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Everything posted by vassilbg

  1. You don't really start getting good armor until mid 30s in my opinion. My favorite armor set that I feel makes a TRUE BH is from Heroic Quests in Taris. I just completed the set the other night. Its fully customizable and looks aawwweeesome! Its called the Mercenary Elite Prototype http://www.torhead.com/search/Mercenary%20Elite%20Prototype
  2. Well, I don't want to give you any spoilers, but if you want to learn more about BH, I suggest you go to here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=544 There is a section there that talks about when you pick up new companions (followers).
  3. Awww, bummer. Maybe they'll roll it out in the next few patches. I am hopefull.
  4. You don't really start getting good armor until mid 30s in my opinion. My favorite armor set that I feel makes a TRUE BH is from Heroic Quests in Taris. I just completed the set the other night. Its fully customizable and looks aawwweeesome! Its called the Mercenary Elite Prototype http://www.torhead.com/search/Mercenary%20Elite%20Prototype
  5. Quite a few posts in here to figure out the answer... don't mean to come off rude... BUT, but bottom line: Merc - Ranged/Healer Power - Melee/Tank
  6. I heard BW is flipping the Fusion Missle and Tracer Missle animation or something like that, don't remember which it was... Basically, the 'new' tracer missle will be shot from your offhand rocket launcher...
  7. I approve this post. - Darth Vassilios, Assassin Tank I can't stand it when people do that stuff. I spend my time to get them nice and bunched up for my AOE aggro, and some jack goes out and spreads em out.
  8. Its funny because I JUST hit 50 on my Assassin Tank... and have my Merc at lvl 26... Assassins are fun, but I LOVE ranged DPS... so lvling my Merc for the ranged DPS aspect and Blizz also. In reality, it depends on what you are going to be doing end game. If you are going to be doing a lot of raiding or PVP, I would say your companion won't really be with you all that often. Play the CLASS you want rather than playing it for the companion.
  9. The last thing I want is to read the opinion of some attention-whoring Wow-fanboy on how "SWTOR is tanking" or "Bioware sucks" when they don't play or subscribe to the game.
  10. hey hey, before you leave, can I have yours and your friends' stuff please? k, thnx, bye!
  11. I have no performance issues. I play with everything on high, shadows on low, trees at 50%. ... I also play on a laptop and get 60+ FPS everywhere except for in populated cities/imperial fleet where I am at 25 to 35 fps.
  12. haha love that screenshot... It looks like you are about to get hit by a train! GG Republic scum!
  13. I have not seen the speeder you mentioned and exploring torhead and other various threads, its not an available mount. I find the best selection of lvl 25 speeders to be on Tatooine. Good luck.
  14. Exactly! I could seriously have BBQ chicken wings in the middle of main tanking HM 25 man raids with my prot pally and not get any BBQ sauce on my keyboard or mouse...
  15. as a lvl 45 Assassin tank, I have no clue *** you are talking about. Being a tank in WoW for 7 years MTing Raids, Dungeons, etc., I find it extremly easy to tank in this game. Infact, I find tanking FUN for once.
  16. I will be re-subbing 100%. Game is great. This is one of the best MMOs i've played and considering its been live for about a month, I can only imagine how amazing it will become in the future. I played WoW for 7 years and I remember how it was upon release. All I can say is, Im looking forward to my adventures in SWTOR.
  17. ... Or perhaps there really was an issue with the patch so they want to continue further testing before releasing it on live? ... I don't know, seems legit.
  18. Primary Stats are: Willpower > Endurance Secondary Stats are: Power > Surge > Crit
  19. I had a hell of a time as Deception. Almost gave up on Assassins. Respecced to 31/0/10 full Darkness. Night and Day difference. I use a DPS companion now and I just steamroll through everything. First time ever, took out a gold elite champ and a silver elite champ at the same time. Still had 70% health left... lol. I basically use Resolve gear with a shield gen. Its awesome. Can't wait to get Talos, i'd imagine it will be EZ mode at that point
  20. Its funny, because reading through all 14 pages, I find a lot of you having the same issues I have with my lvl 37 IA. I am heavy Deception at the moment and I found it really annoying to have to stop after every pull and heal myself and Khem. I keep Khem VERY well geared and it was just annoying compare to playing my lvl 20 Merc who just steamrolls everything without any downtime. Do I feel its a broken class? Not at all. I honestly never took the time to study the Deception mechanics, or watch for buffs, debuffs, etc. I can say that its most likley the player, and not the class. To be an effective Assassin, you DO need to KNOW your class and know the mechanics. I am respeccing to Darkness tonight to have that "unstoppable" feeling so I'll post here again to tell you all how it goes. I will also pick up Talos probably to get the heals.
  21. Auto-follow will 'make or break' this game for you? Seriously? LOL... I read through these forums quite a bit and your post, sir, is by far a win!
  22. I had the same issue, but it turned out to be my ATI drivers. If you are rolling ATI, get the 12.1 preview drivers.
  23. I have played WoW for 7 years. Loved the game but it evolved into something I find boring. I am a mere lvl 14 Sith Assassin but boy am I having fun. Leveling is slow, which I like, and I too am taking the time to enjoy the scenery. I find myself going off the beaten path just to explore things... I have never done this. The voice acting on each quest makes this game so immersive, that I find myself actually caring about the choices I make. For a game that was JUST released, I am truly fascinated. Good job Bioware! The great thing about this is, there is MORE to come. Fixes, additions, etc. It makes it very exciting.
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