, especially since it shows up like normal outside of a wz with the 22-42 weapon damage and 44 techpower. and just in case someone says something about the empty augment slot, they are actually 2 different guns one had an old 50 aug and one a new 55 aug in it so i took them both out to try not to skew the stats.
  2. Ironically it used to be organized alphabetically besides the top character being the last one logged in. Dont know why they changed it to be in order of last login for them all.
  3. if you run a crew skills mission it'll also reset the missions. so if you're trying for the hour long ones you can run a 3 minute grade 1 companion gift mission to reset them all. sucks but with my load times its faster than trying to hop in and out of my ship
  4. I had this problem as well leveling up my sentinal. After the first CSR said they were kickingup the problem and not hearing anythign for 2 weeks a very nice person ingame suggested i uncheck the Conversation depth of Field option. However i already had it unchecked but figured wth let me check it and try it. and it worked. so if you have that turned off and you seem to hit a stall in the cinematics for quests trying checking it on to get past the quest.
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