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Everything posted by Gustomucho

  1. You make a good point OP, although I don't agree. I take a break because I am frustrated, but as a "living game" this is very bad for the longetivity. They should aim at people wanting to be always on, not "off" doing other things. It's like saying to a pusher to stop selling drugs, the people addicted will just find someone else to buy from. Right now, BW make it very easy for everyone to get on the next bandwagon. I am looking at TERA and may give it a try, a action RPG may be a new evolution of the genre. SWtor was great, BW with is 0 accountability and 0 consumer service is really pushing me toward another game. Problem is, I still love the game, but now I am wondering WHY I should spend time on it if the devs have no passion.
  2. Everybody knows 99% of stats on forums are made up. Of that, I am 100% sure.
  3. WoW was and is addictive Swtor is addictive WoW end game (when molten core happened) was a very harduous and time-consuming mechanic. Just getting 40 people interested to log to the game to raid was something of a feat. Swtor end game, is very easy. You finish to gear in dailies, jump into 8 man OPS and soon you roll hard mode. It's a loot pinata. WoW mentality was raid or re-roll, but getting to 60 would take weeks/months. Swtor mentality is raid, pvp or re-roll, Raiding gear in WoW was WOW Raiding gear in Swtor is *** (both stats and look, but specially look) WoW raid took months to get people gear ready Swtor raid takes dailies (maybe a week) to be gear ready Swtor isn't a bad game, it just gave everything the player wanted, NOW. We chew everything and now are hungry for more... but there is no more.
  4. And the fact that they introduced a bug in a patch and it flew under the radar on the PTS ? What do you make of it? Or SoA bug?
  5. I will bet they break more stuff than they fix with that patch.
  6. It is not intended, or at least they do a very bad job at keeping people aware of the changes. BW should know by now you don't change stuff without informing the playerbase, specially on such encounters. If this is intended and they decide to keep this as a "surprise" for raiders, it is not a good sign of things to come. And having SOA bug even more because he targets someone in the mind trap is the worst idea ever. GG BW, instead of SoA bugging 10% of the time now it bugs 100%. What are you thinking? You do know when stuff like that happen you probably lost 10+ hours of gameplay of frustrated players right? Right now I don't even feel like playing the game, I use to enjoy raiding, now I cringe thinking about long wipe nights because of bugs. Someone said before : Are we fighting a boss or are we fighting bugs? Well right now, WE are fighting bugs and BW is MIA.
  7. Thing is, you know what you are chasing. You are chasing stats. You want the fastest way to increase your stats. If you could explore and find very rare items in the game (ie 10000 random spawn points of 1000 unique special items every 3-4 months) it would add personality to the game. Having random stuff happen to you is what makes the game fun, when you know 100000 people went through this same exercise... it feels like you are on rail and just burning stuff you "need" to do. Random unique stuff is fun. Bringing the plague to a big city, spawning a deadly mob on lowbies, raiding the other faction... those bring uniqueness. Right now Swtor is the MMO equivalent of the space combat the game has : You see everything, think you are free to do what you want only to realize you are in a tunnel, you can move in the 3x3 square but everything outside is untouchable. The game is stale, Ilum is boring. The pvp is no where it should be, Imps and Reps only fight for gear, not for honor. Honestly, I don't know why BW decided to go this way, they do great single player games, horrible multiplayer.
  8. MMM, I beg to differ, if you have a bad night of raid it can cost upward of 100k to raid. Not to include if you want to modify the end-game gear because BW don't know how to put stats on gear. So you end up paying 29k ripping off mods to replace them. A good raiding night is when it cost me less than 40k. And well, if I am in full columi, why would I want to do the dailies?
  9. The problem with PvE is OPS and FP, they give very little credits. Killing a boss in OPS : 200 creds each. Woopididoo, a death is aprox 6-7k in columi. I end up having to farm dailies so I can raid because the boss don't give enough creds to even account for regular non-death encounters. I think the bosses in OPS should drop something like 5-6k for each players, killing an elite is 700 creds and can be killed easily, why a boss requiring 8 person drops 1600 creds? It makes no sense.
  10. Esseles is pretty unforgiving, if you miss a headshot on Ironfist you are likely to wipe. Even the first boss is not easy. Taral V is the easiest of all the hard modes, only thing is the last boss, you need to drag him to the hallway so adds are bunched up. But the core problem stays the same, the game is mostly dead at 50. Hard modes OPS PVP That's all there is to it once you outgear the dailies. If you can stomach to roll an alt do it, if not, unsub and come back when BW brings out new content. My faith in BW is dwindling, they break more stuff than fix with each patch.
  11. I loved the Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) economy. Every item was player created, missions would only offer credits. There was no loot per say, you would have to put mines near hard content to get good mat and they could be attacked by the opposite faction. The game crafting was nice and bad, too much clicking but the result was unique. Each metal had different propriety and could produce different stats on gun. You could have 10 types of Iron, each with different rating in different category ( ie :resistance, strength, endurance, conductivity).
  12. +1 on bug, after 2 hours of wipe/reset on SoA, I forfeited my place in the raid. Having random bugs on a 15 minutes fight is pathetic. Specially when it's on the final phase and have to re-do it all only to have a new bug on the next encounter. BW really dropped the ball on that one, it makes me depressed thinking how bad things are right now.
  13. They rather fix class imbalance than mirror imbalance. Most of them play Imperial so they don't really care about the vanguard. And honestly, seeing how they botched up SOA in yesterday's patch, I don't want them to touch to the vanguard. When they "fix" things, they break more than they fix. Oh, SoA is bugged 10% of the time, lets fix that.. now it bugs 100% of the time!
  14. SoA phase 3 is bugged. I cleared this encounter 4-5 times with my guild. We usually wipe once or twice and defeat him after. Yesterday... we wiped for 2 hours before I decided to stop trying because of bugs in phase 3. He drops aggro and run amok, it is almost impossible to solo tank him now, you need 2 tanks to alternate the taunt to get him in position under pylons. The new mechanic is very boring, they need to do something about this because frankly it ruins the EV experience. Even before the pylon drops without shadow on the ground or indication was somewhat not easy to determine. Now with this bug where he drops aggro and go mostly where the mind trap is, you cannot taunt him long enough for him to get to you in time for the pylon drop. Honestly, made me rage yesterday as I felt responsible for the wipes.
  15. Yep, SOA is bugged. Randomly switch aggro, VERY irritating. I just love how they "fix" things but break others.
  16. WoW race: Human Midget Fat-midget with beard and funny accent Tall-human with pointy ears Human with wolf face and fur Blue human Human with tusk and pointy ears Human with cow face and horns Human with pointy ears Green bald human with bad teeth Human skeleton Green midget Yep, 12 humans.
  17. Tl;dr Honestly, I think they have their questions all set up, they will not take "suggestions" it doesn't work. When you ask people for suggestion, they expect you to do it, and worst when you try to explain why it wouldn't work, they retort. For me the guild summit is a way to BW to show some humanity and to try to help the community to thrive. They don't want to hear about the bugs everyone knows about. They want the gut feeling of end-game, where to sway the game.
  18. Endurance if you want to tank. You should not look for power, crit or surge, you look for defense, absorb and shield rating. You will see it's quite hard to find good absorb gear. Watch out, some Columi is actually a gimp compared to tionese. So far Rakata is nice except for the high amount of accuracy. If you just hit 50, do the belsavis and Ilum dailies, specialy the heroic 2, they offer great mods and enhancements, the armoring you buy with the daily commendation.
  19. Smoke grenade is extremely useful during some encounters, I know during HM Foreman Crusher ' frenzy I pop the smoke grenade and it really helps me and the healers to remove some spike damage. I would say without defensive cooldown the frenzy is impossible to live through unless you have 2 healers dedicated to you. I cycle smoke nade (1min) with either my 300 defense relic or my reactive shield and the healers love me. 20% is a lot when you fight little but plentiful of mobs, also consider it is not only for you, when you see a big pack and lost aggro because of AoE, the nade also work for your teammates, honestly I love the nade. You have to be smart about it though.
  20. So, I am wondering, the tooltip says 33% of chance on hit to trigger when force breach is active. Is it me or this is balloney? I did 2 tests, and I know the proc is far from 33% it is a lot closer to 10% Is there something wrong here? Another thing.. it procs even if force breach is not active on target? What is this ?!?!?
  21. No, the problem is in OPS and maybe even in some FP, if the tank dies, a shadow can theoretically take over for a couple of seconds / finish the pack as a tank. They give all shadow the ability to tank but now say "you will not tank unless you start the fight as tank". It kinda defeat the purpose of having all the built-in taunt, technique and whatnot, of course you can wait for the 100 energy, but by the time you have it, your team is dead.
  22. Level an alt, that's all I can say. Forget the legacy system, play like it never existed. It is better to enjoy the game now than hoping to enjoy it "more" later. Waiting for legacy is like not eating a cake because some cherry could appear magically.
  23. Why spam? You can target your research, a direct whisper has much more impact than a general announcement.
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