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Everything posted by jackrunip

  1. You should probably make a post in the "Customer Service" section of the forums Clike here for a shortcut
  2. Thanks for adding this! Balance was my preferred spec before they made it SUPER boring in 2.0. Hope this eventually gets looked at.
  3. Oh my, couldn't even read that mess. Please make your argument look neater in the future.
  4. Oh god, that backpedaling scoundrel.
  5. I like what you've got here so far (as far as the warzone guides are concerned). Will keep checking.
  6. I feel like this needs bumped... While I'm at it I may as well shout out to someone. I apologize I can't remember the name, (rh????) an operative I had the pleasure of meeting in a huttball match. Thank you for constantly asking my commando to put a shirt on, really made me smile! Let's see some more RP in our PvP!
  7. Oh woops, apologies sir. My brain doesn't always function at work. I meant Pax. Think of it this way, my mind knew it was one of the imp guilds that had a positive effect on the server community. That was either Silent Council or Pax (mix a low caffeine count into there and you see why I mixed you two up)
  8. Interesting...first Silent Council and now Regulators.
  9. Well, think of it this way. The only reason you'd have to face the PvE damage is if your DPS sucks.
  10. I feel like most people would have dabbled with PvP for a short time just to try it out. The game was new, things were exciting and had potential. At this point though I guess we really have no idea what % of people actually play swtor FOR the pvp. I'll still stick to my belief that PvPers are a minority which is why BioWare doesn't put PvP related fixes as a priority. Regardless, I thank you for bringing that post to my attention. *raises glass* Here's to hoping that some GOOD changes happen when they finally get around to it!
  11. I would prefer a genuine Swtor.com poll (perhaps done in-game for those who don't use the website) so we can actually see the percentages. As far as I know that doesn't exist though. So I based my numbers off of a poll that was done a couple weeks ago. (Seemed accurate enough seeing that shadow tank was voted the worst tank/smash and sniper most preferred dps, etc...) Most of the people I know prefer PvE to PvP and don't even use the forums, so my view of things is that there are more PvE players that don't post than the PvP players that flood the forum.
  12. That may be true, but I think we can agree that a lot of the people in warzones are bad enough where their opinion shouldn't really count. I agree that the time to fix things or address concerns is disheartening (Look at how long bubble stun was around...they didn't even quick-fix the improper resolve gain. ) I don't think that imbalance is widely accepted though...just look at all those threads calling for smash monkey nerfs, or how many ACs aren't viable for ranked, or how operative healing is OP...etc.
  13. /sign This would be a welcome addition. I get tired of sitting around the campfire all the time.
  14. Unfortunately I couldn't find the reddit poll results that showed only 10-15% of those polled play pvp exclusively. I think it was somewhere at the 50-60% mark for pve only. There aren't more pvpers...they just happen to QQ the most.
  15. I'll let the guild know the time schedule, maybe we'll be able to get something together.
  16. Hence the reason I said "mix" of those guilds. I've been invited to a few ops groups where AB, Core, Inconceivable, Republic, and other misc players will super queue while waiting for ranked to take place...sadly, the ranked usually never pops, at least the times I've been around. Personally I'd be more than happy to go up for ranked if I find another group to run against...but like I said before, I'm not the person who sets up ranked and I can be somewhat shy when it comes to making my ideas known.
  17. To be honest, the reason that I didn't stay on Pot5 with my couple toons was because I hated having my legacy split. I have 12 toons currently and to transfer them all would be a ridiculous amount of money. On top of that the majority of my friends were on the Ebon Hawk because they were PvE players. The fact that the 50,000 total kills I was working for was then split on each server didn't help matters at all. The final decision on my part to stay on Ebon Hawk was mainly driven by the lack of friends on Pot5. It wasn't a "OMG these guys beat me SO bad I'm gonna go back to a RP server and pug stomp so I can feel better about myself!" mentality. To be honest, I wish that Ebon Hawk was magically merged with Pot5 so I could have the faster queue pops and still maintain all of my friends. As far as the ranked is concerned I dunno...I'm not in charge of arranging any ranked competition. (and it's not like there's an abundance of ranked going on). I think <Republic> did do 1 ranked match a couple weeks ago (I wasn't a part of it) but the other team was unable to queue after that. I congratulate you! I love when those epic pug moments happen! <3 Send Hex my love too when you're over there!
  18. The purpose of super queuing is not because we find it fun to "murder all the helpless pugs". There are a few reasons: 1) Bad losing streak because of some very stupid players that end up on our team. Grouping up gives us less of a chance to get these types of people; or if we do they can usually be carried. 2) We like to play together and there will usually be anywhere from 4-13 eligible people online at the same time. 3) We aren't the only guild to do this, Project Mayhem runs super queues as well as a mix of Inconceivable, Azure Blades, and The Core. I enjoy when we come up against them because the matches usually end up being VERY close. Basically super queues happen because too many people want to play together and some of the pugs out there make me want to kill myself. Super queues can also be accidental if we happen to have 2 four man groups queuing. NOTE: If we happen to get on opposite teams we don't quit the match. We fight against each other, have fun...cause you know, it's a game. MORE NOTES: I personally will also solo queue a lot of my matches.
  19. Usually I'll focus on objectives but there are a few instances where I've been guilty of ignoring them for the sake of deathmatching. 1) O'b'two is on the other team, I enjoy listening to his comments and the only way to do that is focusing him constantly 2) Nillard is on the other team, I get a cookie every time he rage quits. 3) There are those times where I just want to kill people (Because why else would BW give Powertechs a spammable retractable blade unless they intended us to STAB ALL TEH THINGS!)
  20. Perhaps they are going to rework the way 8v8 ranked is done? If their plan was to abandon the concept entirely then it would make sense to leave it in, forever in pre-season, for those few that want to play it. Although, it'll probably be like the "world pvp" concept. (We're going to release it later when it's fixed...probably won't be for a few years.)
  21. He was probably referring to the fact that they won with less kills than the empire team.
  22. That's how everyone on an RP server plays. We stand facing each other in the warzone, /roll(ing) and screaming "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!" after the match (naturally a draw since we can't handle defeat) we all go sing Kumbaya around the cantina and hug. The More You Know™
  23. Hex has been hosting Fight Club LONG before they transferred over to Pot5. Their performance in ranked has NOTHING to do with running this event. At least back on Ebon Hawk we were grateful to have someone organize events...
  24. It reminds me of those Runescape guides I used to pirate online because they wanted $20 for them
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