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Everything posted by Katrasle

  1. I don't believe that color scheme is in the game, but the chest piece itself is the vendetta, battlemaster, champion, centurion, etc. As of right now, only the battlemaster and vendetta can be obtained ingame (and battlemaster requires you to find someone with the pattern).
  2. It's the Guerrilla set from the cartel market with the phantom helmet.
  3. My new favorite setup for alts using the cartel items. http://i.imgur.com/4bOXq.jpg
  4. They could actually take a different approach with this other than giving us stealth First they could give us a difference kind of force-field cover (maybe a prone position), one that isn't illuminated and blinking. The next part is the part that I have always been interested with, your name tag gets turned off. You aren't stealth, however you are still damn hard to see. Heck, with this you could try and find a pile of rubble somewhere and blend into that. I would rather have this change than stealth personally, heck, maybe add a crawl ability so you can move while in cover at 10-20% of normal speed. The upside to this is that people can still see you from very far away, they just have to look harder. It's too bad we will never see stuff like this though.
  5. This is a very amusing thread to read. 1. My class is so complicated that is why everyone plays other classes, 2. I am just so damn good that I can handle all of my endless amounts of cooldowns, surely no other class has endless amounts of cooldowns! 3. My class got nerfed so hard so we suck at PvP, so everyone becomes operatives and marauders. 4. Some weird believe that other classes can maintain ridiculously high dps while moving and that movement only hinders snipers. You guys are weird.
  6. HK-51 sure likes this new sniper rifle though, even if it has a big holo square on it =D
  7. Are you guys not having the problem with his accuracy? He seems to be missing his shots a lot at low levels, waaay more than another companion of his level (I'm 7 right now).
  8. Could use common sense and avoid threads that have a ridiculously high chance of spoiling something (like this one). "Holy crap at IA story and ending!" Gee, I wonder if there will be spoilers about the agent story ending in this threat, naw, that is ridiculous to think. Use common sense.
  9. I like it and I use it still. I have things like charge shot and shiv on my mobile cover bar and of course explosive probe, snipe, and ambush on my cover bar. Playing the sniper since launch, I don't even notice the coverbar anymore, all of the differences are muscle memory now.
  10. I can understand watching the dialogue on the way to level 50, even through some of the level 50 instances. However, the one thing I hate is when we are in an instance that a level 50 can easily solo and people insist on watching the dialogue. If you REALLY want to watch the dialogue in places like Esseless, Black Talon, Maelstrom, Foundry, etc. then go solo the place on normal and RP your heart out.
  11. Just managed to get another one by buying boxes on my Republic toon and then mailing them to my Empire toon.
  12. Global: Ship repair droid Ship mailbox Ops training dummy Ship GTN Rocket Boost - all 3 ranks All of the social, alignment, and valor ones. Individual Main: Rank 1 of the field repair droid and mail droid All 4 legacy quick travels (Vanguard ship, capital planet, tatooine, and the black hole) Alts: Improved speeder piloting 1 and 3 on a few alts Increase flashpoint xp - rank 5 Legacy of Crafting on two characters - 3 ranks probably a few others. I love upgrading my characters and legacy is one way I get to do that. I am hoping that they will be adding new stuff to unlock soon.
  13. I would always play this when I was doing class quests http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVtwoH8tw4k
  14. Or call in an Imperial Battlecruiser to level the entire building instead.
  15. How dare they touch my favorite ability in the game =( Change it back pleeeeeeease.
  16. Biochem: You are fighting force users as a regular human, you need every adrenal you can get your hands on to try and level the playing field. Underworld Trading: Gotta know how to navigate the black market and underworld to get information. Slicing: Another way of getting information, hack defenses, and remove traces that you were ever there.
  17. If you want to be taken seriously then you need to put at least a little effort into your writing. As of right now your paragraphs look like they were written by an angry child. Re-write your original post so it's not painful to read and then you will get some decent responses, That's my advice, take it or leave it (or spew more crap like you already have).
  18. They are not viable. You can actually do a simple test if you like: equip a blaster and fire a few snipes at a training dummy then equip a sniper and do the same. You will notice your blaster shots do significantly less damage even though the stats on both weapons are the same.
  19. Going to agree with Coldin here. Things probably won't change as much as you think they will and if they do, you will learn to adapt. As you said, those classes are our counters, so if it's equal skill / gear they will probably beat us (if they get the jump). However, from personal experience, if you catch them in the open out of stealth, it is kind of sad how many mean things you can do to them. PvP is all about learning how to counter your enemies, the incoming changes are no exceptions to this.
  20. I don't recall ever seeing an autocannon drop (Republic specific weapon), so there is a good chance that the sniper rifle will not drop for republic. I am completely guessing though.
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